/CFG/ Corona Fitness Virus General - WHINING BITCH EDITION

PREVIOUS Stop the spam a /CFG/ is enough.
Put all Corona related fitness stuff in here.

(Can the mods pls close all other corona related threads? dont make this place a mess?)



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im going to find every frogposter in this world and beat them to death


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just made some exercices with my bodyweight and one of them with a backpack full of things

shit is harder than using weight ate the gym

What do you do at the gym?

Bought some last minute cinder blocks to stand on while I do hack squats
With these I should be able to break parallel at the bottom

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Some bodyweight movements, specially on rings are humbling as fuck.

Most weightlifters who like to shit on calisthenics probably can't do even 5 bodyweight ring dips.

today was leg day, and leg day is where i make the most with squats romanian deadlifts etc

the difficult and soreness of doing bodyweight exercises just didnt compared to the gym

Shitty compilation of good information for olympic weightlifting

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and i felt that it required more balance and control over the body, wich made everything a little bit harder

How many reps and sets and which exercises.

This. Sometimes my body gives up over balance or lack of mobility before lack of strength.

i followed a series of exercies by christianpoulos on instagram

he recommended 3x12 for everything, but i made 4x15~20

Any chest isolation that can be done with a barbell only?

Shit is fun, dudes.
I'm feeling that I'll get plenty of corona-gains this month.

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It is nice knowing that you'll be making progress everybody else from the gym won't

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I was in the gym on Monday and it was soo quiet and peaceful I loved it. If not for some of my family having health issues I would just keep going but I have to stop really now.

Going to go running 4 times a week. Bought a skipping rope, kettlebells, and dumbbell bar and small weights. Not got the room for a full bench and barbell.

Hoping to improve carido and core strength even if gains suffer.

At the very extreme low end of cost you should AT LEAST buy olympic rings if you actually care about gains
You can do unweighted dips rows and pull ups with these

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if prisoners can get jacked and strong without proper gyms then we can too. everyone needs to man the FUCK up, make some makeshift weights and PUT IN THAT MOTHAFUCKIN WORK BABY!!!! NO FUCKIN EXCUSES

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my throat hurts bros

prisoners have weights dumbass.

Just get a rack.
Or be a poorchad and build one out of wood and nail it to the wall.

I'm not gonna buy a piece of equipment for literally one exercise

but yeah I have considered making one out of wood
I have so much wood

kek mine too

just brought some vitamin c and hoping for the best

if i get corona chan and turn out to be cured of it (if i dont die), can i get it again or my body ill become immune?

>coughing more than usual
>Chest is tight
>Feeling fatigued
Is this it for me?


Is running in the park even safe? There were so many people with the same idea today

I'm not running these days. The park I usually go to run is full of boomers.

I broke down and went to Dick's Sporting Goods today and bought the last remaining dumbbell of a reasonable weight (25lbs). Can't believe I felt happy to spend 30 dollars on a dumbbell. I had been boycotting Dick's after they stopped selling firearms after Sandy Hook but all the stuff on craigslist was massively overpriced.

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Pic + sand is the perfect post-apocaliptic dumbbell.

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>24 hour fitness closed
>Was going to work out at gym my job has
>Security guard tells me its not supposed to be in there
>One camera in there so can't just wait until 6 pm when security guards leave

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Anyone ever tried having the barbell loaded while it's on your shoulders in preparation for back squats? I don't have a squat rack currently so I was thinking I could clean 135, get the bar into back squat position and then have my workout buddy put more plates on each side. Just wondering how feasible it is to hold the bar in place with 2 plates on one side but only 1 on the other.

My solution to that was to clean 165 and then squat crazy volume

well i finally got some karma here boyz. i was sleeping with 2 married women one of them had coranachan now i have it.

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>he works out
>he had no home workout equipment


what does it feel like? Have you been tested or are you just assuming your flu like symptoms are covid19?

