Bat soup edition

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how the fuck do i get whiter teeth without paying some kike to blast them with cancer light?

Can someone help me critique and improve my routine?

I was doing StrongLifts 5x5 and I've recently gone down to 3x5 because I was stalling/wasn't recovering, I want to add in some accessory work

>Workout A
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Wide grip pull ups 3x8-12
Hanging Leg raises 3x8-12

>Workout B
Squats 3x5
OHP 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x5
Hyperextensions 3x8-12
Hanging leg raises 3x8-12

Goal is to continue improving base strength with additional accessories to help develop a nice back. My shoulders and arms are too big so they're deliberately neglected.

Anything else I can do?

Any canuck order from fitness avenue before? Their prices seem fantastic compared to anywhere else but still seem realistic, and their physical stores have good reviews. I'm just hesitant to shell out the money on a rack, bar, and weights based off just the reviews of normies.

Are 1 inch bars a waste of money?

What can I fucking do to stop lifting for 3 months then falling off the wagon I have all I need to lift at home and do cardio bit I keep fucking up.

I lost 20lbs and then stopped lifting. I keep losing motivation and after walking in the door home from work I just want to sit there because work is mentally exhausting.

I'm going to be working from home 2 days a week thanks to chink virus, what program can I attempt that I can do 2 days a week for starters to get me back into the swing of things?

I literally cannot get the last 20lbs to do 2plate OHP. Any tips? Been trying for the last month.

Should i call my ex to ask her how shes doing in these quarantine corona times? Im not looking to get back with her, i just care about her and wanna make sure shes ok. Our breakup went pretty ok, tho she kinda hates me for breaking up with her...

do you do warm up sets before every exercise? Obviously if I am benching or squatting i will do 4-5 warm up sets before my working weight but what about accessories? i find myself only doing 1-2 warm up sets for something like curls or skull crushers partly because I feel warmed up from doing my main lifts that day. should i be doing more warm up sets?

I usually don't even bother warming up for accessories. I think it's only worth warming up if it's for a muscle that hasn't been used yet that workout, which is pretty unlikely to happen.

>tfw literally could be having sex right now
>tfw martial law in my country
Why the fuck don't we unironically nuke China? WW3 when?

Tried some 2mg nicorette gum and now I'm quite dizzy. I've never smoked before. The dizziness is not unbearable but it worried me a bit because it happened within 5 mins of chewing the thing.

Why did this happen? How to fix?

Crest whitening strips

Tried them 6 months ago and my teeth are still white as fuck

HEY what types of jeans do you guys wear? I really can't get anything around my massive horse haunches unless they're 90s style baggy jeans.
I just want to walk up a hill without my underwear knotting up and squishing my balls.

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Are one handed pushups a meme?

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Bro you're just buzzing, drink some water and enjoy the feels

You just took poison you nerd of course you're sick.
The only time i can get a high worth having out of nicotine is when I smoke a cigar and even then at the end of the cigar I might get put on my ass for 45 minutes because I hit it to often or it's been a week or two since I've had one.

Since starting pelican curls I can barely do any pull ups afterwards. Am I going to start lacking in that area?

You aren't supposed to inhale cigars.
You let the smoke roll in your mouth and then blow it out.

They are EXCEPTIONALLY bad for your lungs, they aren't like cigarettes.

yeh felt quite good after a few minutes but was too dizzy for a bit

friend said nicotine helps with concentration which I have a huge issue with. 2mg is probably too much given that I don't smoke, I don't even drink man. how much nicotine does a cigarette or cigar have?

I bought enough for a 14 day treatment and found that they were only whiter after using them, for a couple of hours. Next morning was back to normal color. I'm going to do another 14 day cycle once sensitivity dies down. Shame, I heard nothing but good reviews of them.

Anyone got any non-meme stretching routines? I need to stretch every muscle in my legs, like fast. I cannot get into any squat/dl position correctly. My quads are tight as fuck, and my hams/calves even more so.

Also, is it meant to hurt like absolute hell when foam rolling your quads? I mean its so painful I feel like yelling.

Do you shit out all your gut germs on carnivore? Do you even need those? Are probiotics a meme? Is fiber? Between the glycogen, water, and dead bacteria, how much weight can I expect to lose in the first month if I let my creatine run out and eat carnivore?

6'2" 275lbs btw

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No idea, no way it even matters. I doubt chewing and smoking have the same rate of nicotine absorption. Nicotine is a stimulant and i'm sure it does something but if you take it too often, more than once a week i'd say, then it will stop working but you'll continue wanting it. I wouldn't bother with it desu.
I don't actually inhale them I draw them into my mouth though.

>I cannot get into any squat/dl position correctly.
I would bet 10 dollars that that is because you dont know how to flex your lumbar. Useful cue that you should try right now: stand up straight and point your crotch to the floor.

Hey friends, I'm stuck at home and all I have is a flat bench, dumbbells and resistance bands. Is there a vertical row I can do? Nowhere to set up a pullup bar in my house unfortunately.

