/fat/ weightloss veteran edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For morbid obeasts who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.
This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss

>What do I do first?
1. Read the Yas Forums sticky
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
3. Calculate your BMI
4. Calculate your TDEE
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
5. Plan your weight loss week by week
6. Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Don't listen to memes, either of these are fine based on what you need
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>Now what do I do?
Count calories, all of them.
Calculate your TDEE at sedentary
Buy scales, be accurate in your measurements
Learn how to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 1g per lb of goal body weight.
Do cardio. Even if its just walking, cardio will improve your health which is sorely needed. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can off set the risks.
Lift weights. This will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat. You don't want this.
Post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
Eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
Drink your calories. Alcohol, soda, hot chocolate, fancy starbucks shit. forget it.
Freak out over a stall in weight loss. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself.
Be a retard.

Previous Thread:

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Who's close to their goal here? Post how much you lost and how much you have left. Lost 64 kg, 6kg more to go.

Weight Watchers sucks!

>tfw I'm always on a "I'M GONNA MOOOOOOCH" even though I promised myself to quit that shit forever
I've been on this off and on and it's never gonna get easy, huh? American fast food is too damn addicting.

>Lost 3KG
>20KG to go

Not him, but setting timeframes for my drinking has helped me to cut down on alcohol
>this pint should last an 1,5 hours before i can get another one
you don't get as drunk and it's harder to drink a lot

Today was my fifth day of working from home and not going out to see friends. So far I have had no alcohol and no snacks and I have been eating some delicious and healthy food.
Thanks Corona!

About 4 lbs left.
I've lost over 76 pounds.

>have trouble doing OMAD
>others at work tempt me to hunger when they eat their lunch or go out for lunch
>reach for jerky or dehydrated fruit snacks
>Corona tears ugly head
>all food in desk goes home
>all my food in work fridge goes home
>bonus, find extra anti-bacterial wipes
>all that remains is gum
>now if I am tempted to eat, I have nothing to eat
>don’t want to eat around co-workers anyway because of paranoia
>thanks Corona!

70lbs lost, 5 more to go. I've been trying to lose this last 5 for so long.

>Update my phone
>My cracked version of myfitnesspal pro doesn't work anymore
Fucking piece of shit


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I look just like OP pic related.

Father, I want to moonch so fucking bad. Working from home and have been crushing it all year, but quarantine's getting touch. I'll just help stimulate the economy a bit, r-right??

If you moonch now, you'll moonch forever, I don't trust you having self-control

5lbs? 4lbs? I used to shit that. You guys are out of the numbers phase (by definition too since the scales are always plus/minus 4lbs of your true weight) and you're in the mirror phase. Keep going until you see abs and a jagged adam's apple.

>Keep going until you see abs and a jagged adam's apple.
I'm a formerly-morbidly-obese womanlet. The mirror is going to tell me I'm disgusting for the rest of my life, so I'm just trying to lose five more pounds hoping it will come off my fat thighs.

>The mirror is going to tell me I'm disgusting for the rest of my life
Wrong. You can remake yourself with minimal spending (resistance bands, skipping rope) and you can even remake yourself by bodyweight alone. That's not the mirror telling you that you are disgusting, that's your own negativity. It's not hope you need, it's knowledge, discipline and a bit of anger or self-hate.
Whatever you work for, you will get.

I ate 3 pizza slices today but I think that's all I will eat today

is it possible to have a cheap low calorie high protein diet which doesnt make you fart and lets you have clean regular shits?

No amount of jumping rope will fix my loose skin. My body is permanently wrecked, short of massive surgery. I've got all the knowledge and self-hatred I need, and I accept reality, which is why my goal is to just look decent in clothes that fit as close to correctly as possible.

If you have to ask, the answer is no.

>No amount of jumping rope will fix my loose skin.
No, it won't. That's where the "knowledge" part comes in though. Rather than whining at me about loose skin you could have spent some time reading about weight loss methods that leave you with minimal loose skin. You have the combined learnings of humanity at your fingertips, use it.

Look into autophagy via fasting if surgery is out of your price range, it's a slow progression but it does help loose skin. Microneedling and eating food high in collagen or collagen supps are also purported to help

how the fuck is that so? how can it be different if i have to ask, just tell me the foods!

>reading about weight loss methods that leave you with minimal loose skin.
whats the basic gist of this? gradualism? hydration?

>The rest must be delivered by gluconeogenesis, so there is still a small amount of protein breakdown. However, this protein is not specifically muscle cells. Instead, the proteins that turn over the most rapidly are the first proteins to be catabolized for glucose. This includes the skin and intestinal lining.
One of the first places a fasting body goes to for protein (to be converted into energy via gluconeogenesis) is the skin. The only people that fast that require loose skin surgery afterward are extreme statistical outliers.

