If you call others "buddy", you're an insecure piece of shit who needs to kill himself

If you call others "buddy", you're an insecure piece of shit who needs to kill himself.

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What's your problem bro?

ok bro

Simmer down hotshot

I say "bud" sometimes, how fucked am I?

actually true. it comes off condescending as fuck and people who say it either dont realise they sound like an asshole or they're trying to be alpha or some shit.

"Old chap" or "old fellow" is the only patrician choice of adress.

Who this soi eater

I sometimes say "pal"

you're okay. vary it up with guy, chief, and boss and you're golden

I think that's Adam Ragusea, solid food youtuber

he definitely looks solid

Ok buddy


I literally use buddy as a sincere term of endearment among close friends, what does this mean?

Me too

What it means is OP is an incel who thinks anyone being friendly has some ulterior motive

Why I cally my wife's boyfriend buddy instead of my wife

Based fooder youtuber

I say dude

Imagine getting triggered by a word that's meant to be friendly.
You need to grow up.

You ok bud?

can i speak to the manager of the based department?

hey buddy i think you got the wrong door

Sure bud

People keep using it with me and it used to bother me but then I just said it back and now I don't really care.

k buddy

That's some amazing projection. How did you manage to become such a snowflake that one of the most inoffensive and innocuous words in the english language manages to trigger you? Do you realize that this is on the exact same tier as trannies blowing a fuse when people use the wrong pronoun? It's 1:1 the exact same thing. You don't feel like an idiot when you get mad about this shit?

Calling someone buddy when they aren't your buddy can come off as disingenuous. It isn't the same as calling someone "dude" or "guy" or even "kid".

idk about "can" but you may.

You do realize this makes you sound insecure right? Maybe that was the bait, but I'll bite. How is the word "buddy" any different than "dude", "man", or "dawg". It isn't. Each one can be used in a positive or negative context.
>Hey! What's going on buddy?
>You're my dude!
>How you doin man?
>Sup dawg?
>Yeah, sure thing buddy...
>Whatever dude
>C'mon man, really?
>That ain't right dawg
If you can't figure out that words have different connotations depending on their context clues, your verbal comprehension is nowhere near as good as you think it is.

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it's not 1:1, it's way more retarded.

He’d been called buddy

>No More Mr. Nice Guy

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Buddy is something you call loser guys

cheers for the advice champ
take it easy big fella, just harmless bants

I fucking hate it when people call me buddy. When I say buddy, the person I'm referring to is in a lower social plain than me. I.E. kids, retards, you people


Tbqh, buddy is a term I reserve for dogs or being condescending to somebody, so I can see why OP would hate the term.

this soi eater probably lifts more than 80% of this board, including you

Alright, buddeh.

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Listen Chief, you need to cool it with the projection

Well gee then, wonder why they call you that you retard

Okay buddy

>The only people lower than him were children and tards
>Every on else calls him buddy
>He is the lowest form of adult life
Checks out

Say it to my face little man, see what happens

I'm not your friend buddy

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Really good YouTuber, love his videos, stop shitting on him, he's a good guy

i mean, this isn't the worst Yas Forums meme to spread, certainly better than most of the other trash you've been bringing over. I'll give it a (you)

ok buddy

it's all contextual but of course you can't expect the autists from here to get it

brother and my friend is the most based. ethnicmaxxin

whatever you say buddy

>Not calling people BUDDEH

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Sure thing chief ;^)

I think it might be a Canadian thing. I say it all the time and people around me say it too. Never saw it as being negative.

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Have made his NY style pizza recipe many times and they are delicious


Sure buddy

I call everyone buddy, boss, fella, etc... all the time. It's a term of endearment. Don't be a faggot, buddy.

what are his lifts

I'm not your bro, dude.