What the fuck is wrong with me? I've just started lifting, got a second hand dumbbell as you can see me using

What the fuck is wrong with me? I've just started lifting, got a second hand dumbbell as you can see me using.

I can literally only get this close to parallel by taking a stupidly wide stance (sumo).

I'm in pain at this point, like I can go further on one side but the other feels like someones grinding my bones together.

I'm not going to make it.

Attached: Squat Sumo oooooh.jpg (920x672, 95.66K)

thats a barbell

Get oly shoes if you wanna squat atg breh

who is this?

can you be more specific? which bones?

OP why did you think you have to be naked for this demonstration?

Delete this.

It's not a flexibility issue, it's a weakness issue. You aren't strong enough to squat below parallel

what the fuck am i looking at

>What the fuck is wrong with me?

We may never know, but I encourage you to keep posting. Yas Forums has been pretty boring lately, and you've got the potential to change that.

Well, this is Yas Forums after all

This not a gay board you faggot dyel

Probably will man once I can afford them.
Hip and ankle on my left side. Left ankle started to collapse to get more forward range, but if I keep it "firm" I cannot keep the heel on the ground.
For full analysing experience.
Interesting. Is it to do with stabilisation?
Thanks for the support mang.
Yes, one of those.

Hip and ankle flexibility. Squat with just your body weight and hold that position at the bottom, you will gradually become more flexible.

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I'm going to assume for a moment that this isn't a troll. Although I very much expect that it is.

First off, the bar is off-center. Appears you're holding it further to the left. Make sure you've got the bar even before you do any lifts otherwise you could end up hurting yourself or developing lop-sided. You also appear to have your torso rotated to one side slightly. Don't do that either. Make sure the bar is kept level

Second, don't use a stance that wide just because you want to get lower. Different widths cause the body to move the weight differently, and too wide makes it harder to activate the glutes effectively. If you're changing up width deliberately for muscle emphasis, thats fine, but I highly doubt you are.

Third, if you are unable to go to a proper depth with a bar, don't use a bar. You may just lack flexibility, which means you need to learn to stretch. Consider buying a medicine ball, holding it to your chest and squatting down to. Keep your back straight and try to squat to parallel or lower. Looking at this, that might take a while.

Fourth, put some damn clothes on.

Fifth, if you want advice on form, you are better off posting a video than a few pictures so we can get a better look at whats going on.

You can make it. Just don't give up because of some bad early attempts.

Do a low bar squat with feet at just outside shoulder width. You can get hips below the crease with less ankle flexing and less stress on your knees. You're not in competition so it doesn't matter if you do high bar or low bar. Also use a doorpost to hold yourself while you practice lowering for squats to develop some mobility. Flexibility can be retrained if you keep at it.

If he's this deconditioned, it's both

Shhhit thats far gone. Stretch, yoga AND do cardio in addition to weights if you really want to fix yourself.

>Fourth, put some danm clothes on.
Shutup fag

Imagine writing all this to a naked guy.
You must be a fag, kek.

the absolute state of non-slavs

my dude, this is Yas Forums. we're all fags here.

truer words have rarely been spoken


Never thought I'd encourage a naked man post more on a blue board but this

OP lookin like Hank Hill.

Attached: 1546870732551.png (303x566, 163.17K)

this is how everyone looks when they squat

its definitely the gayest exercise there is

Static bodyweight squat holds. As low as you can. For as long as you can. Everyday.

>that 30 y/o at the gym doing squats

n-no i like girls actually


based careless poster

Try shaving

What if it's mechanical, like really long femurs plus crap ankle flexibility?

>You can make it. Just don't give up because of some bad early attempts.
Based and check'd.

Thanks man.
Gains and gaining accessories.
Will try.
I normally do, but this is Yas Forums so...

Okay, I tried raising my heels and narrowing my stance.
Less pain, but knees went further forward and I ended up on the balls of my feet.

Attached: Squatting again.jpg (972x632, 95.05K)

Do you have fucking mental problems or something? What is wrong with this board lately

Kill youself you fucking faggot

why you so weak bro

Your back is rounded and your chest is caved in

Retract your scapula hard and tight so that the bar is stable on your traps. Then breath put and brace your core before lowering with your hips first. The goal is to keep your knees just over your toes as well as your knees tracking outwards.

Anyone posting on Yas Forums deserves to get corona

Do you have scoliosis? Why is your torso so crooked??

Thanks man, I'll try that next time I post.
>Do you have scoliosis?
Yes. Lots of surgery, if you look closely on my limbs you can see. My xrays you'd hate to see it.

OP I am the best squatter here, listen to me.
You do not have the dorsiflexion to squat highbar without weightlifting shoes. Taking a wide stance like that is awful and you still limit your depth because of tight abductors. You can try a shoulder width stance, with your toes pointed more out than you would think to point them. That might work. Otherwise you need to learn a rippetoe lowbar squat which requires very little dorsiflexion or get weightliftng shoes.

Goddamn i fucking hate this board sometimes

push your knees out as you squat down, with your toes pointed 30-45 degree out.

fucking absolute brainlet

Are your knees going in front of your feet? If so, you're not sitting back far enough. Think more "HIP DRAIVE" and less "stand up"

post squat. you won't because you're weak. and you're weak because you're too stupid to figure out how to get strong.

>actually telling someone to buy squat shoes
This marketing tactic is bad

I'll try uncle Rip's squat, but yeah I'm starting to feel I should bite the bullet and just get squat shoes.
Ah, I was pushing my thighs. I'll try that.
I'll try to be more HIP DRAVE.

starting quarantine 1st edition


>4 different angles
I think the logical next step is to have a drone camera doing circles around you while squatting and livestreaming it for us to see

Why not get a camera for the underneath angle

Shit up, this is the best thread on Yas Forums right now.

How old are you? You look like 35

OP is C3Pbro!

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Why is his entire body shaved

What is wing with this guy's arm?

>white people