Have this body

>Have this body
>still virgin

Guys how can I fix autism and stop posting on Yas Forums

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don’t be black

I dont believe that is the issue here since I know lot of blacks that get ton of laid.

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fucking twink

Post this pic on tinder, many useless thirsty thots will salivate and you will have sex, do that or stop caring

guys why does he look "ripped" but not the good/big kind of ripped? what went wrong?

maybe his diet?

Post body. This guy easily mogs you

That's a good idea. Go on Tinder, get corona, don't procreate and spread your faggot genes any further

He's lean just needs work on legs/arms

Your physique is not impressive. Stop spamming this board you faggot.

thanks for explaining,
how do i not get lean? and get big instead?

I always wonder, why do people even care that they are virgins?

It reflects whether or not they have found someone who loves them and finds them attractive. That's why, if they lose their virginity, they often still feel empty inside. It's low self-esteem mixed with desires for romance.

No different than how you get big. On the way there.

it's because you don't train legs

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It's not about being a virgin, it's about what it implies in the head of those with a defeatist attitude, namely that you lack social skills, are ugly, and are unloveable.

Because everyone will make fun of you for it.
Normies will literally try to make you kill yourself if you're a virgin.
Source: Me

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This is what you look like when you're not a fat fuck

He is small, he can take as many close up pictures as he wants but all his gains will disappear as soon as he puts a t shirt on.
He could get the shit beaten out of him by any 80 kg guy

your face is ugly (big jaw, droopy eyes) and your personality as well (Western entitlement and muscular primitiveness)

canjt even see the face in that pic stfu.
This is a better pic

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yes this is true I look dyel in clothes, but when im bulking I dont

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You have to go back

>your face is ugly :big jaw

niggas out here acting stupid

cant gym is closed

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dude I don't really like you per-say, talked shit to you a couple of times but i'mma gon be real here

your only major flaws are your eyes and hair

you're probably either autistic, or just had some social issues, you seem like a more fit abel tesafye esque dude

Are you trying to fuck black women or white women? Let's back up. Are you even trying to fuck? I find it hard to believe you are having an issue finding dates in tinder. I'm getting laid on tinder and I'm twice your age and weight.

It's because youre the type of person trying desperately to become a meme. Those types of people are by default repulsive.

1) Work legs
2) Go outside
3) Talk to people
4) Quit being afraid of failure because you can literally only gain social XP from trying
5) ????
6)Cure your autism

Build legs, ottermode doesnt work for you, it just makes you look gay for some reason. Wamen probably think you're a shitpusher

thinking all this gets you the girl/boy lilkok

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Charisma. You only focused on leveling strength.

Stop being so much like Elliot Rodger


>Elliot Rodger

who is that? People keep calling me that name, I might be autistic but im not a shooter or mental ill

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if you cant get laid looking like that then yes you are mental ill

this rejection of reality is what makes the similarity

>desperate for attention off Internet window lickers
>not mentally ill

Pick one

You have a very appealing jawline and skin. Makee sure to use clothes that fit you, the photo you posted on the elevator is retarded and make you dyel. Unless you walk around without clothes girls wont notice your body but you still have a good face so are you a manlet?

im confused user

lmao does he post that outside of Yas Forums?


Try fucking squatting you tiny legged pussy bitch.


man that back is perfect sized, just need a bit bigger arms

he's lat spreading

Your quads are holding you back

Having recreational sex is not important but if you're virgin for a long time you start to feel like you're not wanted and that feeling can rot your soul

Thats a pretty good comeback

"Who is that?"
You just admited you know exactly who it is. Are you retarded?

what a waste

women like glutes and legs more than anything, good hip thrusts.
im not memeing

your just low bf%, not big.

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you're probably needy or a nice guy no girl wants to fuck a guy like that


If thats actually you there's literally no reason you should he a virgin unless you have negative zero social skills or a beyond dogshit personality.

Prolly social autist.

Pic here is me before I started lifting I was extremely nerd and still ahve some of that personality

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This is ur mind on Yas Forums. You are prolly the retards that think giga chad is real.

Because the problem is your personality not your looks. Stop shitposting this board with your 60kg sadcunt physique. Dudes get abs and think they are sick as fuck fuken pathetic.

post body bloatloard

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