ITT: goal physiques

ITT: goal physiques

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>Just drink water
hahahaha ha....

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of dense muscle


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>dense muscle

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dude looks like hes about to slap everyone to eternal sleep

The Overman.

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Might be able to reach this after building a base up and going on some gear.

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Not just to be fit but age fit.

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Who is that?

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You know his name is in the file name right?

2% fat and stronger than 3 of you combined.

Im a manlet like him and Kit Harrington and their body types are my goal

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you missing a hand there friendo?

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The white guy, no shirt.

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good goals g, achievable natty in the long term or achievable with a little winstrol

>stronger than 3 of you combined


>2% fat
Hahahaha hahahaha this fucking retard

This guy is the manliest man I have ever seen

you die under 4%. Bruce Lee is about 7% in that picture. Top IFBB pro bodybuilders hover at 5% at show days for reference.

There was a picture of a strong as fuck smiling Mongolian one arm hugging a girl here couple years ago. I'm trying to get as big as that guy. Getting closer though.

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Do I need to just do cardio or lifting too? Also what should my diet be like?

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Bruce Lee squatted 95lbs 3x10. He was a weakling. He's just an actor.

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Is this achievable natty? =\

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Nope. Do some var cycles.

Okay, I think that's out of the picture then. ='/

Let's face it, Bruce Lee looked so good at such a low bodyweight because of his genetics. Look at the lower weight class UFC guys and boxers who are skinny and ripped and don't look nearly as good, look at Jackie Chan in his prime who was arguably even more conditioned and still didn't look as good. Bruce just had beautiful chest insertions, abs, and everything was perfectly proportioned... so if that's your goal physique you better be fucking blessed by the Gods or else you're going to want to to put more mass on.

He has the same physique as Cristiano ronaldo which isn't very aesthetic desu

Good observation, but most girls would beg to differ, and I also think Ronaldo looks good super ripped because of his good insertions, although they are not quite as perfect as Bruce's were. Bruce also had a smaller waist and bigger lats which made him look sleeker than Ronaldo.


be honest bros, can this be done naturally?

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yes, but I doubt he did

I mean going from a literal skeleton to this in 6 months probably not

Who is this fag?

Do you not see the water getting bent and blurry, especially around her waist? How fucking dumb, young and naive are you to look at instagram crap photos and not know these things are photoshopped to death? Yea, sure this is totally natural and real. I hope gullible fucks like you spend the next 10 years getting an eating disorder because you want to look like something that doesn't even exist. It's like striving to look like an anime character.

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2001 scoob forever my goal

He looks so Italian it's funny

user, are you okay? You seem pretty worked up about this. Eating disorders are pretty serious and I don't think you should wish them on anyone.

>Tfw forgot my entire bag
>Workout ruined
>These bitches probably think i’m just some DYEL or lightweight
>Rich, give me strength from the grave :(

How do I achieve this mode?


Which movie is that?

I want to achieve a regular toned body but with small waist and big hips like a woman, is that even possible?
Im skinny fat atm because i stopped doing sports and shit

How do I become him?

God i hate chink lee cock suckers

Big Boss?

cape fear

Something looks off about the shape of his muscles. As if it's been edited or something.

Is this achievable Natty?
