What's it like to make it?

what's it like to make it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>gets pregnant
>hurrrrr look at my tits and legs

Worst type of woman; this is not making it

>No wedding ring
Absolutely disgusting

I don’t think I’m going to marry the mother of my children. I think the institution is obsolescent

>doesn't know how mirrors work


This is the wrong one
Where is the one that always gets posted in the architect thread

How do you get a girl to keep her swollen preggo boobs and thighs after she's had the baby?

knock her up again as soon as her doc gives her the all clear

>yes goy have 25 children!

You keep feeding her high fat foods. After my wife gave birth i noticed her tits and ass were getting smaller so what did i do? I started feeding her chick fil a or homemade chicken breast nuggets everyday. She wasn't as skinny as she used to be, but that ass and busy would make Pierce Brosnan proud.

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I'm not saying I advocate it, user just asked how to keep her that way

He was so much happier in the before pic

>reflections remove rings from fingers

>doesn't know how to use eyes

She looks great before and tragic after. Reproduction is for simps.

Shun marriage, just live in the woods with her spending all day chopping logs

Hard to describe honestly but here's a small taste of what it gets you

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Follow that instinct pls.

Post nose having kids is based

>tfw full homo but still want to plant my seed in a wench to have a son

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I wouldn't know. I'm almost 24 and no end in sight


How's your dad doing?

Post snout and also physique

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His smile and optimism, gone

Well. I am the number 1 son. Both of my parents are ok with me being gay as long as I produce grandchildren.

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It's like nothing else. It'll change your life.

>Stable state job w employment and benefits
>QT conservative girlfriend of 3 years who was literally kissless virgin when I met her
>Just bought first home
>Mired by friends and family
>Investing in longlasting hobbies has started to yield practical skills

Keep pushing those weights, and remember that at the end of the day, as long as you keep striving to improve, that will permeate in all areas of your life.

You become happy, then you start to question if the things you achieved really were what you wanted all along. And then you have to continously face your own self doubts as you try to keep making it as chad dad and chad grandpa while your body slowly degrades with age.
Its the best you can get though.

>longlasting hobbies has started to yield practical skills
which are?

Can’t tell if troll anymore. These Jewish piss-taking getting more and more confusing by day

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This is terrible for him

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Aside from lifting, probably cooking and woodworking are the two most usable skills. I've always cooked, but woodworking is a new one for me. I've started rock climbing also, but idk if you would consider that a practical skill.

Women are basically human incubators. They're only good for producing heirs.

Boobs will stay big if they are nursing.

My wife came down with a terrible case of PPD and lost all the pregnancy weight and then some. I’m into thin girls though and she looks better now than she has since she was 18. She took one for the team.

What are those hobbies?

I've also been fishing more over these past few years. I always forget about that one, but I'd count that among the practical hobbies as well.

Well I'm 30 now and I've reached pretty much all the goals I've set for myself. Got an education, good job, nice sports car, 4.5 plate deadlift and Ashkhandi for my WoW Classic hunter. I would now like to reproduce. I need a girl like one in the picture, what a lovely female. Any tips on how to obtain one? I need her for reproduction (1 son, 2 daughters), she should stay around for life and not cheat.

>year 2020
>assume you live in the west
those demands are impossible, especially this: should stay around for life and not cheat.

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It's glorious

>be me
>meet 9/10 qt through my parents
>somehow we vibe really well
>she's filthy rich
>she falls head over heels in love with me
>recently started talking about kids and marriage

It feels like a dream. She is so innocent and pure. So cute. God I love her. I don't even care our parents set us up.

neck urself bro

>She is so innocent and pure.
Lol imagine believing everything women tell you

>using the word vibe like that
youre going to cheat on her

>parents help in getting qt wife and mother of children
fuck off I left home at age of 19 to work at a harbor and never got a penny from my parents. your parents set you up with a loving wife? fuck off spoiled cunt.

Nice cope. You're just jelly that you haven't found an unicorn.

>while you're writing this she's getting fucked by some other guy

Could you post the webm with her dyel bf?

I want to see the gymcels seethe

>boo hoo somebody has decent parents and I dont

Nose check? White goys aren’t supposed to have kids anymore

Imagine being an autistic piece of shit Yas Forums poster who masturbates to feet or other gross shit and suddenly your fucking parents set you up with pic related. its ridiculous how spoiled some people are.

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seethe faggot. maybe you'd also like to know that they paid for my first car and college. atleast they care for me unlike yours. never had to stress because of them.

>implying my future wife cheats

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Imagine having parents at all :(

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>board about anatomical aestetics
>hurrrrr women need to be ugly

Birth control

Noo! this can´t be happening! Your parents are supposed to not get you and only set you up for failure! How can they do this! Its like your parents understands your feelings and wish you well! Whats going on here?

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I will never know

So my gf who’s younger just got sick while making her late morning breakfast. We fucked last weekend and two weeks before when I visited and I nutted raw because she has implanted birth control. Now she’s puked in the morning and I’m slightly worried/exhilarated:

How fucked am I lads?