OMG 2 months of active corona virus and a WHOPPING 7200 people has died from it GLOBALLY

OMG 2 months of active corona virus and a WHOPPING 7200 people has died from it GLOBALLY

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It’s just to distract you while the fed pumps trillions into oblivion so a couple billionaire CEOs can exit the market and retire.

Carry on.

Go out and get it and then tell us all how it is.

>its just the flu guiz!!!! China wont lie about death numbers!!!!!

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Already got it and it's comfy

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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It's literally just the fucking flu if you're healthy assuming you even can.

I guess fuck old people and people with diabetes/asthma/copd then? Also you know it can mutate symptoms and get worse? God you’re retarded

theres been more deaths caused by the common cold, than by the corona virus, during these 2 months of corona "outbreak"

>supposed to be like the flu
>hundreds of thousands of people infected in a few weeks
how? i don't even get the annual flu shot and never worry about the flu

you do realize that there is no shortage of TP? people are hoarding, but the stocks will get replenished the next day

>I guess fuck old people and people with diabetes/asthma/copd then?

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day

I don't care even a little bit about this gay virus. Nothing in my life has changed even slightly, besides that now seething retards with nothing better to do post about it on Yas Forums.
I do not care that a whopping 15% of elderly people who get it die.

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>The average person uses 1 roll per day.

Protein shits claim another one

It's just bad statistics. Total hyperreal phenomenon

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>retarded Europoor still pretending Corona isn't gonna rape his country

how is the situation in india? they need a bit of culling

>doesn’t understand exponential growth

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no one seems to get that its gonna get a lot worse.

>already widespread, common viruses have killed more people than the brand new virus that is worming it's way into the population

>the flu is gonna get a lot worse as people develop immunities!
Hi retard

>Yas Forums fuckwit thinking anywhere but a nursing home has been ‘fucked up’ by corona virus

We have some resistance to the flu, we have no resistance to the rona. You can fuck up your lungs for life if you get the rona.

Maybe a dumb brainlet who eats like shit uses one roll a day, but no that is not normal.

>citation needed
honestly what precedent do you have to say corona can permanently harm your lungs? It’s been around two months

>doesn’t understand how many people live on the planet

It's fucking stupid, and now they closed my gym!!! FUCK!!!!!!

>doesn't understand logarithmic growth


His ass, Yas Forums, and a willingness to panic because it finally gives him a purpose in his life

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Any sort of severe viral pneumonia with ARDS can cause permanent lung damage. COVID isn't special in that regard. It could be influenza, RSV, rhinovirus, whatever. If you have a severe enough viral pneumonia that you end up on a ventilator, you can end up with permanent decrease in function. And that's not even touching on the barotrauma and volutrauma from the ventilator itself, once your lungs really start to shit the vid.
>slashes your parenchymal compliance by 50%
>heh, nothing personal kid

It is going to disappear very shortly, not get cured or fought off, it is just going to out right disappear. The infected will recover or die as they were going to but for an 'unknown' reason it will stop spreading entirely. For now atleast any. At most this will be a few months away.

1- that’s not an article hats a headline and
2- same question: on what grounds are these doctors denying any possibility of recovery after two months?

The original post specifically compared it to one influenza. The rate of the that kind of permanent damage per influenza victims is incredibly low. That’s lame as shit my dawg

brainlt, go read the article.

>how is the situation in india?
not so bad
>they need a bit of culling
i hope more wypypo die

brainless: consume more spurious media

>average person uses 1 roll per day

What are you eating son?

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You are right, it's all lies. You should spend more time outside.

Human coronavirus has been around long enough to be on the list of shit that Lysol and Clorox kill. Why are you retards even flailing? Just drink some bleach if you're worried.

Yeah, this

lol you’re the only one being dramatic here user, I just advocate having a bit of common sense

I know right, all the smart people are still going out in large numbers. You should do it too. The virus isn't that bad.

Who is being dramatic, we are on the same page. This entire situation is nothing to worry about. I'm glad we agree.

thank you based based crohns chad

who tf uses a roll a day? tf you pulling your statistics from, NEET haven?

>lol data fits an exponential distribution just trust the model bro
Taleb is a hack

>believing chinky and iranian death tolls

Holy shit that's more people than I even know.

>Chinks are lying
>your friends on Yas Forums are lying

Nobody knows what the fuck is going on, stop pretending that you do

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It's the flu, but worse and far more contagious. After the flu fades away you get a residual pneumonia which so far seems to be permanent. It'll probably go away after a while though.

Yeah, so nothing to worry about. I'm glad conservatives are going out in large numbers with their entire families.

But isn't reddit the people taking this seriously? Chan seems super dismissive.

And we’re all glad you’re staying inside, terrified and alone

But they also suck chinese dick? Idk I don't pay attention to reddit to know.

>Nobody knows what the fuck is going on, stop pretending that you do
When did I say I did you fucking mongoloid retard? Stop putting words in my mouth.

Would you prefer I put my dick in your mouth fag?

Article also states function is recoverable via exercise aka not permanent. Shitty if true though regardless.

No, it'd make it weird for your mother when I kiss her.

yeah that's a yikes pill from me, dawg.

they're trading bonds for cash with slight interest so trade won't stop retard. you know, preventing the next great depression?

What one roll a day! get lost, it takes me a whole week to use one toilet roll, that's one toilet roll a week.