Learn how to do a handstand.
Then do handstand-pushups.
Then do one-armed handstand-pushups

Bros, should I be stockpiling more supplies? I lsitened to Yas Forums a few weeks ago and bought about a months worth of supplies but now it seems like I should've bought more. Right now if I eat at a bulking-pace I'd clear my house of food in about 2 or 3 months. If I lessen calories 5 months or so.

So far no cases within 100 miles of me (I live in the states) but this number is increasing like 30% every day. Should I run out and buy more stuff right now if shit starts to hit the fan?

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Yeah that’s probably what I’ll end up doing.

Here's the thing. Grocery stores aren't closed and won't be closed. So you don't have to worry too much about food.

But non-essential stores may get closed, like hardware stores, or clothing stores, or electronics stores. This is already happening in Italy and other countries, and it may happen in the US as well.

well she got diagnose with it today and last time i slammed it was 3 days ago she was convince it was allergies but nope.i currently dont have symptoms but im isolating my self until friday but they wont know until thursday if i do with the test so you know fingers cross but after swapping spit and drop clips into her im sure i got it

According to Yas Forums riots and raidings imminent. Government shutdown imminent and get your groceries NOW before it gets to my state

T. Bro trust me

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I think im going to go kill some chinese niggers for ruining my gains fucking insect fucking things over for everyone because they cant eat normal things

Every adult should have at least 6 months of supplies in the event of a catastrophe. If you don't have that already, go out tomorrow and stock up what you can. If there's anything missing, you better prepare to start raiding.

Okay, so since I am already a fatty that is currently withdrawing from sugar (Can't just go buy snacks every few hours like I used to):

Fasting / Snake Diet - Yes or No?

I won't train for shit, so might as well lose fat, but I don't have corona, work from home, and can self-isolate pretty consistently. Also have all ingredients for snake juice.

None of the usual proponents of fasting have the balls to say if the extra stress on the body should be avoided.They all play big scientists when it comes to inflammation and immunology but when the virus comes they are afraid to make a statement.

Disclaimer: I haven't visited Yas Forums in some time. I see there are no more fasting threads. If they are banned now, I'm sorry for bringing up the topic.

>Snake Diet - Yes
>None of the usual proponents of fasting have the balls to say if the extra stress on the body should be avoided.They all play big scientists when it comes to inflammation and immunology but when the virus comes they are afraid to make a statement.
>I see there are no more fasting threads.

>I see there are no more fasting threads.

But there is

>Tried going to 24/7 gym today in mass
>Its closed
Literally how the FUCK am I suppose to cope right now I am unironically seething

my apartment gym is pretty empty. would it be safe to go if no one is there?

where do you live depends on your state and city

Maryland, but not in a super populated area

>head to gym first time in three days
>worried it will be closed
>still open
>they recommend we constantly wash hands and stay away from everyone as much as possible
>getting my pump on
>see manlet walking around just doing meme exercises in every station and not wiping down anything
>on my way out tell the manager about what he has been doing

Hopefully people like that fucking die, don’t want anyone ruining it for everyone, hope you do your part Yas Forums

t. australian

I’ve tried going to Aldi right when it opened as well as in the afternoon when the crowds had died down. I also went to Woolworths and Big W in the meantime. I haven’t been able to find pasta or rice, and I doubt I’d be able to find any meat - specifically chicken mince. Are there any strategies to getting enough food to bulk during this hysteria? I’m worried that I’ll be going to the gym for no reason because I won’t be gaining any weight.

So should I do one punch man daily because I’m quarantined?

What resistance bands do you guys recommend? I'm not sure what strength or company I should buy.

Also it fucking sucks having a pull up bar but nothing to hook it on to. I have no fucking way to workout my back. The only thing for lats I can do is lateral raises with my 10lbs dumbbells.

Go back

Your gym manager is just going to see it as a sign to close the whole gym down because retards can't follow simple instructions and isn't going to shoo away a customer who makes them money.
Nice job.