>One of the first places a fasting body goes to for protein (to be converted into energy via gluconeogenesis) is the skin. The only people that fast that require loose skin surgery afterward are extreme statistical outliers.
so you have to be a really fat fuck? im 173cm 90kg, is that loose skin territory?

I was 100kg and 172cm. I'm also old as fuck and I have no loose skin. I could say that you're safe but everyone is different, you know?

Lost /fast/ards, please get out.

how low did you cut?

>having to convert lbs to kg
I'm 72.5 right now but I did go down to 69.

The dangerous territory of having loose skin at your height is maybe 100KG+ because that's who I see from everyone who lost weight and had it, but don't hold my word for it

lost 13 kg, still 6-7 to go.

I promised myself no cheat days 'till april 4th but I'm so close to failing right now, every day keeps getting harder.

why april 4th and not until the day you die?

25.2lbs lost 16.6lbs to go, 60% there. Diet's been shit these past few days, won't make any progress this week, it'll just be maintaining

It was supposed to be the last day of the corona quarantine here.

Lost 28kg, six more to normal BMI. Not gonna quit there though.

Don't give up user. We can all make it. For some it make be longer and harder. But we can all make it just the same.

>male, 5'9", 335lbs
>diet/walk for 4 weeks
>308 lbs

am i going too fast

i don't wanna be one of those niggas in the news who dropped dead, but i figure i also have a ton to lose so i dunno

12 more hours til fast is over
god I hate this headache

it's going to slow down

Been doing keto for four days and about to have a chicken tikka with rice. Poorfag and it’s all I’ve got till tomorrow.

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20 inches of meat feast goodness.

Kill me.

ate foot long chicken classic instead of 6" sub (and even the 6" was gonna be pushing it) I still ended up barely under my caloric target at the end of the day but still shouldn't have done it.

the /fat/ gods punished my hubris by giving me crippling stomach cramps and bloating for the rest of the day. fuck rye bread.

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devoured a 16" Brooklyn Style Cheese Pizza from Dominos...2000 cal per their measures. Will fast Thurs and Fri in penance

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6"3 110kg

Lost about 13kg so far want to get down to 100kg. Think I'm still looking pretty phat hoping to reach goal weight for summer but we shall see

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Pour the chicken tikka over some broccoli instead.

I’ll just eat the chicken tikka, the bastards at work have left out a packet of Naoam’s and i’ve resisted the temptation.


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Nice titties

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fell off the wagon at 155 and i'm back up to 170. i'm still addicted to soda but i'm going to make a replacement rather than trying to quit cold turkey this time.
gonna try to drink gatorade when i get the cravings for something sweet, but only until i get over that 2 week hump. definitely not good for me, but i'm really hoping it makes it easier to drop soda and it'll definitely be easier to drop gatorade in favor of flavored water once the carbonated jew is slain
every time i tried replacing soda with diet soda, i'd crack and go back to the full sugar stuff between cases. i don't trust myself to have to walk past the full sugar shit every week, so i'm going to let my roommate have all the soda that's in the house rn and just avoid that aisle forever.
otherwise, it's not that hard for me to eat pretty decently. i learned and got accustomed to a handful of recipes when i was losing weight the last time, to the point where they're just part of my normal diet now even when i falter.

just drink low calorie soda

>started at 102kg
>got down to 60kg before Christmas
>let myself go since then, was up to 63kg
>finally got back down to 60kg recently
>not been able to get any lower
>world is ending now anyway
>can't find motivation anymore
>ate a big bag of Haribo Tangfastics yesterday AND today
I'm slipping damn it.

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>Who's close to their goal here?
My goal has changed but I started at 180 with initial goal of 110. I'm back up right now at 135 but with my muscle gains I'm pretty much best at 120. I reached that goal, but I've been slacking off lately. 5'4" for reference. I just need to focus. Another 15 on a slow loss will be a good focus what with the worldwide pandemic and all.

>tfw 10 hour work shifts that are mostly composed of moderate physical labor because of the corona outbreak

Autophagy is pseudoscience right? We /fat/sos are all just permanently disfigured barring major surgery?

Delete that image.

30 year old, 6'1, never had a gf virgin. Heaviest ever was 303 freshman year of HS. Since then I yo-yo'd around 210-280. This time around my starting weight was 278 and I'm currently 205, which is the lightest I've been since probably the 5th or 6th grade. My goal is to get down to 180 before I start lifting.

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I lost my weight primarily through fasting (OMAD and sometimes 2-3 days, for a year), 100lbs+ of it. I still ended up with loose skin, but not an insane amount. I think the only thing it really did was make me very catabolic since I likely did not meet my protein intake needed and had never strength trained in my life. Started strength training after getting to normal weight, and I started literally weaker than your average teenager. I'm doing alright now, but damn that was a wakeup call that protein and training matter.

surprised to get a response
interesting strategy user, i will try it in earnest
i'm not sure i have it in me to quit completely right now so this could work

got to my goal weight of 165, about 100lbs lost. I dont know what to do now. It went by too quick