/fast/ - No Prep Required Edition

What is fasting?
>A period of time where you don't consume ANY calories
What is the shortest time I can fast?
>16:8. A 16 hour fast and 8 hour eating window per day
What is the longest time I can fast?
>You can fast as long as you have more than 8% body fat and supplement correctly
How do I supplement correctly?
>Get enough minerals. Mainly sodium and potassium
Where do I get sodium and potassium?
>Sodium Chloride is table salt or pink salt. Potassium Chloride is salt substitute, found by the salt in grocery stores
Can I just take sodium without potassium?
>No. This is how you fuck your shit up. Potassium is non-negotiable
How much sodium and potassium?
>2500 mg / 1 teaspoon of each is a good start
Can I take all the salt at once?
>No. You will shit yourself and flush electrolytes. Mix the salts with 1-2 L of water and sip throughout the day. Mixture is called snake juice
Can I just drink water without salts?
>For shorter fasts, yes. But for long ones, you'll deplete your electrolytes and feel like shit
How long can I go on just water?
>Til you feel like shit
Any other minerals I need?
>Some add magnesium to their routine as well
What about multivitamins?
>Not really necessary
Anything else I can add to my routine?
>If your gut is fucked, you can add cayenne pepper
>Some do 1 tsp of baking soda and 0.5 tsp sodium cl for kidney health
>Some take ACV and lemon juice. Acids fuck your teeth, so don't mix with snake juice. Take separately
Coffee, tea, sweeteners?
>Can raise cortisol and insulin, reducing effects of fasting. Otherwise okay
Why not just do CICO?
>CICO fucks with both your TDE and your insulin levels in ways that fasting does not. Also, fasting has other health benefits
What are the other benefits of fasting?
>Autophagy, reduced inflammation, HGH boost, immune system recovery, increased insulin sensitivity, more muscle sparing

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Read the fucking OP before asking questions.

I've done a few 24s. This is my first time going for 48. I woke up kind of with a wonky achy head. Is this a keto flu? Lots of people say 48s dont require snake juice, so I just have to deal with it?

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I'm bulking, what can fasting do for me?

>What are the other benefits of fasting?
Autophagy, reduced inflammation, HGH boost, immune system recovery, increased insulin sensitivity

anybody worried about the implications of immuno-weakness from fasting?

>immuno-weakness from fasting
The opposite is true.

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Posting this one last time

so is the rule of 3 basically a myth when it comes to 3 weeks without food?

it is possible for a human to fast for more than three weeks given they have enough fat stored to survive?

I just watched Cole's latest clip and actually tried drinking some of my piss, it didn't taste very good, sort of sour, it was a deep yellow.

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>cortisol spike dampens your immune system
>doctor telling us not to extended fast
I'm calling it at 90h
it's down to ADF for now, bitches

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some guy did well over a year without food at all, as long as you have bodyfat *above 10% to be safe*, and get some salt inya daily water intake you should be gold. Just whenya break that fucklong fast id advise you look up a refeed guide cause if you go ham right off the bat it could have deadly consequences.

I'm 10%BF and want to cut to 6-8%
I shouldn't fast, right? That'd be stupid in my case, right?

Anyone else dabbing on the stupid livestock hoarding food from Costco, and embarking on a legit water+salts fast for at least a week?

I'm starting tomorrow. These fucking idiots have given me a golden opportunity to test my resolve and temper my body.

I'm ready, you fat fucking animals.

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What do you guys look like? Will fasting make me visually awesome?

Basically, like male models with chiseled, natural features.

People who don't fast develop "carb face" syndrome where their natural face structure is obscured by flesh making them look like pudgy greaseballs.

That stuff is dangerous!
Eat more vegitables and lean meats instead!

>no fat
Fuck off

People have done over 3 week fasts, it all depends on your body fat

which wegmans did you take this picture at?

If everything is still on lockdown after April 20th I'm gonna fast twice a month instead of once. So one 72 hour and one 96 hour. It'll save me some money and the trouble of going outside and fighting off the hoarders.

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If I'm doing a healthy meal OMAD, I shouldn't have to drink snake juice right?

No, just water's good

I feel like shit and I'm not sure why.



Same. Started 4 days ago when I realized faggots would be draining supermarkets.

Going to do 14 days water fast then start consuming 2-3 scoops of left-over protein powder PSMF style

>science correspondent
Wow, awesome post, great headline, I love science.


A pinch of salt on my tongue gets rid of fasting headaches immediately

I am attempting my first 24hr fast starting when I awake tomorrow.
Thank yall for the relentless generals about fasting it was inspiring.

Increased insulin sensitivity is important for building muscle. Eating every 2 to 3 hours while bulking will decrease your insulin sensitivity fast, and don’t even get me started on those garbage weight gainer powders. Those guys that permabulk and eat constantly and they get the shakes an hour after eating because they think they have a fast metabolism, that’s shitty insulin sensitivity. Their body isn’t burning through a 500 calorie meal in 2 hours or less, their insulin sensitivity is so low that their body is acting as if they have low blood sugar when they don’t. It’s bad for muscle growth and fat burning and given enough time can lead to diabetes.

