Post your Yas Forums hero

His name was Jack Johnson.

>Just a poor Black man born in 1878 USA
>Learns how to box.
>Gets quite good at it.
>Starts KOing white boxers left and right
>Butt hurt white racists spectators literally jump in the ring, ignoring all rules, and try to revive the unconscious white fighters.
>Referee tells him he shouldn't smile after beating a white man.
>Starts having public affairs with white women in a time when such things were unthinkable.
>Both he and the white women are warned against it.
>Warnings go ignored.
>Stuffs rolled up newspapers in his briefs whenever in public so it has an conspicuously large bulge to make white men extra salty.
>Starts dating semi-famous white female celebrities.
>Carrys them across the country fucking them.
>An entire law is passed just to stop this from happening (the Mann Act).
>Looks white people dead in the eyes with a broad smile plastered on his face in a time when being anything but timid before a white person could be interpreted as disrespect and get you lynched.
>Has a long undefeated streak.
>Racists get so angry they practically force a great white boxer out of retirement just to put the Black bull in his place.
>White boxer gets back into shape.
>Money is negotiated and match scheduled.
>Huge anticipation to the fight.
>The entire country wants him to lose.
>Match begins
>Beats the Great White Hope like he owes him money.
>Famous novelist Jack London,livid, looks at unconscious white boxer and calls him a race traitor.
>Butt hurt white racists go across the country lynching random black people out of spite.
>A posthumous presidential pardon was granted on May 24, 2018, by Trump.

"I'm Jack Johnson, heavyweight champion of the world. I'm black. They never let me forget it. I'm black all right. I'll never let them forget it."

-Jack Johnson

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based my idol is ben jhonson

started out as a bullied skinny 14 year old kid with a 13 seconds hand time 100 meter dash and became the best on his era and the best started the world has ever seen, he was a cheater? yea but so was every great sprinter except bob hayes

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quite possibly the most alpha thing anyone has done
>inb4 Yas Forumstards

An African American being physically superior to white guys? Who would've thought?

Tyson Fury

>Born premature
>Weighed 1lb with the doctors not giving him a chance
>Survived and earned the name "Tyson" after the then heavyweight champ of the world
>Came from nothing
>Shocked the world by defeating Wladimir Klitschko in his own backyard
>Didn't even get props for beating him
>Took 2-and-a-half years out the ring
>Ballooned up to 28 stone
>Came back from the brink of drink and drugs
>Nearly killed himself but was told by a higher power to stay alive for his family
>Fought back against depression and is still fighting to this day
>Lost the weight, started getting his health and strength back
>No one gave him a chance, no one thought he could come back after abusing his body
>But he did
>Reclaimed the Lineal throne
>Fought the scariest heavyweight of all time in Deontay Wilder at his weakest from the weight loss
>Gave him a boxing lesson for a full 12 rounds
>Got knocked down with the hardest punches ever landed in a boxing ring
>Took them and rose like a phoenix and got the fuck back up, shocking millions around the world
>Beat Wilder by a landslide, everyone and their mother thought he won
>Crooked Jewish judges paid off by Al Gaymon saved Wilder's career by giving him a draw
>Went on to become an ambassador for mental health, became a cultural icon and has since released an autobiography and defended his Lineal status twice by defeating two of the best up-and-coming prospects, became a WWE superstar in his time off, made a smash-hit Christmas single with Robbie Williams, now has TV shows in production and is ready to settle the score by beating the best of the best, not ducking unlike Anthony 'The Chicken' Joshua
>Destroyed Beyonce Wilder, the scariest heavyweight in the division by TKO in the biggest fight of the century
>Secured the Ring Magazine belt for the second time (A feat only accomplished by Muhammad Ali until now) and the WBC belt
>Also became the only fighter in history to derail 2 champions on 10+ title defenses


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cool story kike

>The first black heavyweight champion, Jack Johnson, loved to race his vehicles when on the road.
>When Joe Louis was to meet Max Schmeling in 1938, old Jack was passing through Georgia on his way to the fight and was pulled over by a state policeman for speeding.
>The charge for a speeding ticket, he was informed, was fifty dollars.
>Johnson said, upon handing the officer a hundred dollar bill, "Take this hundred, I'll be coming back this way."

Nobody cares about your pet nigger, faggot kike.

>eliminate his two gains goblins
>his name is remembered forever!

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>hundreds of my brothers died thanks to me race mixing
>whites btfo

Why is he black?

Go back to back to Yas Forums and fucking your cousin

Found the 30 year old who never makes race jokes outside of his “social circle” lmao

Oh you like to think about other men fucking, huh faggot niggerlover?

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>hangs himself on his lat pulldown machine

>Secured the Ring Magazine belt for the second time (A feat only accomplished by Muhammad Ali until now) and the WBC belt

didn't Floyd Patterson also accomplish the same feat?

idk why y'all aren't seeing the basedness in this man. dude beat up anyone who dared stepped in the ring and fucks bitches regardless. went out like a king.


He has also exposed the Zionists, gays, trannies and pedophiles, all in the name of Jesus Christ. He is literally THE /ourguy/.

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This is Scooby. He is a gay African American Jew and he is my fitness icon.

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Because they're lead such pathetic miserable lives that the only proud accomplishment they have is having been born white.

Jack Johnson had the genetics to be a world champion. All he had to do was not bitch out. It is not like he was an underdog or anything.

Didnt you post this on Yas Forums in hopes of getting attention yesterday?

genetics don't even matter 90% of the time. a better competitor can lay you out with the right moves and strats. hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.

