Reached 1pl8 ohp in 2 weeks

>reached 1pl8 ohp in 2 weeks
What the fuck you guys said it was hard

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I'm trans btw if it matters

Post webm or I'm going to assume you're jumping during it.

Standing perfectly still like a fucking tree

how much do you weigh?
do you have an athletic background?

How fat are you?

you don't even lift. frog posters never do. post body with shoulders.

Good chunk of this board are natural DYELs with low test

Out of 1234 the 1plate ohp is considered the easiest. Some burly guys do it first day in the gym while some struggle, but it's generally achievable in 3-6 months of lifting.
For me the 3plate squat is the hardest. In fact I still can't squat 3plate even though all my other lifts long surpassed the threshold. Squatting big has always been my largest struggle, might be leg size, the fact that I've always done running than heavy carrying. I'm more of a runner / endurance, and the fact that I can run a marathon while struggling with squatting attests to this.

Tldr 1234 is nothing really, some guys get it fast, some slower. In a year of dedicated training it's already achievable for everyone.
For reps by the way, it doesn't count if your stupid ass is bending space and matter to lift it once.

>For reps
How many reps exactly? Fucking retard?
What if I don't do your 5x5 routine huh faggot? It IS for 1rm 1/2/3/4 is 1rm-s so shut up

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Strange but then again I hit 4 pl8 squat and couldn’t hit a 4pl8 dead at all. Took forever for my bench to hit 2pl8 while I was able to OHP 1 quickly

When people are talking about 1234, is it doing it for one rep?

I have 3 plate squat down, got a 95kg bench, can do one plate OHP and not tried a 4 plate deadlift. Doing stronglifts btw.

post body

If you can't 5x5 strict from OHP with 1pl8, then you can't OHP 1pl8.
No leaning backwards, no standing bench, no bouncing the bar or lifting with your legs. Glutes clenched, core braced, back straight or it doesn't count.


>reached 12 replies with a low effort bait post
What the fuck guys you said baiting was hard

2/3/4/5 is the new 1/2/3/4.
Every twink who tried compounds can do 1/2/3/4.

chu mean bait
is my life bait now

also i just made and ate 2 big ass burgers and came back to continue shitposting

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5 reps exactly. Regardless if your workout program, if you can't OHP 1plate for 5 repair, you can't OHP 1plate. Simple as.

Now go train some more or seethe like the bitch ass nigga you are.

It's the easiest to get to but it's the hardest to get far past.

My OHP working weight went from 100-140 in the same time as it took my bench to get from 155-245

>if you can lift 1pl8 one time, but you cannot lift it 25 times, you can not lift 1pl8 at all.

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Your 1rep max is going to be a shaking struggling mess with poor control. If you could only lift 1pl8 once, you're not strong enough to lift it for reps. Lifting for reps is literally the only thing that counts. If you can't do reps and can't do strict form you're not strong enough to be lifting that weight. Retards who deny this go straight to snap city.

>can lift something one time
>can not lift something two times
>therefore, can not lift something one time

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It doesn't count.

>1RM doesn't count

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Yeah, because no way you can do a 1rm with perfect form while being unable to do more reps with the same weight in the first place. Perfect form in any lift requires a level of strength and control that will 100% always allow you to do more than 1 rep. If you can do 1 rep with perfect form you can do a few more. 1 rep maxes are ALWAYS cheating on form. Always, and you can't tell me otherwise.
>but I can OHP 1plate for 1 rep with perfect form, but not more.
No you can't. Post video right now faggot, I don't believe your stupid ass one bit.

1pl8 never takes any amount of time, a decent workout regiment will get it for you in about two months.

2pl8 will take years.

>shaking struggling mess
>tons of people black out
>tons of people vomit
>tons of people burst major vessels and get nose bleeds
You're only proving my point. It doesn't count.

>it doesn't count
lol I can't even tell if this is bait or you're actually this fucking stupid.

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Doesn't count. If you're shitting your pants, bleeding from the eyes, and vomiting to barely get one beet red faced shaking like an epileptic on a sybian rep, it doesn't count.

>i lift thing
>faggot says i don't life thing because i shit my pants

The fact I have more willpower to shit my pants in determination to achieve a goal while you can only shitpost on a Norwegian Ice Skating forum is pretty funny honestly.

