My debut competition got cancelled boys

Here's my final form... for now. 2.5 weeks out

Attached: IMG_0120.jpg (4096x5120, 1.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Roiders have the grossest skin

>roiding for this

thats insanely lean for 2.5 weeks out. how much you weigh?

Can you identify what psychological damage caused you to do this to yourself?

You look like shit. Not impressed, dont quit your day job

post body

lmao look at this faggot wearing speedos like the gay he is lmao

A lot of mad dyels ITT
Looking sick OP, very few people have the dedication to build a physique like that

Looking insane OP

Don’t mind the coping DYELs

Good physique but why is your skin so bloated and saggy looking for single% bf?

Heres another one for you dyels

Attached: WzITXDz.jpg (4096x5120, 2.07M)

This isn't you

I was 143kg 315lbs a year ago so lots of skin around the glutes, they'd tighten when I water manipulated so no worry

Post your cycle


Who is it then genius, I've posted here before

You have to go back

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-083428_Chrome.jpg (1080x683, 237.11K)

he does bodybuilding and he posts on reddit
how gay can u be lmao

That's me you clown, nice coping

How big are your shoulders? You've got a Guts physique, mirin

Looking better than good OP. You just need a tan to hide those fourth trimester Stretchmarks on your back.

>What’s your E-Stats?
>What’s your cutting cycle?
>Why do you want to compete?

Good lord bodybuilders are disgusting

well he is probably an actual gay since he's posting here, and he is OP, so sucks massive cock.
he's basically the god of gay.


Looking good man, bacne and butt needs work tho.
dehydration and death cut faggot.

What is wrong with his skin. That's gross.

Looking like an ornate suit of armour dude, awesome.

It's called dangerously low levels of bodyfat and no water

This pic makes me wanna roid

True, mighty good physique. And let dyel seeth

Hey user, you look great. Sorry your comp got cancelled.

The fact everyone is flinging shit at you just proves how worthless this board is. I'm not into the super lean bodybuilding look personally, but you look very impressive. Anyone denying it is a coping DYEL.I'm sorry your competition got cancelled.

You forget how only 10% of Yas Forums actually lifts since this board got raided by Yas Forums and Yas Forums

Reminder hormone abusers are fucked in the coronalypse, enjoy your 90 year-old levels as soon as the supplies run out

Fuck you retard roidfag lol

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Looking great bro, but imo your physique would look a little better if your glutes and chest were a bit bigger. Might wanna do something about that bacne too

Yes and I'm telling you to fuck off back to plebbit

Nice weight loss, trying keto now myself but it's ogre.

Holy fuck, I literally thought "how the fuck is it possible for someone to look like this", very nice OP

Huh, so that's why they coat themselves with a bucket of bronze paint.
I mean seriously, some of your skin looks like no-man's land at Verdun.
I always treated girls saying "too much muscle is disgusting" as sour grapes, but looking at your back I can see where this sentiment originated.

Solid conditioning Sam, shame it got cancelled.

Needs to practice more posing

Looks amazing, people be trolling and shit here

I don't think I want to lift anymore
You will never catch me roiding
In this video ronnie coleman looks like a fucking freak ass mother fucker.
pic related is peak aesthetic.

Attached: DgvIUlLUYAAp8cd.jpg (1244x850, 158.29K)

you look like you're ready to get your pro card if you haven't already. i despise the ultra conditioned look but you got what you were going for. remember to use a salicylic body scrub in the shower, it helps.

How tall are you? I need to cope.

The size is impressive, but it looks fucking, absolutely, terrible

Impressive shoulders.

Shame man. Current thinking is to take an off season and compete in september


roiding for this

You look like my ballsack

not bad, bro

what's your cycle

>literally destroyed your body, covered in gross dick skin and horrible acne, look like shit
>anons point it out
"P-post body guys...!"
Shut up, retard.

Attached: 15890345205342.jpg (696x696, 50.72K)

Nah I bet it was more like

>*sigh*.. look at these retards lmao *sits back on chair typing on one hand*
>post body
>switch tabs to carry on or look on smartphone for which tinder match he'll fuck tonight

be my bf

Absolutely fucking mirin bro.

You were a lever belt on the second pic you posted. Do you actually do some strength training too, in addition to bodybuilding?

lol cope more gay bodybuilder

Pick one
You look horrendous OP

Attached: file.png (704x497, 914.49K)

OP. I know it's you. While you may fuck some gross slut on tinder (face it, you don't get top-shelf babes) like the rest of us, it won't fix this crippling insecurity you obviously seem to have. Now back to plebbit you go!

I'm actually not the OP m8, I just legit doubt a guy like that would angrily type on a hunchback, sweating and frowning to trolls on Yas Forums

Actually, I doubt the OP is the guy in the photos anyway

this is the cringiest post on the whole of Yas Forums right now

Yes I've only been 'bodybuilding' for a few months. I'm a powerlifter predominantly

post body

You really went out of your way to hide that hairline huh

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