Coomers on suicide watch. Does this happens to you?

Coomers on suicide watch. Does this happens to you?

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I fap 3 times a day and yes all the symptoms are true, can't help myself I'm 20 and a sad virgin.

I fap twice a week and have these symptoms

will our parkinson's tremors take away our gains?

I have all of these except for the first two in the right and low sex

I literally have all except sugar and carb cravings

it helps you to masturbate harder, so yes


>fap 3 times a day
>half of these symptoms match
>should have low sex drive
>but fap 3 times a day
I don't get it

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When was the last time you hit a real woman?

But these things are so vague that it could be related to anything

I fap on average 4 times a day, the only difference nofap does is make me really tense and frustrated

I asked a real girl out once and she said no, that's the extent of my romantic life.


Keep trying bro, numbers game

i'm an ex opiate addict so yes hopefully shit will get sorted soon

Adderall literally cures all of those

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Same. Dropped them six years ago but still experience all of these symptoms.

Fucking nofap incels.

Lack of enthusiasm - depends on towards what? Job fuck no nobody has emthusiasm for that

Depressed - you fucking fags don't need to fap to be depressed

Impulsiveness - can literally happen to anyone who had a bad day

Fatique - no correlation to cooming whatsoever, just don't stay up til 4am you filthy animals

Lack of focus - again depends on focusing on what, boring job? Ofc you can't.

Sugar cravings - fat fucks don't get fat because they beat their fucking cocks all day, actual bs

Trouble waking up - don't stay up til 4 am faggot

Cold hands, feet - Is actually a common occurence especially at desk jobs where YOU BARELY FUCKING MOVE FOR 8 HOURS STRAIGHT no wonder your limbs fucking die.

Low sex drive - don't worry this won't affect your average Yas Forumsizen

Struggling to finish project - again fucking third time, if it's boring it's fucking boring

Restless leg - idk what tf that is

Parkinsoan detto idk

So out of 12 maybe 2 can be caused by cooming

Stop the fucking nofap, just don't get addicted and you'll be fine.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

So a friend of mine is a 21 yo khv, suppose he has a chance with a girl hes not attracted to,and doesnt want to just use her because it seems that she would develop feels for him.Should he try and fuck her anyway, is it even worth pursuing sex if theres no attraction?
Hes probably going to ask her out just to see where it goes anyway,and get some xp, but he would like opinions from a saudi arabian stoning techniques forum

>Durr i look at image on phone and not women

Fuck brahz, After looking at that chart imma try the NoFap shit.

fuck man, got clean like a year ago and thought shit would get better. 6 years? that's fucked

>got low dopamine because I jerked off too much
>because I have low dopamine I have strong cravings to jerk off


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I'm sorry that you're retarded

Holy shit this is literally me. Fuck, fuck, fuck

Pseudoscience: the thread

Masturbating doesnt mean sex drive
I know it’s hard to believe but I’ve come to believe a majority of coomers do it more out of conditioned habit/boredom than anything else.

What measures are you taking to recover fully?

coomers blown the fuck out
anyone that cooms is a cuck

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Thanks brah

exterminate the coomers

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oh shit

beat my meat twice yesterday and have 11/12 of these. no porn/fap was going so good but i stopped reading the bible in the morning and then gave in.

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I did nofap and was completely sober for six months and was still like this. my brain is just fucked

Unionically try the carnivore diet

is heavy porn use akin to a hard drug? I quit porn but I still drink and smoke weed and the negatives/ hangovers from those don't even seem to come close to the hangover from a porn binge

Yep, amphetamines give you dopamine, pure and simple. It's amazin

Jesus. These Jews are unbelievable.


lol retard go learn to talk to people, dont be fat. You'll get there unless youre under 5'5". Youre literally a college kid

Couple hours from day 6. Feels good brahs.

i'm like 5 months in, longest streak ever after years of trying and failing. a lot has changed in my life and i'm doing things i never thought I'd do, it's like my life has finally started. Stick with it and have faith bros, there where times where i was really, really close to failing but i put my faith in the gods and the gods found themselves generous enough to send just a little bit of help my way to get me through the urges

i've had rejections, breakups, deaths in the family, this cornoavirus meme etc, all of which would have ruined me back when i was coomer, but on nofap i can handle all this shit with no problem, i am legit fulfilling my potential

