Has a female ever done this to you irl?

Has a female ever done this to you irl?

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I has a classmate I told many times "when will we fuck" and such that liked poking my spine with her finger
I'll explain, I was an Auschwitz skelly mode so you could see my spine beneath my shirt if I hunched foward
I hated when she did this, on retrospection I should have "punished her"


My wife is constantly grabbing my arse. Does that count?

Laughed at my muscles? Yeah...

wow your wfies sound like a fag lol

Yes all the time then i ask if they are down to fuck and they usually look away but then look back and nod

ive had a girl do it to my dick

Yes, they say "oh it's hard" on my thighs mainly

I like it a lot

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my ex used to rub my muscles while we cuddled on the couch

i miss her so much bros...

whomst is she touching?

god i wish that were me

laughing at rouge

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Girls love putting their hands on my pecs and then getting me to flex. They always say “you’re so hard” in that fucking flirty voice which is making it really making it challenging for me to keep my virginity until marriage.

Do not fornicate. Fornication is sin that will lead to eternal damnation. Be a king and only have sex with your wife.

Dubs confirm it. Thanks for the encouraging digits God.

oh shit oh fuck she's having a seizure!!! Someone call 911 :(!

I was walking to the bus stop with a qt female coworker when it was raining one time, she had the only umbrella so I held it since I was taller, she held on to the part of my sleeve underneath my arm (the arm I used to hold the umbrella) so that she could stay within distance underneath the umbrella. Later when we were dating, we started talking about that time, and I asked her why she didn't just hold on to my arm (on my bicep), she said she was too nervous to, that if she did she might've fainted.

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I've had my ass squeezed before

What is this from? Ty

its from bakugan

conservacucks are missing out big time
wasting over 30 years of your life to find """""""""""the one"""""""""""""""""""""""" only for her to cuck you behind your back when she gets bored of all the cringey lovey dovey shit because 2020's women aren't the same as 1800's women

Pokemon Black/white series, can't tell the specific chapter, but that one is Bianca

yikes, someones a bitter little cuckold

She's lost control again

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Yes but it was my dick

Kind of. She got fixated on the vascularity and poked on the biggest vein that was bulging out of my forearm. It was the weirdest feeling.

let us men dream, son...

Ive never had a human female be interested in me

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Only my twin sis.

if a woman does this to you in any way multiple times its basically guaranteed she finds you hot?

People like you scare me

Lmao good luck fucking your wife, beta

It wasn't supposed to end up this way

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>le it wasn't le supposed to end le up this le way :'((((((
shut up faggot, go back to r9k. Nobody wants your stupid fucking platitudes about how sad you are.

Based and delusionpilled

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What do you mean by ""punished her""?

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>he thinks I’m waiting until 30 to get married
Okay buddy. I won’t sing my praises too much on this anime forum but I’m a pretty high value guy and plan to get married when I’m 25 to a girl around 20-22 and immediately crank out 4-5 kids (yes I can afford this). Just because you have no taste and ended up with a whore doesn’t mean everyone else will.

post body

No. I have no pictures of myself because vanity is a sin.

lmfao ok larper

i guess it's some form of the autistic "don't test me"

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I didn’t make any incredible statements to avoid being called a larper. What exactly about my post is so hard for you to believe? I can afford to have kids early because I worked 60hr weeks right out of college.

Has one ever touched me?

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Based faggot incel manlet

Academically a good response to the question could be to look at her tits while replying "so did you".

You said you were a "pretty high value guy". That necessarily entails having a decent physique given that you're posting on this board. I'm asking you to post your physique.

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The onus is now on you to post your physique to demonstrate what you believe a high value male is.

Girls at work that know I'm not single are pretty aggressive and touchy with me.

I never claimed to be a high value male but heres a vid of me deadlifting 5pl8
Check description for proof

I have never even texted a female other than co workers and my mom.

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Based and tradpilled


Patrician choice my friend.

A few times. I'm a mega sperg tho and I can't capitalize on female attention. Once I had 3 different girls squeezing my biceps.

Dreamed about having a cute trap gf...
How can I make this a reality, also my dick is confused

Also how can I increase weighted pullups should I do them every second day?

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Older customers at my part time grocery job say I look like Rami Malek at least once every few days and get very touchy when asking me for help, like literally grabbing my arm to get my attention or when they're thanking me for helping them. Also seeing a chubby hispanic coworker that gives 10/10 head and getting lots of unsolicited hugs and attention from other qt's. I think i'm on the road to making it, brehs

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I was donating blood once and one of the phlebotomists ran her fingers along my forearm when I was getting prepped. Not one of the hot ones though.

Tfw you get guys wanting to feel your pecs all the time i swear ive also had more men slap my ass in public then women,

I might just have the gay version of ideal beauty

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glad to hear you're making it bro, bad news about the face doe caus Rami Malek is not a good looking dude
>pic related

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>pedestalizing one woman this hard
I genuinely cant imagine how you guys pull it off. No one woman is special. They are so interchangeable it’s borderline uncanny.

Funny, I once did that to a friend is school as a prank but he asked me to keep going, and that weirded me out.