Would you guys date a woman with a strong jawline in the hopes that your sons inherit it?

Would you guys date a woman with a strong jawline in the hopes that your sons inherit it?

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who is this?

who is this?

Erica Lindbeck, VA of Barbie and Cheelai from Dragon Ball Super

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who is this?

Her jawline is a bit too much but strong jawlines a generally much more attractive on women than weak jawlines.

Take a look at this pic. I don't how anyone can find the right pictures more attractive.

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You're a faggot if you like left more

srsly man
it makes me depressed to think how attractive that women was and then fucking it all up


No. You're either a fag for wanting your son to look like the right pic or you're a slanty eye.

Spotted the jawlet

Low test

Attached: tormund-brienne.jpg (650x360, 76.07K)

based futaba


>date a woman with a strong jawline
Why would I date one with a weak jawline? Women with low test are just as genetically fucked as men with low test. Test is important for male and females alike.


>Right is for high test men who want a qt3.14 to protect and cherish
>Left is for homosexual men who want to get rammed in the asshole

Your kid would look like left either way you fucking spastic. Surgery doesnt alter genetics


How tall is she? What good is that jaw going to do if she's giving you 5'7 sons?

Almost exclusively. But that's more of a large jaw than an attractive one.

left is perfect.
I like masculine women, but she's slightly too much. would need very little surgery to look great though, that hair is top tier.

nah. I'm about as interested in chicks like this as I am in uggos and fatties. these types are borderline considerable as friends though.

No. Recent research indicates that male children actually inherit a higher percentage of DNA from the father. This effect isn't as pronounced for women and their daughters

your son is mostly your traits

I honestly find them repulsive but i might consider for my sons future, JFL if you get androgenic daughters instead.

Strong jawline on women never was attractive until gay men and feminist women started shilling them on magazines.

Square jawline is highly sexually dimorphic trait and you might be B or gay user, or worse a femdomfag. Left can unironically pass as a man without makeup and the hair, I can guarantee you that.

>Strong jawline on women never was attractive
Are you retarded or just a basedboi?

Fuck you moot soiboi

Might be peak coping i've seen this week. Congrats. A few options:

1.You're a jawlet feminine cucks and justify male features on women for lacking it yourself, hence thinking this will give you a son with strong jaw (He still likely won't).
2.You're a narcissist and justify male features on women because of your appearance, This board is narcissism driven.
3.You're closet homosexual
4.You're a sub and want dominant women to treat you like sissy
5.You're ugly masculine femanon
6.You've bottom 10% T and high E
7.You're anti-surgeries

You can't refute those and i'll not respond to low IQ subhumans.

>2.You're a narcissist and justify male features on women because of your appearance, This board is narcissism driven
There is literally nothing wrong with that one though.

I find the left more attractive but I'm bisexual

Not an argument. Strong jaw is linked highly to high T and DHT, Which goes against the regular sexual dimorphism (Women like phenotype expression of high T and men of high E). Accept that you're anomaly, You're just embarrassing at this point.

By "strong" do you mean "defined" or just big and square? The two things I like in a face are a defined jawline and high, defined cheekbones. Jawline still has to be shaped a certain way. I'm not into this frankenjaw shit. Seems like an overcorrection.

There's nothing wrong with anything when you aren't putting the thing against ideal, In that case (Most cases) to society which respect survival instincts at its core, If it was possible narcissists would've been mostly eliminated from the gene pool long ago.

>Which goes against the regular sexual dimorphism
But you see it doesn't. Just as test has been dropping in men it has been in women. Low t women will have weak jaw and shit figure and huge or no boobs because of hormonal imbalances. Naturally high test women will have a naturally higher oestrogen levels but birth control and heavy metals fuck that shit up and give us a society where there is no balance but everyone is at one end of the scale or the other.

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Its the truth. A couple needs 1 masculine and 1 feminine to work. Only a feminine man prefers a masculine woman.


fucking kek

In a fucking heartbeat. They can take a beating

Pic related is a defined jawline that's aesthetically pleasing on a female.

Quagmire jaw looks retarded on anyone though

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Lol shes not even masculine, are you sure you’re not just insecure?

8. She doesn’t look masculine bc you’re a man with normal testosterone and know thats not what men look like

What if i'm a 75% sub 25% dom but have masculine face and big dick? What's my match? Is it going based on appearance first or sexual preference and mentality?

9.You're a virgin who never seen women without makeup completely hence can't picture this manly bone structure without the "feminine" painting.

that's basically my fetish OP

I would date her because of her massive tits

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Wow so “manly”
Its not my fault you get mogged by a female

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Girls with more feminine faces prefer man with more masculine faces and vice versa.
If you like masculine features in a female you probably have feminine features, which 80% of men in USA do unfortunately

Attached: masc_fem.jpg (540x362, 23.4K)

God social science has done nothing for this world except give faggots like you a veneer of “objectivity” for your gay opinions.
A well-defined jawline is indicative of nothing except healthy gene expression; its a woman’s chin that makes her look masculine, and all the women posted on this thread have had small chins.

>which 80% of men in USA do unfortunately

Not true. Men always prefer the young looking soft big eyes defined cheekbones narrow jaw look. It's just that men don't voice their opinion on social media like females on subjects like this/men see more than 80% of the female faces (including makeup of course) as attractive so it doesn't matter and you barely get anti-ideal like you've with women and manlets, jawlets, dicklets etc, everything is acceptable to some degree.

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Nope. Wide jawline is very masculine feature, Jaw definition isn't tho.

you retard, men have longer ramus than women (their lower thirds have more height) a women with a jaw as strong as the one posted by OP looks masculine.
Strong jaws is a masculine feature, cute small face is a more feminine feature.
If you like masculine features thats up to you, idk why u seem so hostile, are u hurt cus u got a feminine face and like masculine faces?

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New wallpaper

If anything you're proving that you're a feminine man since you need a female to look that feminine to make you look masculine

She seems like she has a great personality

Most masculine men still mostly attracted to most feminine women..

yup, we have different hormones for a reason

Right activates my coomer brain but I've found since doing nofap that I can appreciate left more. I have a deep desire to impregnate the left.

Imagine the children she could bear bros

Germanic women all have strong jawlines