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These are just things every average person has, gtfo nofap-nobrain

i have every single symptome and they're pretty bad
i fap once or twice a day
why the fuck does my urologist sugges me to fap what a fucking faggot

Cope, amph addict
t. Enlightened Modafinil user

im on modafinil because sleep doc wouldn't prescribe me addy, it sucks and isn't close.

any pills that can help me with that

While watching sissy porn I have noticed a sudden rise in sissy videos with Russian subtitles or audio. You don't see that shit for other peoples, why so many sissy videos so suddenly all in Russian? No way that shit isn't a psyop given the western powers attitudes to Russia.

fuck you op:
>Low dopamine is linked to numerous mental health disorders but does not directly cause these conditions.
>It is also thought that drug abuse can affect dopamine levels. Studies have shown that repeated drug use could alter the thresholds required for dopamine cell activation and signalling.
>Diets high in sugar and saturated fats can suppress dopamine, and a lack of protein in a person’s diet could mean they do not have enough l-tyrosine, which is an amino acid that helps to build dopamine in the body

People on Yas Forums are fat, depressed loser no wonder you fags have those symptoms. get in shape nigger.

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u coudlnt finish that sentence are there other tasks u cant

I'm seasonal NEET
I work as a pool Lifeguard and I beg Corona-chan to not make me lose my job

I'm about 4 months in. It's very strange how alien the prospect of whacking it off becomes after such a long period. The thought of fapping feels like suicide almost, not because it would be bad, but because it is simply so far removed from my mind and unimaginable. I don't even think about fapping at all in any sense other than intellectual notion of it, such as like how I'm writing about it now. I promised myself my next nut would be from by release of a woman, alas the virus seems to be interfering with that idea. But this is a test. As Odysseus said - "bring the trial on!" How long have I endured this, to waste it all with nothing accomplished would be the ultimate insult to my character. Stay strong brother! Although at the point we're both at it isn't that much difficult, at least relatively speaking. I wish you good luck on your nofap voyage, and may many great gains come your way.

To anyone uninitiated reading my post, I implore you to give nofap a go. There is a struggle, but of course, there is a return to normality as with all things in life. Nofap will become your default state of being, and the nut will become one lower, beneath you. I challenge whoever is reading this, go one month without fapping! But then, decide on your own whether you shall pursue. For after one month you will see what nofap has to offer and if you are a man of proper mettle you will choose to continue by your own accord. Hark!

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I successfully did NoFap for 50 days once and I haven't felt that good in a long time after I relapsed I started feeling like a piece of utter shit again anyway let's do a check up:
> Lack of drive, motivation and enthusiasm
True, I wonder of during maldaptive daydreaming, but never actually go about implementing any of the good thoughts I had during that session and more and more I'm just creating self insertion fantasies to cope with my sad reality
> Trouble waking up in the morning
I work until 11pm so I'm not as capable, to wake up early but I have problems falling asleep it is in part related to fapping as during NoFap I was able to go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 5:15~5:40AM w/o an alarm clock, but that was before my job and during my current work I was able to wake up between 7am and 8am when on NoFap, now I wake up at 10am..
> Depressing, bored or apathetic
Not depressed, only after I fap or consume some content, bored all the time and apathetic most of the time
> Cold hands and feet
Very cold, but I can't remember if it was different when I didn't fap
> Impulsiveness
I noticed a lack of bad decisions during NoFap
> Low sex drive
I'm a virgin so idk
> Mental and physical... bla bla
Yes during coomer times, no during NoFap
> Struggling to finish projects or tasks
This is my biggest problem during coomer times
Yes during coomer times, also yes during NoFap but less so and as time went on it became weaker and if I had kept at it for 90+ days and taken zinc pills I'd been back to normal
> Restless Leg
> Sugar and...
I don't eat sweets, but I have carvings after fapping or just before and zero during NoFap, but the carvings only go away after 10 days in or so
> Tremor
I don't know what this is so I probably don't have it

Anyway fapping sucks, I am gonna quit forever fuck this shit

The state of coomers forever stuck in the bargain step, sad

dopamine is easy to get, the real problem is serotonin deficiency

agreed. mod is shit

this. coomers btfo