How do I become chad

how do I become chad

Attached: will dancing.webm (600x338, 2.86M)

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just be yourself

Step 1: Don't be anything like either person in this webm
hasan is a faggot and so is whoever this other guy is

A literal pornstar begged to fuck Hasan live on stream. If you don't think he's a pure chad living life on ez mode then you're a retard

Why would you be impressed by a pornstar trying to fuck you, they literally do it for a living

Eat him, absorb him

incels like yourself have a distorted perception of reality and what being "chad" actually is because you have no experience in the social world

And they offered for free retard. Imagine being so handsome someone offers to work for you for free

Why he didn't take the toy? Poor dog just wanted to play with him, not cool dude

will is handsome and charismatic
I doubt the girls he fucks care about his political views

Not that guy, but how are Will and Hasan not chad? I'm not into incel shit, just want some advice

Lmao bigger get a grip
Re read what you just posted

They do it for a paycheck 99% of the time, not because they actually want to fuck the guy. You're on some incel shit if you think a woman literally throwing herself at you because she wants you to fuck her brains out "doesn't count" just because she has sex for money.
t. dyel who would get mogged to shit by hasan if he stood next to him irl

>Thinking this is chad

the fact that you are projecting these weird erotic ideas about another man "mogging" me is suggesting to me you are a in fact a repressed homosexual and most likely a virgin

Can just tell you're not over the age of 16.

Lol sex and porn are so different. You must have never had sex to think they’re even remotely close. Pornstars are all mentally ill drug addicts (maybe except for Siri, but still probably) being able to fuck one for free is not any kind of accomplishment or proof of being cool

>hurr durr being a real chad means not giving af and just beeeing urself
Kek let's see how that epic, super based and mega redpilled mindset of yours holds up if you so much as took a photo with Hasan in the background, kiddo

>You're on some incel shit if you think a woman literally throwing herself at you because she wants you to fuck her brains out "doesn't count" just because she has sex for money
Lmao not even him but what the fuck is this kind of mental gymnastic
Of course it is more gratifying to be hit on by a more respectable woman rather than an easy lay

calm down incel

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Disregard other opinions
Acquire fun

you answered but not me that's not very chad of you, king

Dear lord, unironically kys
Im already missing when the site reply function was down earlier

explain why you think they are "chad" and what "chad" actually means to you

How is that mental gymnastics, you dumbass. Pornstars aren't easy lays unless you contract them to fuck. It's not real sex, it's acting, it's a business transaction. A pornstar actually wanting to have sex with a person is completely different from doing porn.
Yeah okay "chad". I'm sure you're so socially successful, financially successful, and aesthetic just like Hasan. Maybe more than him. I'm sure your epic badass personality totally owns him hard. You're definitely 2 meters tall like Hasan, the size of a brick shithouse like Hasan, swimming in money and bitches like Hasan, and constantly surrounded by friends like Hasan. Super redpilled post here, glad I've got some niggers on Yas Forums telling me that the guy who has everything a man could want and more isn't actually chad because he... streams video games, or something.

Sauce? Who

you tell me

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rae lil black or something
can't believe this is still being posted in 2020

wonder where this guy is now

>How is that mental gymnastics, you dumbass. Pornstars aren't easy lays unless you contract them to fuck. It's not real sex, it's acting, it's a business transaction. A pornstar actually wanting to have sex with a person is completely different from doing porn.
Is this a pasta
Thanks for the laugh user, really

hasan somewhat looks like a hotter nick mullen

Ironically even if you were a Chad you'd never know.

Not an argument.

Your average whore is unironically more promiscuous than a pornstar. They fuck a new guy every month for free. Pornstars only do it if you pay them. Consider a CPA who just walks around doing peoples' taxes for free because he likes the cut of their jib vs a CPA who actually charges people for his services. The former CPA is a degenerate tax whore. The latter is selective, knows his worth, and utilizes it to earn capital. He does taxes for free but only for the handful of people that he is genuinely attracted to. He is based and not a tax whore.

They are handsome, popular, hasan is built like a truck, Will is muscular as well, they are fun to be around, people are attracted to them. Guess I'm just striving to be like that you know.
IMO "Chad" doesn't have to be to be the literal impersonation of the meme, I'm just kinda familiar with twitch culture and these people strike me as some subset of Chad.
Typing this out felt kinda weird like im on some incel forum not gonna lie.

you sound gay as fuck

hasan packer is a faggot

huh? what does that supposed to mean?

Nick is actually fit. Hasan is doughy.

you are literally telling me what you think of some guy. describing his looks and shit. how about you focus on yourself and be the "chad" instead of being a cuck and admiring them.


>over 6ft tall
>Objectively good looking
>Full head of hair
>makes over 200k a year doing nothing basically

How is he not a chad ?

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Damn, fair enough. Time to stop being a fucking bitch
Thanks for this, man

Too bad he's kinda stupid.

And you're very good at being funny, you shouldn't do it for free.

The fact that the pornstar actually put a price on her body while the average whore do it for her pleasure actually hints at the value each one attribute to themselves.

Now, while I agree that society is quite hypocrite in looking upon what is essentially the same activity, the pornstar willingness to put a price on this activity and her agreement to let everyone see it shows why her hitting on your faggit isn't something to be impressed about and why it is socially looked upon with disdain.

The simple fact that you compared a pornstar with a cpa based on the free access of their services regardless of the morality of any sexual activity is astonishing.

Now try to riddle me this one you champ. I'm quite bored and you seem to be a gem.

He used to date a literal pornstar while she was still actively doing porn. Is that Chad to you?

He'd be an incel if he wasn't tall. That Albanian guy is the only legit Chad I've seen on twitch.

i want them both to fuck me raw and cum in my ass

Twitch is an incel circle jerk

Noooooooo! Stop criticizing my friendship simulator. He's real to me and reads out my name when I give him money.

>her hitting on your faggit isn't something to be impressed about and why it is socially looked upon with disdain.
Fucking kek, are you really such a shut-in that you think the average dude would be disgusted if a pornstar hit on him? Holy fuck nigga go outside

>not impressive
>the same thing
user, I...

You literally said "it is socially looked upon with disdain" you troglodyte, read your posts

Very excited we have jaymam079 posting here with us today

Ok hasan

Choo choo Hasan go back to twitch faggot

Oh sorry user, I thought you were referring to my first point and wouldn't do the incredible mistake to think disdain and disgust are the same thing.
My bad for thinking you were smarter than this, yeah.

>how do I become chad

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>I thought you were referring to my first point
It's okay, not your fault you can't read
>wouldn't do the incredible mistake to think disdain and disgust are the same thing.
Kek, keep splitting hairs, I know that's the first sign of an argument falling apart

Continue with your delusions that you're a totally functional member of society even though you think the average guy would consider it """DISDAINFUL""" if a pornstar hit on them

What exactly do you guys mean when you say "porn star"? Cause if you're talking about actual studio produced porn then fuck no I wouldn't put my dick anywhere near those. But if it's a camgirl or amateur I'd be in that in a second.

God I waited the moment when the doggo bites him.

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easy there Hasan

porn stars and people associating with them are major creeps, male and female