Intermittent fasting while cutting fixes it. And eventually you’ll learn that bulking and cutting is a waste of time.

why is a bad refeed so dangerous bros

>moving this weekend
>thinking about what i have to take
>small box of toiletries, books and pens
>my computer
>my desk and orange crate chair
>blanket to sleep on floor with
>foam roller/ exercise mat
>Don't even need food because of 2 week fast
Feels good man

Pussy ass faggot.


I was jazzed up to break my PR of 6 days but even Cole is saying not to do long fasts during this pandemic god dammit now I'm eating a pot of beans.

Guys I'm 275 and pretty athletic but I have a spare tire I want to lose as quickly as possible. Can I just fast it straight off? Like just not eat for a month?

Fuck yourself, faggot

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I'm hungry!

then go and search (for papers) yourself

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>have a flu virus
>not sure if corona
>do interminent fasting, no breakfast

Should I eat breakfast & stop the fasting now that I am ill?

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I read a paper on the mater it was inconclusive, in some cases exophagie happen and virus get eaten, in other case virus profit from it to spread quicker.

Fasting is great for losing weight, but isn't it bad for muscles ?What's the point of exercising if the body "eats" muscles to survive ?
This whole fasting method seems counter-productive if you ask me

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Convince me not to buy snake juice packets on Amazon
don't underestimate how lazy I am

fasting boosts mtor they found it preserves more muscle than cico without exercise just preference desu

Are you saying fasting without exercise preserves muscle better than cico with/without?

Source to studies.

Why does Cole keep trying to shill drinking piss?

Should a guy with muscles who's trying to cut down because coronachan is making protein hard to stockpile be doing OMAD/IF? Regular Snake Juice fast and if so, for how long?

I don't know which video from Cole I'm supposed to be watching. Carnivore diet is out of the question right now.

FUUUUCK I am so full of adrenaline! Not hungry at all just on full hunting mode.

will working out in a fasted state help me cut better and how much should i eat in the eating period

Day 5. Salt tastes like sugar.

Yeah this is getting ridiculous.

At some points I'm down but the instead a bit of excitement gets to me and I'm ready to fucking smash someone's face in and leap up a wall.

Classmate went off on me with "starvation mode" B.S. the other week. I told her that starvation mode is burning fat. Why would your body store fat and then just not use it? What sort of MK Ultra shit did the USDA do to hypnotize people into having no common sense about nutrition?

>Coffee, tea, sweeteners?
I think this needs to be amended. The general rule is that if it contains calories, it's a no. Plain black coffee and plain tea are fine. Sweeteners that are "zero calorie" typically are sugar alcohol or worse and should be avoided anyway. There's a lot of info out there to see if certain things break a fast. Google it if unsure. The best rule of thumb, however, is black coffee, water, plain tea.

Don't black coffee and plan tea still have calories in them?

So I've been having one weird effect from the 16/8 i've been on for a little over a month now. Have dropped some great weight, no lifts have decreased though I do notice an energy difference when doing fasted workouts. At any rate, when I break my fast, I eat a 5 egg omelette. 2 whole eggs, 3 whites. Nothing else unless the prior day was a hard workout, then I might add a few oz chicken in the eggs.

20-30 minutes after I eat, I feel hungry. It goes away rather quickly but it's unmistakable. I am having no carbs, no sugars, no carb-like items. Just the omelette and water. What gives? I know there is an insulin spike to go process food, any food, but i'm wondering if i'm fucking something up.

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>I told her that starvation mode is burning fat. Why would your body store fat and then just not use it?

It's a phenomena of "20,000 people tell me 20,000 different things on the internet, and since they're half anonymous, I just pick which one sounds official and that I agree with, and that is now the truth"

Some fatty somewhere said "you can't lose weight counting calories, because then you enter starvation mode, where instead of using 2000 calories a day TDEE (or whatever) it now magically is 200 calories TDEE, since your body is trying to fight starvation, so you see, cutting calories actually makes you GAIN weight, because now you're eating 500 calories a day while needing 200"

I wish I was kidding, but that's the exact argument

I remember some Cole vid where he tells people to go on a shorter fast first, refeed and THEN try a longer one.
Does anybody know what time windows he meant for those?

there were some studies about lowered tdees when you lower your caloric intake drastically but thats like 100-300kcal a day at most, not thousands like what many retards assume.

I'd like to sit down and prepare some snake juice for a couple of days.
Whats a good container to store the mixed but still dry stuff?

It's because you're throwing away a yolk

Crushed Bean water? 2 kcal or so per cup. Will not break a fast.

Deadly how and how long to face these consequences?