Is this routine good?

Is this routine good?
I’m skinnyfat and want to get more physically fit with a simple bodyweight/cardio routine
I was thinking this or the one punch man routine (100 push-ups, sit-ups and squats + 10k).
Can fit come up with a better simple routine ?

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It's a Crossfit WOD, which should tell you everything you need to know about it.

>in honour of guy who travelled thousands of miles to shoot people and make money and then died


>fighting for the Jews

i can run 5 miles no problem, i can do 300 squats, i can do 200 push ups, I cannot do 100 pull ups

>I cannot do 100 pull ups

Neither can any crossfitters

What the fuck do the jews have anything to do with it?

That is something you do once a week and is hard enough for a fit person.
Don't do your one punch man shit either. Want to know why everyone says running ruins your joints and knees? It's because they go from being a stationary fat ass/gym bro to thinking they can run 10km everyday and be fine. It's like that idiot who tried to squat his bodyweight and broke his shit.
Build things up gradually and stop going for snake oil bullshit. Why can't you people not be retarded?


This is an incredibly hard workout even for someone who is already very fit. Do not even dream about doing this for a while. Same with the retarded one punch man shit. You cannot run a 10k right now.

Look up "Couch to 5k". Do this. Follow the program to the letter. On your rest days, do a easy, calisthenics routine. Combine this with clean eating and a caloric deficit. By clean eating, I mean cook significantly more meals than you don't and focus on lean protein, digestable carbs, lots of vegetables.


The workout doesnt call for 100 consecutive pull ups. Break them up into sets of 20, 15, or 10. If you still can’t accomplish them finish off with assisted pullups or negatives.

I shave my head :)

Please die

>lots of vegetables
What's Yas Forums's obsession with vegetables? They cause massive inflammation in the body.
.t former hardcore vegan of 3 years

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Inflammation by itself is not a bad thing.

>veggies cause inflammation
But so does meat in excessive amount? So what is the story here?

Eat meat cause it doesn’t taste yucky

Inflammation is pretty much the cause of cancer and various other diseases, inflammation is never a good thing...
absolute bullshit, your ancestors even up to 150 years ago would have almost never touched anything resembling "veggies". The idea that meat causes inflammation to a human is bunk. It's like saying a cow grazing grass all day will get inflammation.

Ask me how I know you haven't even studied pathology 101

My question was: how do veggies cause inflammation

What do you mean inflammation is never a good thing?
Why has your body evolved to have inflammatory responses? When you hurt yourself -- why do you think the injured area gets inflamed?

Wars in the middle east are fought to improve the status of the Jewish zionists' state

You're a fucking retard.

>eating vegetables and grains literally cause your body to think it is injured

>hardcore vegan for 3 years
>gets inflammation
>its the veggies bro

90% of crossfit is shit but some of their workouts are good

>no one ate veggies
>all those famines from ruined crops, exhausted farms and blights
>never happened

>egyptian farming methods of using the flood of the nile
>tinhat theory
>all those rice fields throughout asia
>racist stereotyping
>incans farming up mountain sides
>not proven

No one ate veggies or grains until humans invented agriculture, which was objectively the single most devastating thing to occur to the human race. The only plant matter our ancestors ate were wild, natural, seasonal fruit

>eat nothing but vegetables and fruits in my 4 month raw vegan phase
>feel nothing but inflammation and mental decay towards the end
What do you think it is mongrel? To this day, even if a meal has meat, after I eat a vegetable of any kind I can feel the side effects of the plants toxins.

this At this point, it should be common sense that any food from plant sources is poison to the human body but at the same time, there's so much conflicting bullshit people spew in articles and videos for the sole purpose of profit.

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MURPH - Masada Usurers Reprobates Philistines Heretics

I am very far from a vegan and just gave an example of useful inflammation. I'm sorry you cannot take criticism. You should probably have a bottle of ibuprofen to stop all your inflammation.

Cunt, please stop posting.
You have no idea how stupid you are.

He should have a bottle of cyanide to ease humanities suffering.

Don;t worry, I think he knows exactly how stupid he is.

I did this once a few years ago (doing kipping pull-ups) and my arms remained stuff at a 90° angle for like 3 days.
I had to ask for help to put on my fucking backpack to go to college lmao.

>after I eat a vegetable of any kind I can feel the side effects of the plants toxins
It's possible you have some kind of mental illness.

* stiff

>kipping pull ups
So you see were you went wrong?

kek, happened to me the first time I did DB curls (I was 15), ugliest DOMS ever.

It's not really a "possibility" at this point.

There's a reason small children instinctually throw "veggies", noodles and fruits on the floor and will only eat them willingly out of starvation. They recognize that it's not actually food.

Eat nothing but vegetables for a week and see how fast your health declines, especially mental health with massive brain fog. Assuming you don't eat like shit right now.

I garunetee a skinny fat can't do 100 pull ups with 20lbs in a week let alone a day.
Just do strong lifts and cardio

post lifts faggot.

I did like 40 strict and 60 kipping.
Anyways I was fatter back then and I wouldn't have made it anyways. Today I think I can pull it off. On Saturday I did 1 muscle up and 10 strict pull-ups, 3 sets with a minute's rest.

You fucking retard. You got sick because you ate nothing but plants.
Clearly you're too stupid to understand this since you fell for veganism in the first place you dumb cunt.

I've been plant based for months and feel absolutely fine.

Underage lol

keep eating and overpaying for your vegetables then, I could care less at this point but it isn't the other way around.

Plant based foods are missing vitamin A, B6, B12, D,F, K2, Amino acids: creatine, carnitine, carnosine, taurine, heme iron, CoQ10, cla
literally no point in consuming plant toxins when a slab of beef has more nutrients than a massive bowl of broccoli ever will

What kinda response is that to post lifts?
I LITERALLY EAT MEAT EVERY MEAL. Jesus fuck. I just also eat vegetables.

You're a fucking idiot

That's because you went from eating absolute junk to whole foods I assume. Every new vegan say "they feel fine" until you hit the wall a 6 months to a year in. You will realize your body is decaying soon. Most hardcore ethical vegans push past the soft wall only to hit the hard wall 3 to 5 years in when they have no nutrient stores left in their body.

If you eat any plant matter, your a vegan.

cope harder
veggies are a cult you fell for and feel inclined to buy and you will never admit it lmao

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I'm still eating junk.

you're*, a retard

now you're just bullshitting or you've always ate junk, used to the feeling like shit, and now you've just swapped over to plants but have always felt like shit anyway. equivalent to a fat person saying "they feel fine" lol

>They recognize that it's not actually food
As opposed to candies and junk food, right. Congrats, it takes actual time and effort to look as splendidlt stupid as you.

Take your meds mate.

>If you eat any plant matter, your a vegan.

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the difference is that those candies and junk food have a completely unnatural addictive chemical hook in them
cope harder

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100% this niggers baiting

You know vegans are frustrated when they start to correct your grammar

Go eat your broccoli lite vegan :^) go get that brain fog from phytic acid and all those anti-nutrients. Keep deluding yourself that its healthy.

>gets assblasted
>y-you're just b-baiting
I would say kys vegtard but you're already chemically castrating yourself with all your onions, grains, anti nutrients and toxins from plants

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kek, nearly had me going there for a second you cheeky cunt.

okay, keep filling your grocery cart with overpriced anti nutrients goy

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>The vegan gone carnivore is calling me a goy

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