Who is else /UK/ here?

Who is else /UK/ here?

>can still go to gym for gains
>can still eat out for food
>can still go to bars / clubs for pussy

Feels good bros

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Until you see the ‘pussy’ in those bars.

No thanks, OP.

Also UK here; I don't think it will take long for the British government to jog sweatily behind the rest of the continent in terms of lockdowns. Especially once the number of confirmed cases starts picking up.

You’ll be eating your words in a month tops lad, our BOJo is slow on the draw but he’ll follow suite soon.

Yeah but it's British pussy, so...

>not being aware of the herd immunity plan

I get the plan but I dont think it'll work, the NHS doesnt have the capacity for so many to require aid at the same time. The death rate is still super low but the hospitalisation rate is really high. We got a bit lucky being an island with restricted access because we left Schengen so we had a slightly slower start than the continent but I think we'll be doing lockdowns in the coming weeks anyway.

/dutchie/ here
I thought >we were invincible too until yesterday 6 pm. Just ordered dumbbells in an attempt to retain some gains.

I am glad I can still go to the gym but I kind of feel that they should close. This government isn't doing anything ....

me and I want a budgeting advance off the dole to stockpile some fuckin whey but I don't think that'll go down well at the old job centre

We haven’t actually left the schengen yet

Anyone know a good place to get some cheap plates in UK? thinking about going hermit mode and deadlifting in the garden til this thing blows over

Truth be said, the NHS being unable to cope is the least of my concerns. The NHS has supposedly been at a state of breaking point for nigh-on 40 years.

As for the herd immunity plan, I did sort of get the logic; However, I do surmise that the Tories will get cold feet when the numbers bump up, as I said. The one thing you can trust a Tory to be is untrustworthy.

Bong mustard space here, it feels good to live in the only free country on earth. Literally just about to go to the gym and I will be a good time to get a chance to look at the end of the time to get a chance to look at the end of the time to get a chance to look at the end of the time to get a chance to look at the end of the time to

UK was never a part of the schengen zone:


gumtree is probably your best bet mate. check ebay for local collections/deliveries as well

i got these for you OP

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>go to the gym
>some 19 yo zoomer faggot hacking his lungs up in the freeweight area

I'll stick to the homegym for now. Gyms will innevitably close in 2 weeks anyway so might as well get used to it.

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Herd immunity would only work if there are no mutations or reinfections, and the initial infection rate will be enormous which will absolutely crush NHS.

UK will have the highest COVID-19 death rate out of any country, I'd bet on that.

You have a false and dangerous misunderstanding of the realities.
But with this virus I guess Natural selection is back into play. Bye bye

I pray to god my gym doesn't close.

I just started fucking cutting and have no space for a home gym setup.

cutting is mainly diet so you should be fine, just don't go overboard with the deficit

>caught covid at puregym
>now have to stay home on SSP for two weeks
>so do my housemates and I'm sure they're bitter
>had to cancel my date on Friday

Does not feel good at all lad

you would be a fool to expose yourself to public gatherings in this country of all countries. the typical british person is fucking disgusting enough without covid19 knocking around

this. gumtree is based for snapping up good deals on fitness gear. there's a guy near me that has a second hand fitness business on gumtree where he resells stuff from big gyms. he was selling 200kgs + olympic bar for like £150 recently. crazy good prices on second hand weights


>herd immunity meme
Fixed it for you, bud.
The herd immunity meme is bullshit. The government is too scared to admit that the NHS can't handle the virus so they present this bullshit like it's some sort of thought out plan that will work in the end. Once boomers start dying by the tens of thousands and everyone else can't get medical attention for other shit like spoon assaults and car wrecks because the hospitals are overwhelmed, they'll start dying too and eventually they'll have to change strategy. It's going to suck being a bong through this mess.

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>It's going to suck being a bong through this mess.

i guess but it's going to stuck to be any country when the virus is peaking. the best thing you can do is be proactive and not get to the point where you rely on our government or the nhs for shit. be safe and keep to yourself bros

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Without weightlifitng you will lose muscle though.

you actually caught corona? how did you know it was at the gym?


Are things back to normal yet in China? I read that there cases have drastically reduced but are their cities still on lockdown?

not as fast as you'd imagine. i stopped for 3 months and didn't lose any noticeable gains. i'm 225 though so maybe a dyel might miss a couple of pounds

>cases have drastically reduced
those shifty chinks will be diddling the numbers one way or another, whether by reduced testing or straight up lying

Yesssss kid. Went today. British hahahahahahaha yesssss

i think they took enough preventative measures to stop spreading as much but i'm pretty sure hotzones like wuhan are still on lockdown and fucked up

Previously gained gains can be regained faster than originally gained.

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i've never watched this man's videos. is he the kind of verbose cunt to use that sentence as opposed to 'muscle memory'

Boris is one dilly dallying cunt.

Can I leave the house or not ?


just tell them you want to chip in for a funeral or summit. or say you've broken a window and it needs sorting ASAP

If you're in the North West I've stockpiled some plates and I'm running an illegal gym in my garage. £30 for an hour slot. Max 3 people per hour

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i'm interested. post ur address and ill c u at 2pm tomorrow

You should know it well. It's your mums place.

no idea, never met her

I mean, you've met her at least once

Mate stop reading the headlines, the instructions arent vague. Everything is continuing as normal currently, but u can make ur own value judgements on where to go or not go.

Boris said earlier to avoid social places like pubs and clubs

We should nuke you unironically, specially London

Ye but its not a fuckin rule is it, just decide for yourself.

No this is the problem. The world is populated by morons. It should be black and white. No grey area. Its not just yourself youre fucking over if you decide to go out to a pub.

Fucking low IQ working class people panic bought all the food at the supermarket, how am I supposed to make gains now

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>high iq
>has no food

Pick one

Bud everyone is going to get it eventually, if ur a young healthy person it wont make much of a difference if you get it now or in a few weeks. I understand what you're saying that the gov should be giving clear instructions but in the long run it wont make much of a difference for the majority of people, they've already made sure to tell 70+ people to self isolate for the next few weeks/months. I think they want most healthy people to get it sooner than later.

Pulled an Asian girl with a mask last night how fucked am I?

Why have they only told 70 people to self isolate?

>britbongs having mental delay time of a week on how to approach a pandemic
>g-guys let's just do herd immunity it'll work I promise
One of those countries that was better a century a go.

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the margins that the uk are playing with are unforgiving. if it fucks up it'll be a marvellous fuck up i'll tell you that.

Because likely they are the only ones that are at any risk, as far as I know the 60+ are the only people that have died, and all of them had health issues before the virus.

The cutting plan that spares the most muscle is fasting. HGH production ramps up incredibly while fasting. Fasting is also the quickest cutting method.

No it isnt

Ok but you HAVE to train. Muscle doesn't stick around unless it's used.

For sure. You're going to lose muscle on any cut, this is inavoidable. The one where you lose the least muscle is fasting. There is maybe an exception if you are cutting 100 calories from your consumption per day but of course this is just pathetic.

You don't have to lose muscle on a cut, who told you?

Nah, he's pretty legit.

>You don't have to lose muscle on a cut
So you know how to cut fat and fat alone?