Would you ever get plastic surgery?

Would you ever get plastic surgery?

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If I ever in the lottery, or somehow marry a rich guy, I'll turn myself into a bimbo

Nose. i got a big ass nose

>As a white man
Sure you are, Tiger

If I would gain height without sacrificing functionality

Plastic surgery is self-improvement for the weak of will.
It is accepting that you are too undisciplined to change anything, and prefer consuming products and services.

Only if I was horribly disfigured somehow.

How are you meant to change a fucked up facial feature without it. That has nothing to do with discipline.

Your idea of fucked up facial features is probably 'omg my eyes are 5mm too far apart and me nose has a tiny bump in the middle girls will never like me'

No and shame that she did.
I'd understand the boobs but why the face damn

Fucked up as in birth defect/disfiguring accident? Corrective surgery has nothing to do with the likes of the bimbo in the OP.
Anything not medically considered an issue is you being too weak willed to change it, or work (maybe with a therapist) on accepting it, and improving all other aspects.
Getting non-corrective plastic surgery is bending over to ever-changing societal ideals, and is as bluepilled as it gets. Especially when done to your face, blanding all characteristic features into some fucked up anime crap.

That’s what the whole purpose when war veterans have disfigured faces. Then women turn it into a build a bimbo workshop

same poster

There's an ASMR girl I like that has obviously had a bad nosejob. Her videos are great but I just can't take my eyes off her Michael Jackson nose. I dated a girl in high school that had a big schnoz but she was so sweet. Having a naturally big nose is better than letting some plastic surgeon fuck your shit up for life.

What exactly was done to her face?

Lips, nose, botox I think

Hello, schlomo

What retard guys actually like fake tits? And furthermore what retard woman actually gets fake tits in this day and age?

I just want bigger tits, ok?

I don't care how small they are, natural breasts always look better than porn star pontoons.

Fake tits can actually look real good now. I guess it all depends, she was pretty flat before so I can see why she'd do it. Some girls have nice real tits but want bigger ones, that's when I disagree

No. I'm already beautiful.

>Fake tits can actually look real good now.
No they don't. They always look like two big orbs on either side of their chest. No surgeon can imitate the natural beauty of the human body.

>it's either natural or amy anderssen tier

I'll defo get under eye fillers cause my eye area looks like shit if I het the money also the procedure is fairly quick and painless. Probably not gonna do anything else tho.

I have pancake boobs, in front they look big but on the side they are almost flat. I hate it

Guess I'm a weirdo cause I prefer the right pic

Post so I can evaluate them for you.

You're a coomer.

And proud of it

This guy gets it.

Repent coomer.
The gulags are waiting.

No. I have loose skin from when I was obese and gyno that won't go away but I can still build lots of muscle and bust my ass to look semi-decent.

People who judge me based only on looks and nothing else aren't the kind of people I want in my life anyway

How much did you weigh at your biggest?

No and im ugly as sin

I want to remove some of my ribs

she went from a 6.5 to a 4 damn

>I'd understand the boobs
Who's letting the peasents post online again?

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I thought this until i had big fake tits right in front of my face

I'm a rich guy,
Are you m or f?
Actually it doesn't matter, you'll be f when I'm done with you

already had to get my dick shrunk after your mom complained about the sheer girth of my cock meat

I understand girls who take small implants if they are literally flat but not shallow bitches who ain't satisfied with their B-cup tits.

Kek, where do you live?

>natural beauty of the human body

>implyng the ironing board isn't the absolute standard of refined taste

So should you. Out of your closet.

I'm an artist so I'm disappointed by people who disfigure the natural beauty of the human body with surgery and tattoos.

Why are you even on this board?


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haha this kike actually had her parents pay for fake tits and shes only 18

>had her parents pay for fake tits
I hope this isn't true

No and I think people who do should be shunned by society. I'll never understand those girl who put plastic into their tits and they're actually proud of that and show it off. It's fake, your genetics suck.

>Yeah brah dude
>I totally love those big tits haha
>right bros?
>cos guys love the milkies hehe
>big old titties on woman
>that guy sure looks cu- I mean what? haha

I hear ya. I have small boobs, and they're flat now. No amount of benching perks them up and they look like shit. I'd get a boob job but I just don't think cutting a muscle and shoving silicone under it is a good idea. I'll wait until they come up with something better.

The only women I've ever seen IRL with fake tits are middle age and elderly trophy wives. I guess young thots do it too but I've never seen one.

Well, you've got thousands upon thousands of instacunts who not only have surgery, but use filters, photoshop and posing to show off some amazing body that really isn't theirs. There is a thread up right now of some bow legged bitch who stands like a polio cripple and all the comments are thirty NEETs sayong how amazingly hot she is.

Other girls see these reactions and then suck enough cock to pay someone to shove silicone under their chest muscles.

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*sorry: thirsty NEETs saying

Thirty thirsty neets thriving on thots.

I like fake tits. It’s my fetish.


Unless you're gook. If so, fuck off you shovel faced slag.