Does lifting turn you gay?

does lifting turn you gay?

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No, but browsing Yas Forums eventually will.

Only if you lift other dude's peepee with your mouth, or hand, or poopoo hole

I learn German and I understand the sentence except lutschen. Whats that?

Neveremind. Ive just googled it.

im kinda gay but would never suck someone else off or get fucked in the ass


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You start normal, then like muscular chicks, then they are too rare so you start looking at trannies, then BAM dudes.

Since I started giving a shit and focusing more on my appearance, I do check guys out more. I keep telling myself its more so to appreciate their aesthetics and efforts I know they've put in. Maybe I am gay.

I've been gay all my life but lifting has greatly increased my sex live

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Gay is a lifestyle choice. Same-sex attraction comes from having an overbearing mother and absent or emotionally distant father during a child's early development. It is possible that becoming infatuated with the male physique and the need for affirmation from other men exacerbates this problem.

>"we didn't choose to be gay! We were born like this!"
Aryan King:
>*caps niggerfaggots* "lol get rekt faggots"

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>im kinda gay but would never suck someone else off or get fucked in the ass

I'm not gay but I'd fuck the guy in OP's pic in the ass, maybe let him suck me off too, but only as a token gesture of appreciation for his body, otherwise it would be gay. And I'm not gay.

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You go to the gym to impress other men

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>Lifestyle choices
>childhood trauma
pick one

I had none of this and a great dad and I'm was still gay as far as I can remember

Psychoanalysis is nothing but jewish lies

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Did he teach you how to be masculine and be comfortable in your own masculinity? Did he ever wrestle with you? Did you rough house with other boys?

It's a lifestyle choice in the same way that a person might have a tendency or predisposition towards alcoholism but they choose to live their life as an alcoholic.

None of your bullshit pedo fantasies happened

Absolutely. It’s pretty well documented that deadlifts originated from a move that enables you to both take cock anally and eat another man’s ass simultaneously.

That's why you experience same sex attraction. You long for the affection your father didn't give you and it has manifested itself as sexual desire for other men.

stupid roastie slave

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Psychiatrists hate you

Nothing you do affects me in any way.

Nice head canon

david laid is a twink thats gonna get rammed in the ass by 6 4 bodybuilder

>males wrestling each other
>males "rough housing" each other

nigga you gay.

Homosexuality was well understood as a disorder and featured as such in the DSM until the APA caved to political pressure.


ok boomer

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It gave me a true appreciation for the male physique, but no, unfortunately I'm still not gay.

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You were probably the boy in the window who watched all the other boys play outside

>right calf
oh my god hes turning into a nigger
someone put him out of his misery

Just a little, I'm at a point where I can appreciate the male aesthetic. Sure sometimes some guys may almost seem so well made that I get somewhat of a physical attraction, but I wouldn't call it "gay".

Source please.

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Not washing your balls or asshole was well understood as the norm and featured as such by the Herlad until society caved in to political pressure

this, can tell from personal experience
I'm bisexual though

Damn, that's a nice ass. Even nice than mine and I've got an ass bigger and rounder than most girls's asses.

If appreciating a mans dedication to fitness and occasionally finding a man attractive is gay, then fine, I’m “gay”

Post proof.

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Nah, it just helps you find your inner faggot.

And from dudes you migrate to traps and defend it based on them being feminine.

btw you're a faggot if you like my ass


Exactly. My buddy and I give each other massages after intense workouts together to improve recovery. There's nothing gay about it. I'm comfortable enough to admit I find his body attractive. After all, a lot of dedication went into it and it inspires me. I also enjoy his scent after sweating so hard.

Never said it was fantastic but it's bigger than most girl's asses that's for sure. I've compared them when I check them out.

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Of course not, but many gay men are likely drawn to lifting because it involves being around a bunch of sweaty muscly dudes.

Changing cultural norms and objectively disordered behaviors becoming acceptable are not necessarily the same thing.


why my pp hard

This is true for some professions as well. Worked as a cook for a while, half the staff was gay. Both the kitchen staff and the waiters.
I guess cooking is gay?

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Is that the zoomer model who was holding the old guy up by the collar in that photoshoot?

Damn I got the opposite


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