What does Yas Forums do for a living?

What does Yas Forums do for a living?
>Physician Assistant

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Retard data entry at a fortune 100 insurance company. Undervalued and underutilized but thats on me for not having a fucking degree

>wagecuck at a pharmacy
>we're still open and I'm sick
fuck kikes I hope we go back to a time before retail bullshit

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Automation Engineer, soon in military

Pharmacy tech?
I don't know how you guys count all those pills without going crazy

Neuro resident. Thank you for all you do, OP.

It's rad.

pre-med student, FF/EMT in the free time

>pre-med student
You and every other freshman

warehouse at a family play area. Manager told me to go on paid leave. Coming back this friday to help do clean up

I work at Costco

Teacher and tutor

Pay is bad but it's very comfy and easy, get to work from home for the next two months too

Good lucks anons
I believe in you

What about helicopter pilots?

A non-larping programmer. I'm enjoying the working from home, wanted to before I got this job but was having a hard time getting hired. I can finally lift in the morning thanks to being home gym master race.

Helicopter pilots make bank
I have a couple buddies that are doing private military contracting as pilots, and they love it

Mailman, I am the stairmaster.

What about them?

True but being in the middle east blows.

>> 54866265
I’m a pharmacy tech and they just scheduled us to work even more overtime than we were already. I just wanna quarantine brehs

You wouldn't believe how thinly the entire system is held together.

Most of the contracting jobs aren't even in the middle east
I spent two years chilling in Argentina doing "security work"
And you get to pick and choose where you want to go

Im a programmer. I make extensions for the company's ERP system and do other sysadmin/IT shit

The real money is being made in the ME. The contractors are all handing out money like crazy, but dudes in Iraq/Afghanistan/Saudi are making insane money right now.

Dishwasher, studying forestry. I’m hopefully gonna go live in the woods and survey the trees on taxpayer dollar someday. In the meantime i’d like to become an EMT but we’ll see how that goes with corona potentially fucking up summer classes

Physical Therapist Assistant
I work in the home health setting so I go from patient's house to house


Park ranger and landlord.

>Park ranger
Share a few stories

How do you like the job?
What's the pay like?

planes? are you an airline pilot?

Student, it's comfy as fuck. I lose sight of just how good my life is at times but it's the truth. I just don't want to admit it when I'm in a bad mood. Being Scandinavian I get paid 500 usd a month to study as a full time student. Writing essays, doing research, and talking to cute classmates and flirty teachers is a kino kind of life. All is well friends, I wish you the best, for we will all make it.

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Teacher. Pretty chill

I fly fixed wing, yes, but I'm not airline pilot. I'm a mil guy.


Based neet master race reporting in

>cute classmates
How can you tell what's under the burqa?

Cringe cause receiving money from government?

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What do you teach?

Web application developer. I make $120k per year and its the easiest job I’ve ever had.

Kek, I study får from Scandinavia, it's why I receive extra money. That's only Sweden anyways, the Norrmän and Dansk have it right.

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I make fish fuck and sell their babies online so people can look at them in glass boxes all day.

Fuck my keyboard

econ student graduating in may. great timing to look for a job.

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Medical scribe. However I’m going to med school in the fall.

CFO of a large professional organization. Money is good, life was okay until Covid hit. Now I am stressing about how to keep the lights on depending on how long this lasts. Have not been in my home gym for some time as there is no time... Stay safe out there

Aren't you embarrassed to have to rely on the government to give you money?

I thought scribes were a myth
Been in the healthcare field for a decade and have never seen one
We always have the nurses/CNAs chart everything

Not embarrassed but obviously it's not ideal. Ideally I'd already have a degree and a full time job at 20, instead I'm 20 in the process of getting my degree. Life would be needlessly harder without the money and it would take much longer to get my degree if I had to work in order to support my studies.

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College dropout, now Cloudworkers whore. Check it out and pray for me.

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MBB consultant.

I'm using the GI bill and VA disability to pay for school and everything right now. It makes life a lot easier not having to work while I'm a full time student, and I have no shame in using the money

What disability did you list to be eligible for the money?

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Zookeeper, the ultimate /fit mix of outdoors physical activity and rewarding meaningful work. The summer is gonna be such a blast, shorts and t shirt to show them gains

Any injury you get while in the military will be covered (if you can prove it), the more injuries the more money you get
I got an 80% rating which is about $1760 a month
I claimed back and leg injuries from a deployment and PTSD
It's nice having that money to fall back on

Probably tinnitus or sleep apnea, like every other vet in the country.

Tinnitus and erectile dysfunction are easy money, as it's nearly impossible to prove/disprove. Only the fatties get sleep apnea

They're clamping down on the tinnitus claims. You have to take a hearing test during your accession to active duty now and it's compared to your test when you get out.

high voltage electrician, hope to improve my pay in the next five years when I feel like I know what I'm doing.

They need to clamp down on the PTSD claims
I've known too many paper pushers and cooks who've gotten away with it

It's out of control. If the public knew how much people were getting paid by the VA they would have a meltdown.

How much though? I'm not a pilot, just interested

They kinda are. The harsh truth is that scribes are hardly necessary. Practitioners would rather just document their notes themselves. So there’s low demand for scribes. Usually they’re hired through third party companies paying minimum wage.
However, it looks damn good on a resume when you’re trying to get into a school. I like to think my scribing job gave me a leg up.

For private military (Constellis) they can get paid anywhere from 200k-400k a year. Depends on location and job. Former special ops guys can make even more.

Helo pilots are probably making 200-300k depending on what they fly/experience/etc

Unironically a burger flipper. I gotta get out of this shit.

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In the OP picture, none of the people really look like they'd be doing the job they're LARPing as.

Product Manager for a startup tech product that spun off a Digital PR agency.

How long have you been a NEET? How old are you?

>Female doctor
>Black female graduating college
>UPS worker with his hat backwards
>Black man in a suit
>Construction worker in a suit
I think you're on to something

Do you ever run into those spooky stairs that have bad juju

>fraud analysis, anti money laundering and compliance for fitech industry.
fucking pajeets convincing the elderly to give there money away.