It counts, you're mad because you've never pushed yourself in anything in life.

>it is not me who is wrong, it is every lifting competition since the beginning of time who is wrong.
yea, I get it. nice b8 bud.

>bragging about shitting his pants during an embarrassing snap city ego lift

Power Lifters are a joke. The arch is a joke. Sumo is a joke.

>being this mad that you've never achieved anything in life
Ok kid.

Meanwhile I can still OHP 225 for 1RM and you can't.

1pl8 means 1pl8 each side, not 1pl8 total

yeah no way. i doubt you know what 1 plate is.

Dude, you're actually bragging about shitting your pants. Thats Chris Chan tier pathetic and retarded.

If 1RM feats are so meaningless do them yourself.

>inb4 it doesn't count

this faggot doesn't even lift. he's in some sort of delusional state where being able to lift something once means you can't lift something at all.

>tfw naturally weak


Again, post video faggot or shut up.

Discard any frog posters that don’t have evidence to back up their shit posting LARP.

t. a total brainlet going to snap his shit up
You're apparently too autistic to interpret these simple statements as anything but super literal.
Obviously if you can lift something once you can lift it once. No one is saying that the weight is magically still on the ground you literal autist. It doesn't count because its retarded and dangerous. If you're bragging about a pitiful 1pl8 OHP but can ONLY do 1 rep, it doesn't count. A person who can only do 1 rep 1pl8 has weak shoulders, weak core.

>Lifting for reps is literally the only thing that counts
Yeah I forgot about how in powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting, your total is based off your 5RM


Shut up baby dick, no one listening to a faggot that can't into 1rm.

According to his logic your 3rm, 5rm,10rm, or 12rm wouldn't count either.
Since you'd struggle with any of those with the exact same amount of intensity you would your 1rm.

Have you ever tried doing a 12rm?
Shit fucking sucks, doing something 12 times does not mean you can lift x weight.

My fucking 12rm is like 155lbs.
Which is more than that faggots 1rm i'm sure.

where 1rm means 1 inch range of motion LOL

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Holy shit, this is pathetic. Have you ever lifted ANYTHING ever?
If you can do 5 reps with a weight you can have near perfect form and maybe struggle a little bit on the end of the last rep. This isn't even remotely comparable to a retard 1rm.

Yeah but what about Olympic weightlifting?

Ignored baby dick.

So you have to look good and not look like youre straining for it to count?

You have to be able to control it, which is what strict form is about. Strict form controlled reps are best for growth, best for preventing injury, best for not being retarded.

Bullshit. Go do heavy as shit cleans and power cleans and watch your traps explode.

Go heavy on deadlift and watch your spine explode lol

Curling your back is totally fine! 1RM! Be a worm chad just like that meme lol

Are y'all seriously arguing with a dyel homo who can't even OHP 1pl8 for reps?

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So you can OHP your bodyweight for reps only after 2 weeks of lifting, you are either a prodigy, a liar, or a retard who doesn't know what a pl8 is.

There is still multiple ways to cheat the movement
Bouncing off shoulders
Leaning so far back it becomes a bench press
Not actually locking out elbows

This being said 1pl8 OHP wasn't that hard for me either. Everyone is different. I progressed real fast to 1pl8 OHP and 2pl8 Bench, but I can't squat as much as I press and my didly is even worse.

Maybe hes got light bumper plates

This, maybe user thinks that any plate is a pl8 so his 11lbs bumper plates count as 1pl8.

I would post a picture of my body to prove you wrong, but I could be identified based on my scars (used to be involved with a fight club, stabbed multiple times) and my gang affiliated tattoos when I spent 10 years in one of the toughest prisons in the country (I'm, probably, in top priority watch list of the FBI right now)

I know your type though. You think because you can squat and deadlift heavy that you're a big guy with an impressive physique. I have built plenty of muscle without those autistic lifts. You probably think you're superior because you follow the routines of a fat little redneck man with no real knowledge of building musculature or strength. You don't know shit about muscle and strength development if you have not trained the way I had, I literally learned from the best, and you got no shit on me, you fat autistic neckbeard.

Count the number of kgs / lbs on the plates ad add them all up then tell us what they equal. You don't know what 1 pl8 is retard