What if the gym was like a videogame?

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fucking kek, keep posting

>dude has been at squat rack for 5 hours now
>ask to work in
>"My Fishing level is 36"

>tfw stuck on lvl 5 lifts
others are just using P2W r-right?

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>laid down some serious coin for a lifting belt of titan strength
>not high enough level to use it

how to romance cardio bunny NPCs at the gym? I tried lifting real loud around them but they didn't seems to notice.
do I really have to walk up and interact with them?

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>Start powerlifting routine
>Gym's hulk denies me access to the racks
>''If thou heft fancy, a protein shake thou shalt make me''
>Have to run through the city in order to find the proper ingredients
>When I finally got them, he says my rack is in another gym

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Just press X near them, you'll proceed to courtship. Your attractive must above 50 in order for it to continue but I just press X daily around all the females I find to get +5xp per woman and keep leveling up Endurance. I'm level 23. I also gained the moniker The creep. I'm making it, boys.

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Press F for all those dudes who pump STR and dump CHA

>tfw I start dumping points into will power and start lifting heavier than most people despite having less strength
why yes I do have a 200 IQ how did you know?

>The mods haven’t realised I’m using the TEST-E Plugin yet.
>normalfags think I’m grinding 16 hours+ in the gym.
>tfw only Train 4 hours a week

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> Photoshop gym selfies
> cheatengine.exe

Why do niggers do this?

this one hurts

>mods realise when you hit age 50
>permabanned from life

>gym entryfragger smoked off squat racks

>missed the frame perfect squat
>almost kms

>he doesn’t lift with kb&m
Never gonna make it

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>he isn't L-cancelling his lifts

Is there a way to unlock the barriers to the girls locker room? My squat plug fell out and rolled into it while I was doing some fetch quests, and now I cant complete the story arc of massive legs.

Nah, that arc is blocked for good. In the next game, just pick a female character

It's a long drawn out side mission about getting programmer socks and a dildo. I don't recommend it. Lucky the devs added a buy back option for the plug to restet the story line to where you left off

Now THIS is gold

What does it mean?

Inside of my autistic mind, it is

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For me, it's the Clucking Huge Meal.
You might be lucky enough to find a feather.

It already is.

You get diminishing returns on all of your lifts based off your starting stats.
You either P2W with gear or become a tranny.

Best build is high base chr that you train str onto


Like this?

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>Found an exploit with the tren system that causes no negative side effects after taking

How long until the Janitors ban me/patch?

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Is Dexterity even a fucking useful skill? All you get to do is have extra throwing and shorter lifts. Chink Moot needs to fucking buff it.

Also here’s a pic i got from the manlet pit during blood moon DLC.

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Your interface is botched, too many curl-ups. I'm solo leveling too

That’s a one way trip to snap city (Which does 207 damage and 2x slow for 1 week). You fucking retard, invest into monkey nuts and up your INT.

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Most people don't know that if you level up your charisma, you gain access to the "gym buddy" perk, which allows you to workout with followers. It's underrated and most people don't use it. I didn't use it until my second play through. With a follower, you get 2 times your xp and inventory, you get bonus karma, and Action Points replenish faster when working out.

If you reach a high enough level and put your points into Strength, you can unlock "Gym Buddy II" which unlocks the "posse" ability. This grants you 3 times xp and inventory, twice the karma and AP replenish speed as before, and 5% bonus health for each extra follower. Also, gym traders and potion sellers will now give access to rare items and goods once you reach level II of this perk, and common goods will be sold at lower prices.

you need to be a high level though. "Gym Buddy III" is basically endgame, unless you had access to the beta.

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>defeat boss with guild
>gay gm gives all the loot to the cute twinks

>is dexterity a useful skill?

Are you fucking retarded?
Without baseline dex of 10 you're effectively fucking retarded.
Oh you can lift 500lbs? WOOPs you dropped it on your foot because you're dexterity is so low you forgot how to hold onto a bar.
Oh you want to use your 80lb anime sword?
Woops you swing it and it goes flying into the Earth's orbit.
Oh you want to just use your fist?
You take a step and instantly trip because of low dexterity.

Without dexterity you can't perform basic tasks, let alone complex ones.
So if you want to actually lift you'll need at least baseline.

>been out of commission over a month with tennis elbows
>finally go back to gym
>forgot all my key-bindings
>tank rating
>gladiators and rank one's all laugh at me
>reroll at new gym and start over

>Approaching the qt. receptionist
>fail quick-time event and instead of saying hello, i shit myself in front of her
>-100 reputation and ''pariah'' status
Well, I guess it's New game at another gym

Sorry, you rolled the wrong inmate attractiveness. They’re only interested in certain abilities


Anybody else hate random world events?
>plague event starts a few weeks ago
>don’t care about it, keep lifting
>now it’s been ramping up, I guess the devs were tired of people not paying attention to it
>gym closure proceeds just as I was making real progress

>he doesn't know about the secret will power build that becomes OP once you get +10 heavy weight resistance
oh nononono
this build has gotten me a 180lbs bench for reps while weighing 145lbs in 90 days

Is the best build.

Injury free perk
Low int for happiness gains
High strength/charisma to defend from int. bullies.

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>New equipment coming in next month's patch!
>Show up on day 1, gym servers running slow because overcrowding
>its just the same equipment with a re-skin

Just pay Gold subscription, cheapstake.


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Go level your crafting classes

No shit sherlock but after that it becomes more obsolete than your micro dick. I bet your one of those magic pussies, aren’t you?

There's a reason people play video games instead of lifting or any other real world self improvement. Aside from it being more comfy.
Video games are generally fair and linear. You put in effort, you get rewarded, you make progress. If this doesn't happen you go complain to the devs.
IRL you have to worry about shit like genetics and hormones and wondering why people who have trained half as long as you are already outperforming you.

>gym receptionist wants me to put up 50 dumbells before I can get my gym license

Press left trigger when your deadlift hits the ground, you can do the next rep instantaneously and the game interprets that as massive power generation for equivalently massive gains


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>he isn't magically augmented

And yet he calls me micro dick.
I got a literal fucking Anaconda for a penis.
It's got fangs and everything.

>that guy who wavedashes between the squatrack and the leg press while he's supersetting

>not using 180 quick turnaround hotkey to go from leg extensions to leg curls for double-sided gains
I mean really why else would that be the same bench?

It's their own fault for using skill points on shit their race isn't specialized for

>specs into running or jumping as the manlet race
>specs into crafting or rhythmic breathing and swimming as a redguard
>specs into charisma and barter for steroids potions when doing a quasimodo play through

each race and class is specialized. I knew a casual manlet (5'4") player who used his race to his advantage: low center of gravity, low weight for better handling and agility, smaller hit box and lower chance of criticals, and shorter limbs for higher XP when consuming fewer items and grinding less.

in a 1v1 matchup, he took down a 6'1" competitive collegiate rank player who went for the football build, running back subclass. It was like watching a chimp climbing a tree, using it's and the tree's own weight and flimsy foundation to take it down. Never seen anything like it before or since.

tl;dr certain races/classes can't do X as good as everyone else, but can do Y better than everyone else. Don't blame your genetics when you're wasting your potential.

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>he dash grabs the curl bar

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>the gym korean is canceling the eccentric movements again

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