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Do a wall-assisted headstand and pull up dumbbells like you're doing a pull up but upside down. Use a folded yoga mat or thick pillows to cushion your noggin

I have some sleep problems, my sleep isnt deep enough and I dont feel well-rested after it. I take whey protein and it says it has quite a lot of tryptophan in it. does it mean taking tryptophan supplements wont have much effect on me? also, any supplement recs for better sleep? (I tried all the non-supplement advice)

Bought a greens powder because I don't eat veggies much, would there be any problem with taking the powder and a multivitamin at the same time?

What plates & bar do you recommend to buy? I have a large garden and can place the weights and bar there, but I'd prefer to keep items low. I don't squat, I just DL, so no rack needed and I already have dumbbells.

So I became generally kind of fit in the sense of having decent muscles last year. Lost 40 lbs (5'10" 197 to 157), gained muscle, but I never did any cardio. Just counted calories. I find my endurance is just absolute garbage, can't even jog 10 minutes. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Do I just try C25K?

I started walking 10k every morning and even though I walk at a slow-moderate pace, my endurance has increased a ton.

Has anyone got that one gif of wojack losing gains?

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After the gyms open again I'm going to do Grey Skull.
Which accessory lifts should I add to this and on which days?

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>after the gyms open again

what after 4 months?
fuck this

Im trying a new preworkout that has about 20g carbs, and its causing me insane headaches. Will i get used to it or should i try something else?

its probably not the carbs, drinking water during your workout helps, but try any other pwo. I suggest ghost, its pretty standard but redcon1 pwo is also a better option.

try tailored jeans?



What do about my hands? I was washing them a lot more because of coronavirus concerns and they became red, dry wrinkly and cracked as fuck. I've been moisturising them a lot and they're not that cracked or dry anymore but you can still see some skin flakes and they're pretty red still. Back of hands and between fingers only, not Palms

what you need to do is calm the fuck down. washing your hands raw, what the fuck. stop buying into media hype.

Trying to minimize loss of progress during the quarantine. I normally do PPL, but was thinking of switching to full body.
What's the advantage to doing one over the other, especially when doing mostly bodyweight? I don't have enough equipment to lift like I usually do

You can cycle between upper and lower, and still train the other but with smaller exercises, if that makes sense. Ie:

A: Lower, with a few small upper exercises
B: Upper, with a few small lower exercises

AxBxAxB etc

Benefits of this versus other stuff?
I don't want to do legs that much since I don't have any leg exercise equipment and my knee is fucked up

"My shoulders and arms are too big"

No they are not, judging by your routine, you are a novice. For a novice/early intermediate, this is a good routine. although very little volume for the upper body, including the back.

>I was doing StrongLifts 5x5 and I've recently gone down to 3x5 because I was stalling/wasn't recovering

You should fix you eating and sleeping. the 5x5 program is not enough to make you too fatigued to recover.

train the entire body without tiring yourself out as much as a proper full body

if you don't want to train legs that much then don't, you can modify it to suit you

How should I add volume to Madcow 3 day split? Being doing PPLPPL 12 to 15 reps but I want to add some strength to my training

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I am a 23 male who exercises regularly, I am looking to increase energy and increase labido. Are there any specific vitamins or foods I should have in my diet? My only supplement right now is whey protein.

I accidentally underate and went from 187 to 181 this week but my lifts didn't go down. Did I really lose muscle?


without providing nudes it is impossible to tell.

you could use snus, lasts longer not as unhealthy. however it is unlikely to help you as even the nicotine in snus goes away too swiftly to be very useful for a longer than max 20min

i have a really hard time justifying working out since the crisis started because i can’t justify eating a lot since i don’t know how long i’ll have food. i’m 6’2”. was 168lbs but i’ve dropped 10lbs since this began.
on the plus side my abs are more visible, but we’re gonna see gains loss of this keeps up for too long boys.

How do I pick the right size for Singlets?
I'm 177cm/75kg and wear XL leggings and they fit perfectly on my legs, loose-ish on the waist but they hold fine
If I follow virus singlet sizing, shit recommends me a M which I don't get it how it would fit my legs, even nike L leggings don't fit

If Corona uses your immune system against you, why are people recommending vitamin c and other immune boosters? Can someone explain?

thats not a question

so that it puts you out of your misery faster

Is it normal to feel shakey and shitty after a workout/does that mean it's working?

Also, if I'm lifting for hypertrophy and I can't finish out all the sets with the current weight, should I deload some or just rest for a minute or so and finish the set? I'm already a weakling and barely lifting anything at all.

65lb Squat (4×10)
60lb Bench (3×10)
30lb DB Row (3×10 on each side)
40lb OHP (4×10)
20-30lb Curl (3×10 on each side)

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gotta deadlift in home gym rn bc everything is closed. garage has a hard mat on the ground. my plates are cheap plates probably worse than pic related. should i still deadlift or just wait? i am sure that they are iron but don't want to bend them or something slamming on a hard surface. maybe i should put towels down or something? I also only have 400 lbs worth of plates so have to go high rep and only two being 45 lb plates meaning they would be the only ones plates slamming the ground during each rep

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hold up what the fuck are those numbers
post body NOW

wondering this but I have bumper plates and do olympic weightlifting
would a 20-25mm(3/4 inch) thick rubber for lifting be enough or would it break the floor?

if you cant control the weight youre lifting too heavy, dumbass

I'm just skinny fat and weak and ex-obese so I'm virtually a skeleton with slightly okay legs