Yeah because they are is be done borned white. You tell 'em buckwheat

you're only proving his point man. stop while you can.

Then why aren't there more white football players or basketball players? I agree that hard work beats talent but genetics plays a deciding factor at the professional level.

Not sure if this counts but mine would have to be David Goggins. With all the shit that man had to deal with it would be a miracle that he got into the Navy. Instead he proves that a strong mind is all you need to reach your full potential which is much more than you actually believe.

Lol what? Dude what I said has nothing to do with his point and you damn well know that you retard. I'm not even racist I just had to make fun of the fact that he doesnt know how to use basic English.

Would you like for this man to fuck your wife while you watch?

WYPIPO spending all their time studying physics and sheet, they need to play more basketball which is good for da communitiez

i mean take last years nba finals for example. curry got beat out by a raptors D running a box and one. a fucking middle school play at the pro level. dude couldn't get one three off that game despite being able to shoot from the logo. now that i think about it it's more of a 70-30 split due to how guys like lebron and zion can outplay with force and size than bbiq though.

it's only a slip up on the "they're". seems like a big stretch to me but it is what it is.

You've literally been spamming your lust for nigger cock all day long.
Now post your body with timestamp, mutt.

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>being anything but timid before a white person could be interpreted as disrespect and get you lynched
Jesus Christ put down the NYT bro, that is not historical at all

bruh im not even op but ok

Having autocorrect turn they into they're means someone doesn't know how to use basic English? Chill the fuck out nigga

Black communities think that there are only two ways up in the world: Be an entertainer or play ball.

White pros happen when white kids with potential decide they want to do it. Black pros happen when black kids with potential are told it's either that or nothing.

Picture OP's white father fucking his asian mother over and over, pounding her as she screams his name. He asks her if she hates asian men. She says "Yes baby only white cock for me, microdick asian bois can die." This pushes OP's racist dad over the edge and he squirts his European seed into her Asian pussy. 9 months later, OP is born.

His mother immediately resents him for being born a pathetic asian male with asian instead of white features, and he develops an inferiority complex over this. Through his teenage years he is made fun of for his micropenis and inability to play sports or get laid. Soon, the depression turns to rage and hatred, and he starts lurking hapa subreddits and incel forums. Every day he seethes, every day he is one step closer to either hanging himself or becoming another Elliot Rodger hapa mass shooter.

His only social interaction is talking about how much he loves nigger dicks. His only form of exercise is jacking off to black guys who he secretly wants to get fucked be. His only two comforts are writing revenge fantasies in his journal, and BMWF interracial porn, of which he owns 2TB across multiple hard drives and posts every single day on Yas Forums in a futile attempt to get back at the white "Chad" bullies, his white dad, and his asian mother, all of whom rejected him from birth.

lol seething

i mean that was the case like a few decades ago but now black zoomers are kinda doing whatever they want. nothing is ever black and white when it comes to people. it comes off that way but it isn't.

post body with timestamp

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Why are all the olympic level weightlifters in the U.S. white? Is it because genetics make whites stronger than being blacks? Or is because socioeconomic factors make more whites drawn to a sport like weightlifting where there is little monetary gain compared to basketball or football.

Black people are just naturally better athletes. They are faster, taller, bigger than the average white dude. Of course you see the freak of nature white guy but it is black people that have the genetic advantage in sports.

hahaha wtf, white people eternally btfo

post body

Autocorrect doesnt do that. Nice try dude. Come on loosen up and lemme laugh at the guy ffs man it was a joke

The real question is why are we making low iq brutes that punch eachother in the face for a living rich? Proud to say ive never donated any money to them. Also those women were just with him for the money anyway, hes ugly as fuck

>whites still get mad a century later
nothin personnel whitoid

Weightlifting isn't advertised to the black community. I bet that if weightlifting was a serious sport in high schools that black people would come to dominate in it. I just saw recently a 15yo black Florida girl bench 350lb or something like that

it comes down to socioeconomic factors really. the reason why basketball, football, and soccer are the more popular sports in the world is bc all you need is a ball for the most part. every other sport requires equipment to some extent. that's why you don't see many black players in baseball, lacrosse, hockey, and even swimming. it just so happens black communities gravitate towards easy to pick up sports that cost little to no money out of necessity.

post body

I'm 5'11 180lb white dude. I am nothing special. I bench 285 squat 315 and deadlift 415


How much of this is actually true? Because the based level is off the chart if it's all accurate.

boxers always give me inspiration. Joe Louis, Jim Braddock, Joe Frazier, Sugar Ray Leonard, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Rocky Marciano, I could go on all day.

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that's what i said. these fucking lames are devaluing the basedness in this man it's insane.

Seething cracker.

If anyone wants to know why janny leaves these cuck threads up see pic, they're liberal faggots.
The black dick worshiping "journalist" forgot to talk about the part where he got kicked around into a hazbin by white men and some cuban.

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>Jannies are cucks!
>Says the "man" who has pics of cocks and trannies saved on his device
Get some self awareness you faggot.

i mean every boxer has a sharp downfall after winning it all (some better than others). which is the case for every successful athlete ever. their story never ends on a high note. it's always great to celebrate their peak then their end. it makes for great stories.

>oy vey don't save pictures of my fellow cucks
You're the one who has terabytes of nigger porn but I'm lacking self awareness because I call you out on it?

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I'm neither black or Jew, nor am I the op. What did you even call out? The boogeyman you've made up in your mind? Lol, seething racist schizo.