CBT Leg Thread edition

CBT Leg Thread edition

Rate your friends and be nice gentlemen.

6'0 185 first picture from September. Several knee surgeries on right leg in 4 year period.

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Congrats you now wear xxl legs

I fucking LOVE legs. This shitty viurs made my gym close and now im stuck at home.
210 lbs

good legs op

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Do some squats at home blood
I have been piggyback squatting my girlfriend for sets of 10 (shes 135).

Keep up the good work, looking good.

nice legs, mirin
terrific, solid calves

getting mogged pretty hard itt, skipped a lot of leg days but hoping theyll catch Up now that im training them
>204ish lbs

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Good legs itt

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Amazing upper body but yeah man I would even sacrifice a day from upper body to catch your legs up. Chest and back look strong so maybe sub in one of those.

Keep up the good work.


how is the cbt so slow? hast Corona killed 90% of Yas Forums?

No pump to show off muscles

i dont have legs :)

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Shitty $70 phone since I kept breaking the expensive one, hence the quality.

Years of lifting, I don't think my calves have ever grown. On the upside, I'm 33 and mostly vegan, so by Yas Forumsscience my endocrine system should have shut by now. At least I still have teeth.

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Arms look good, decently lean.

I'd focus on lats. Also lat delts and traps are always good for increasing taper.

Just started lifting again after a 20 pound cut plz give advice boys
5,7 160 rn

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Decent base for legs just hit hypertrophy exercises you'll be good mang

5’5”, 160 pounds

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Yummy in tum

new lifter (< 6 mo) , but I'm also a track cyclist

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Yes, I know I'm fat. Working on it.

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Please tell me that you're pinning so I can cope as a lanklet. How long have you been training for?

Sexy ;) u got snap?

When I was 195 at 6’1.

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thanks mang

jesus dude im not worried about the fat as much as your poor balls get bigger underwear. also nice fat guy legs. i too got big legs from being fat for many years.

tfw no asian bf :(
where can i get myself a panda bear

I've trained powerlifting-style for a while and achieved decent squats and deadlift (140 kg 1RM and 180 1RM respectively at 67 BW, 168 cm, yes I'm a manlet) but legs didn't quite grow as I wanted.

I stopped lifting for a year now, going back at it in my home gym. Tips on growing quads? I'm thinking of following any begginer \ intermadiaterouting but switching to front squat.

5'11" 220lbs

I should start going on a cut. Legs feel firm, but no definition. Been doing some sprints lately.

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im natty and lifting since june 2018 but did pushups and dumbbells before that for a few months. i started out very thin and have never actively tried to lose weight (cutting) since then. the picture has extremly good lighting, thats prop not what i look like irl
you can do it as well, dont get discouraged

Starting to slow cut towards summer mode, though with covid who knows if there's even a point...

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Ripped af lad!

6'1, down to 90kg from 95kg. Bout to start bulking again as were coming into winter here soon in Australia.

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Age, routine? Years of lifting?

34 next month. On and off for 10 years, back training for 2 years straight after 3 years off. PPL 6 days a week.

19 5’10 chink

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No more chinese, fuck you chinky poos. Take your corona and stick It up your ass


post body hahahahahhahaha

5'10, left is 5 months ago, I started counting calories and trying to cut out junk food and just started lifting 2 weeks ago.

Is there any difference? I just wanna make it...

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I got good lags even if a bit heavy/fat
Im developing runner knee because of the excessive weight

When i was a twink i would run for literal hours on end with anime music, even did a 30km marathon

5'9 at 90kg

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>Is there any difference?
yes, very seeable progress

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Did you build those legs in 6 months? What was your ruotine like?

Do you think accessories were important for your development as opposed to basic compounds movements?

mirin bro

6' 182lbs, starting my cut for the summer.

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>I fucking LOVE LEGS

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Unironically post body

Yeah but muscle memory. My lower body is built weird -huge glutes, wider hips but narrow waist. I was always active growing up so they developed easy.

I superset everything except compounds. Even my squats I don't go over 185 for reps, and I always change my footing from wide to very narrow. 2x8+ for each stance. Also, since my surgeries I don't push it too hard. I did just deadlift 315×2 the other day.

Leg press 1×20, 2 ×12, 3× 10 superset with calve raises 4×12

Leg extension and leg curl superset 3×12

4 sets Weighted lunges 12 steps per leg superset with Bulgarians 4×8

Some random glute or hamstring shit from here depends on the day, usually with front squats.

Cutting, it's time brother.

Thanks it means a lot to me, out of curiosity though what's seeable?

OP again, I forgot to mention I switch footing for leg press so basically toes off the leg press platform (so heels only) for two sets (wide usually) and the last two I do at the very bottom for my quads (1 narrow one wide)

I think the autist was looking for was "visible."

able to be seen
pic related, im not making words up

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I just meant what's noticeable between the pics not trying to start a reddit grammar argument

you lost a lot of fat

I know its not much, and only shows off my face, but I'm really fucking proud of this and I want to share it. also started dieting and working out in january. kind of difficult to diet right now due to corona, but I'm still trying to with what I have, and still working out

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top kek sir you're good brother keep up the good work

>can't deadlift a plate but overhead is a-okay

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posting the legs of my upper body
>5'7 200 lbs

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6'1" disgusting skinnyfat dyel checking in

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keep it up bro, looking good. Start mewing if you haven't already.