How much of a Chad are you? Take the test

Take the test:

>90+ There is no hope
>80-90 It never even began
>70-80 Incel
>60-70 Normie
>50-60 Chadlite
>40-50 Chad
>30-40 Giga Chad

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It's not a roll, go to the link retard.

Naw man, I like my way better.


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76, but only because of drugs. Otherwise I'd probably be borderline "It never even began"

Kissed and held hands virgin

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Fuck answering all those questions



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Based retard

I agree with this dude

That survey is fucking gay


It won't take you long, since you're a virgin and all.

5. kissed a non family member
6. kissed a non family member on the lips
what if i kissed a family member unlike most would?


I answered this completely honestly and got a 30. I'm also 32 and went to a 4 year public university. I don't think my experience is too different from most men my age.


Bow to me mortals. THIRTYEIGHT 38. .
That should be possible for anyone who's had a relationship though.

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I got a 39, but this test must be fucked because I am NOT a chad.

damn below 30, I must be the giga chad ultimate

There may be hope yet, lads

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93 KHHV here

I buy always buy the cheapest sack I can, should I be concerned with purity?


>are you a chad?
>fucked an animal? +1
Survey is gay

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Based. ROLL

Bet you're regretting that now retard

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omega chad?

99 eh... Faggot

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We are the pure who shall inherit the Earth in the End Days, and God shall look at us and smile like he has not smiled since the dawn of Creation.

Why are all the questions sex related?

I can be 100% certain this test was not made by a chad.

64 and i am a half-pajeet turbo autist

>borderline chadlite
>not even in good shape yet; obese
I'll see you on the other side of the "made it" door, boys

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I am beyond human

absurdly based

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51 but I'm not a Chadlite. I haven't pursued sex in 2 years.

>commiting bestiality makes me more of a chad
>having an STD makes me more of a chad
>Paying for a sexual act makes me more of a chad
what did he mean by this?

score is 100, beat that suckers

90. I can already feel the wizard's power running through my veings

55, most points contributed because i fucked my cousin .

My score is 44, which makes me a "Chad" according to OP.
But I'm the furthest thing from a Chad.
I'm a socially awkward loser. However, at age 29, you have done most of the things in that test. I mean, there are no 29 year old men that are still virgins or have never gotten drunk. You know what I mean? The test is pretty stupid unless you're 18 years old.

Not bad I guess

I assume some of these are negatives

19 - I am fucking shocked that these questions were so tame for a score like this. No i've never engaged in incest or bestiality but ffs how does any adult even score above 60. I'm dissapointed,

> I mean, there are no 29 year old men that are still virgins

Because you don't become a Chad by being nice

Maybe I really am a chad. I got an 11. I've did everything on there except hard drugs and a threesome, and even those I've had lots of chances.

What does this mean?

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LOL this must be written by some kid in sunday school

Holy fuck I feel degenerate

user, chad is not just sex. Chad is a movement through life that covers multiple areas.

You would know this if you were chad.


Test is shit. Got chad. Most of the stuff can be ticked off if you have a partner for a few weeks


>danced without leaving room for jesus
I left. What the fuck kind of cringe is this? Christians are cringe race mixers who have no sense of ancestry or heritage.

Got a 20 and I definitely don't consider myself a Chad at all. Yes I've gotten laid and partied a lot, but I feel that's pretty normal

I’m the Master Chad


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Bet you won't say that about my next roll fag.


based if real, i got 100 as well


Based, also rolling

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I'm going to tell you the boxes I didn't check and you can ask me about any of the other ones to disprove my score you fucking dunce. Goddamn I can smell the virginity soaking your baby smooth scrotum from here.

Unchecked boxes =


Tabulate this, faggot.

15 -- am I chad? I have social anxiety and never got much attention from girls before college, but this test seems too easy. Even for a college freshman like me. If you're at least at 'cute' level for girls' standards and lift -- and you score higher than 50 -- maybe neck yourself.


Bro even at 18 years old I scored a 15 -- without getting in trouble with the law or doing hard drugs. Hell, I did most of these things as a horny 16 year old.

holy shit almost same w cousin, 48 score. not even close to chad tho even if i'm 6'2 90kg and 10% bf
don't throw away your social circles and chances cuz of insecurities, bros


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13...I dont know how I feel about this...

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>19 years old
>scored 90

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Curious, how many chicks have you banged? I'm honestly not even a chad, or particularly sought after by girls.

40 at 19 years old, did I make it bros?

I got confused... Took two scoops of creatine today. Sorry for my outburst

I never had sex with animals or objects and never paid for sex so I'm missing a few points

First post best post


i am a hoe

>how many chicks have you banged?

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Fucking 7.
I spent years as a meth addict tho so that really helped tick some boxes.

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