What is the EASIEST, FASTEST way to get diabetes?

What is the EASIEST, FASTEST way to get diabetes?

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All carb diet


Travel to Albania and wake up without a pancreas

Be american

2 lbs of sugar a day

Directly inject insulin into your body until your insulin resistance gets so bad you become a type II diabetic.


Bleach drinks x f

Brutal keto

Quite the creative suicide strategy user



Browse /b

Cease all physical movement and drink as much mountain dew as possible every single day.

It's sad that this is literally what many americans have done and will continue doing. lol

80% carb %20 fat zero protein diet

all the carb coming from sugar and all the fat coming from vegetable oils, you get bonus heart issues too

Be black


That doesn't look healthy

Be mexican. Not even kidding. All they eat is fried tortillas and all their possible variations with a 500cc coke.

everyone posting eat mostly carbs is retarded. You get insulin resistance from overeating, our insulin sensitivity will go up on a mostly carb deficit. Eat like 5k calories a day for months in a row.

I consume 20g dextrose powder preworkout, 40g intra workout, and 60g post workout. Do the same and eventually we'll get diabetes together.

Why? So you can get a leg amputated so you have the perfect excuse to skip leg day?


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Fasting + Sugar + Vegetable oils/Pig fat/Chicken fat. This will ensure you'll have crazy levels of free fatty acids in your blood, causing the sugar to mostly just circulate and not get oxidised. Just mix rapeseed oil with sugar and you'll get good results.
Good luck OP.

My brother was diagnosed as type2 diabetic a little over 2 years ago. He went to the doc complaining of headaches and frequent urination. They drew blood and then called an ambulance to take him to the hospital. His sugars were over 500.

I've been carnivore for 5 years and he decided to join in for the weight loss. All he ate was hamburger patties and hard boiled eggs. He's the pinnacle of picky eating. He went of strict carnivore about 6 months ago. He eats potatoes, sauces like ketchup, sour cream, and drinks a boatload of milk. He still avoids seed oils. Has perfectly normal blood sugar without insulin, which he stopped taking after a month on the diet. His doctor still says it's impossible despite conducting a OGTT with multiple blood sugar readings all lining up with normal glucose metabolism.

When he started the carnivore diet I had him get a fasting insulin test, it was just over 50, today it's under 4. It went under 10 after only a year.

Dude the other day i hate ice cream after not getting one for a long time and i crashed hard.
Fell asleep in like 15 minutes after eating it, now i'm scared as fuck.

Were you fasting prior to eating the ice cream?

Yes, it was very bad idea.

Fast food and sugary soda. We're trying to produce as much insulin as physically possible in the shortest time frame. That being said usually it takes years of eating terribly before you get diabetes.

Also be black or native american, they get it easier.

Well I'm american and I have just been diagnosed with probably prediabetes which is really god damn common aparently. I mean at least I'm not really that fat , 200 lbs. So just some insert of some more healthy foods, a bit of exercise and some multivitamins will prob be fine?

Just eat less. Its really not that hard.

American? Cuz I swear americans act like fasting is some insane thing despite its documented results with diabetes, obesiety, and other health issues. This country refuses to believe that life without sugar is just objectively better and that the body will already make the sugar it needs from just eating proper foods.

>be >30% bodyfat
>don't exercise
>eat a diet consisting of 70% sugar and 20% fat (preferably trans and saturated)
>smoke weed and cigarettes
>drink a lot of alcohol
>eat all the time, even at night
>eat as many calories as you can
have fun

Fasting and giving up sugar are two different things.

That said, you should look at the average ingredient label. We have sugar in anything that's not a whole food. Even plain fucking bread has it.

Honestly I don't even eat that much. I think it's about what I eat not enough of it is healthy.

melt some sugar in water
inject that fucker into the blood
there you go

>Still thinking sugar causes diabetes

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Delude sugar in pure warm water with 1:5 ratio and drink a cup 3 times a day

Die, fatty, die.

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>I'm not really that fat
>200 lbs
Change your mindset, fatty. If you're not a giraffe, you're most likely obese.

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>probably prediabetes
Do you have to pay extra for a more specific diagnosis in america?

>OK sir your test results are in, now it's $5000 for an accurate diagnosis or $3000 to know what you probably have. Which level would you like to purchase sir?

MK677 and mcdonalds. No movement besides getting mcdonalds.

Fasting or keto

No no prediabetes just is more like a simple warning thing that wasnt what I came in about it was a bad reaction to a stomach flu and the lab tests part of the whole thing like normal showed it up. Basically just going with that I have it.

Oh and to add: like it's a borderline kinda thing I guess. Just some improvements for me need to happen nothing to be scared about yet it's fixable

Came here to post this.

Diabetes comes from BEING FAT. Heart disease comes from BEING FAT.

Prediabetes requires multiple tests to really get a good grasp of whether your average is in the narrow range. So if you test in the range doc tells you to watch your diet. Turns that's what he would tell you if more tests confirmed. Turns out that's what everyone should be doing. So why bother fucking with another test if the medical advice is the same? He probably had some other bloodwork done and they checked his a1c because fuck it might as well while they have the sample.

t. got the second test because was in the hospital and they were ruling stuff out

Yeah that wasn't the reason I was there it was because of a bad stomache flu it's just something they found when they did the routine stuff. It's not a huge deal and don't have to do any blood sugar test things. Just get my weight down a bit by exercise, increasing healthy foods etc.

he said GET not CURE you IDIOT

>adding more food will surely fix my diabetes
>yes these flintstone vitamins will surely fix my diabetes

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the states respects a handful of rich people's wallets more than their actual people. patriotism is literally retarded, this country doesn't give a fuck about us.
anyways if the government actually gave a fuck they would just force insurance and manufacturers/distributers to stop being cunts and drop their prices.
The US is the most retarded country ever (for a first world one), jesus fucking christ.
And I can't just go up north and live in the forest, it's illegal to not get constantly raped by the government.
well time for my daily raping, I hope I pre-lubed my asshole enough to take 100 cocks up my ass forcefully.

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refined white flour, sugar and linoleic acid

post full image pussy

Correct answer: Keto, Carnivore, low carb diet variation

Why does it work?

Type I is an inflammatory issue
Type II is mostly a capacitance issue where a person has hit their genetic set point for adipose fat tissue

Low carb(sugar) is low inflammatory and it does not impinge fat oxidation, ergo not fat storing. If you are eating a carb rich diet or mixed macro with carbs you must count calories, because carbs are fat storing.

Its a requirement for diabetes because the mixture with fats is extremely inflammatory and insulinogenic. Carbs are also fat storing in human physioogy, so they're quite optimal for creating a Type II diabetic. Especially when sugar doesn't signal satiety like fat or protein.

The fuck

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>just eat MORE food, take a magic pill and a "bit" of exercise
this is why it's so god damn common, you fucktard

I'm mexican. Can confirm.

An adult white male weighs 200 pounds.

200 kgs you twink faglord