I hate women

i hate women

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>ring ring
>uhhh hello is this the based department?
>yes its right here
>yes its definitely based
>ok great thank you

Me too t b h

is it cause you cant get laid?

they hate you too so...

Any man who's dealt with women would agree


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This attitude ain't gonna get you laid sweetie

not its cuz hes fuckin BASED my nigga

is based a synonym for unfuckable?

but you wont get laid either roastie

i dont think you know what roastie means

and i think you dont newfag
leave this website


no its a synonym for “hates women” (rightfully speaking, ofc)

What I hate most about women is they dehumanize men and women constantly and they don't even think it's wrong.

but they only hate women because of the aforementioned inability to have sex

No it's a synonym for based

you do have enough self awareness to realize you're an incel, right? or are you in denial?

The only reason I have an unsucked cock right now is coronavirus, I'm tired of getting teased by thots on whatsapp

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what do you mean? ive had sex 4 time in the last three days regardless of chink flu. what's your problem?

I hope every one of you is a girl
because if you are not a girl but still post pro-girl propaganda, then that's cringe

have you considered having sex?

why is it always about sex with you guys
stop talking about that, whats wrong with you

just saying, you'd probably feel less angry and bitter if you had sex

seethe söys/simps/roasties

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again please stop with the sex stuff, you're weird man
im here to lift heavy not to have sex

So this is the power of virginity

why not have sex after you're done working out? trust me, it's nice

I had sex when I was a teen, today I just lift and disregard women. trust me, it's better

Then why respond to a thread about hating women, that has nothing to do with lifting.

Because I hate women

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unbelievably based

I couldn't say it better myself

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>ting ting ting ting
A toast, if you will. Fuck jannies. Fuck niggers. Thank you.

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dont forget the jannies good sir

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baste, me too

I hate men and women, I am a dog.

What does it mean if I have lots of sex but still think women are terrible?!

You have common sense

The last 2 women I've briefly dated broke up with me because "now is not a good time/I need to be single for a while/not ready for a relationship". Then a week or two later were with someone else.
How can you not start hating these creatures at least a little bit? I mean fuck whoever you want, but why not tell me the truth


My gf just left me for the same reasons, how many minutes will pass until she gets in bed with someone else?


Ask the monolith anything

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Will I get see my enemies get destroyed and me taking their riches and fucking their wives?

I had sex with some women. Not a lot. It could probably be more if I put in effort. But I won't, because I hate them. The sex is not worth it. If you get some good sex she will be enough of a bitch that it's not worth it. Their goal is to string you along making the sex barely on the verge of being worth it, because their ultimate goal is just to know you desired them a lot and made sacrifices. Doesn't even really matter to them what those sacrifices are.

will i make it?

I hate everyone

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Will I have sex within 2 months?

Does the monoliths mom know he's gay?

Will I become what I desire?

Don’t hate them. Just don’t trust them. Very fickle creatures.

Will I make it in England ?

Women are the jews of gender

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She left you so she had almost certainly already been in bed with someone or had her branch swing to the next dude lined up. None of them go to "be alone" for a while.

Will I make it through this course?

I'm a decent looking dude. I don't hate women or men. I was really good looking back in my early 20s late teens, even up to mid 20s.
I've also worked in public sectors a lot and usually women talk sideways and avoid the truth almost entirely. I kniw few girls who actually can be honest.
Usually when a girl says something, she's implying something else. Being weak and lying is basis for the relationship stopping right then and there, for both men and women, but women outright shame and mock men for calling them out on it, which is increasingly disgusting. Women generally seem to let men set the bar, and the women generally hit below it. This is what I have observed and am continuing to see in interactions and behaviors presented.
If the woman hasn't sorted herself to some extent by 23, and you yourself are pretty sorted, you'd probably be better off moving on. Thots cost more than prostitutes (though all sexual immorality produces degeneracy).

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Why my pp soft when I'm with gf