Nasolabial folds

WHATS THE BEST/SAFEST WAY TO GET RID OF THIS SHIT? I always wondered why the fuck i looked straight outta model magazine under certain lightning and a fucking 50 year old crackhead on others. I photoshopped a picture of mine and with 2 swipes i discovered the goddamn biggest redpill of my life. I’m nineteen and mine are twice as deep. I always wondered wtf was wrong with my face and now it all makes sense.

Ps not pic related im not uploading mines of course

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I would like to know too.

Maybe just a bit buffy cheeks?


reverse age

Potassium Citrate 4700mg a day

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I get fillers done. $150 and lasts for like 6~12 months.

>i looked straight outta model magazine under certain lightning and a fucking 50 year old crackhead on others
I can relate. Just try to do whats good for your skin and health; sleep well, eat well, drink more, maybe try a moisturizer or a vitamin c serum. Maybe try to controll your facial muscles if you have a habit of smiling or stressing that area. Frownies could help with stopping habits like that.

Most importantly I think is just leaving it and not obsessing too much about it as its probably not that big of a deal. As I stopped looking in mirrors and reflections all the time I notice it less and less whenever I do get a glimpse of myself.

Be born with good genes

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Fat grafts, it is permanent.

Have a stroke, one of them will go away, at least

You guys are so fucking autistic and come up with the dumbest shit to nitpick. Just accept yourself as a flawed human being like we all are.. please for the love of god

Gain weight.
I did a 5 month cut and decreased my body fat percentage, but my "nasolabial folds" got worse. Not sure if it was worth it.

Are you eastern european OP? It has a bit to do with fat distribution in cheeks and bone structure; people from central/ eastern europe are a bit more predisposed to it

lol no. you must live in a backwater

You don't need to be a prettyboy, nor should it be your aim. You can look good even with prominent nasolabial folds

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I just want something quick
Got the job done though. I recently moved to San Diego so not sure how much filler costs here now.

Botox. Even if someone fucks it up it'll return back to normal eventually. Just get it done by dermatologist.


For real. Just when you think they couldn't possibly find something more stupid to obsess over. Someone was posting about their goddamn kneecaps the other day.

You actually have body dysmorphia if you care about something this minor. Trust me girls do not give a fuck about something this unnoticeable.

It's genetic. Look for pics of your parents when they were young.

lose weight fatass

where you workout at?

just because you're in denial that you're a kneecaplet doesn't mean the rest of us have to be too

Had 24 hour gym membership in downtown but it closed. The Gym is open. So I'm planning to join there.

tell me more

Lose weight, stop eating carbs to stop bloating.

I suspect that they're the result of loss of skin elasticity in the skin between the fold and the temple, at least in my case. Anything that improves elasticity there should be fine.

You can't, it's 100% genetic. I'm 30 years old and people regularly assume I'm 10 years younger because I don't them. Meanwhile, I've seen teenagers with pronounced folds.

I find nasolabial folds to be very sexy in the Irish women I fawn over

face yoga

How do I get rid of forehead wrinkles?

I'm cutting down my coffee to 1 cup a day and drinking more water. Seems to help so far, but what else can I do? Aloe vera?

Get off the internet you fucking loser

Try to break the habit of furrowing your brow. Watch other people... for some reason, a lot of people can't talk without raising their eyebrows. It causes permanent wrinkles.

>about their goddamn kneecaps
No way

what's this niggas BF% in this pic here?

sun screen
vitamin c cream
mk- 677
quit smoking
stay hydrated

mine are basically non existent now after 3 months

He's mostly between 12-14% according to online sources but seeing as he is catwalking in that photo I assume it's much lower and without any water.

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I have these. I noticed drinking and salty foods worsens them

It only works if you take it all at once

Lower your bf %.

Don’t do steroids

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no smile x rest of your life

Can confirm.

Why do you want to kill some kid?

were these Irish women born before or after WW2

Nasolabial folds are girly BTW. A prominent jaw usually comes with a good upper jaw.

Looks sort of arrogant, I like that too

Lefort III

Jesus christ. Okay how do I prevent this, keep posting advice n stuff anons

lefort III

Who gives a fuck? I thought this was a fitness board? Take this shit to r9k.

Low bodyfat + water bloat from steroid usage is what gives many bodybuilders chipmunk cheek look.

Why would you want to get rid of that? It looks hot

bit of a cope don't you think m8?

Retard. Why would he cut to 12-10% bf to wear a winter coat on stage? And, no, he isn't 10%. Look up bodybuilder death face to see what people look like at 10%.

Op here, thought the thread was dead and didn’t come back

I just want to use all my potential, if i can significantly improve my appearance by fixing something as simple as 2 lines in my face, why wouldn’t i?

No, but it does seem to run in the family

Kneecaps don’t make your face look 10 years older

Nigga im like 13% bf, now way it’s weight related. I do eat a lot of carbs though, Thanks for the suggestion

t. Baby faced asshole with no nasolabial folds

Been using retin a for a while for my acne scars, didn’t make any noticeable difference on the folds. I am going to do microneedling + PRP for acne scars though, anyone with experience on the procedure noticed any difference on the smile lines?

I also suspect it was caused by mewing. I didnt have these things until a couple years ago. My face and maxilla definitely broadened but it must have had unexpected side effects

Only retard here is you who doesn't understand zygomatic bones and body fat percentages. Don't respond you chinless zygote.

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>mk- 677
Nibba isn't that risky? Zero long term effects known

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Don’t you wanna be like this cool ass nigga?

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