Current face and body rate thread

Current face and body rate thread

What am I out of 10, fit?
I got rejected by an obese black woman today

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you look like not dyel michael jackson

Whats up with ur 4arm?

perfect wagecuck body

I broke it playing football in highschool

can a burger chime in on what race this mutt is?

that is not a mutt.

This is a mutt

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literally looks like the picture of early human evolution like between fishman and caveman

you look like the kind of guy to invent fire

look up jermone from snowfall

I dont get it

dude your literally making the caveman face and your hair is like a caveman's. and your posture is slouched like you just learnt to walk upright.

take a normal pic without the fucking pouty lips and shit. like head up not slouched down like that. and youd look 10x better with a buzzcut man longhair dont suit you at all

you look like the 3rd one

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Dude I was thinking the exact same thing before I entered the thread lmaoooo

Here is a normal front pic
Is it better?

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When will non-whites realize they look like shit

Post body and face

you still look like a mix between Yoel Romero, an early human, and doorbrah from 2011 Yas Forums

Attached: doorbrah.png (1143x484, 370.73K)

Sampson AF

Based Grugposter

Ooga booga

Im just a large pore, mole covered, crooked face fuck.

I mean I got what I got though so why bitch about it.

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You look like a thug from PS2 era

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sorry man its not you look like a early 3d model of a bad guy from quake or something lol

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Dang, so this is what I'd look like as a hunter eyed chad.

you already look like a ryan gosling tier pretty boy desu

You look like a neanderthol.
Just get some retard strength to complete the persona

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that's a mutt in a dire need of a hair transplant

looks pretty good tho

just fix your cantal tilt faggot

that's the worst canthal tilt I've ever seen

Still have chad potential. Get in contact with a dermatologist

Like this?

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you unironically look like a neanderthal

what in the FUCK are you thinking with that hair bro CUT THAT SHIT

I hate seeing people with moles on their faces, just fucking go and get them cut off. Its so easy, just local anesthetics, cut, and its done.

just imagine that you can see my face

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u look like 90% of lifters
its that small 5% that is really willing to take their diet to the extreme

yeah i do eat like shit

Bro you look like blanka from sf

Christ you're uggo.

are there ANY attractive men on Yas Forums? :-/



prove it

tiktok faggote

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That’s just a Portuguese and ops pics is a Brasilian.

we found the missing link and he posts on Yas Forums

yes and thank you

Fuck those faggots you look fine. Better than 99% of retards on this board.

Im literally fucked

>droopy eyes
>one eye more open than the other
>crooked jaw
>long eyelashes
>bags under eyes

It was rigged from the start

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you legitimately look like an animal

Why you purting your face like you're about to take a cumshot?

have you ever read fire punch?

main problem is your eyes
kinobody potential
you mog most in bodyposting just squint more
t.droopy eyes and dyel king of manlets

Attached: nevermogged.jpg (750x1334, 145.31K)

I do squint to cope, youre very handsome but you dont have droopy eyes like me yours are very open

Your eyebrows are overgroomed and feminine.

ty but we all got our problems, I'm currently thinning a tiny bit on the temples and am doing everything to keep my hair, am prepared to castrate myself w finasteride, and ru-58841 to keep my hair. droopy eyes are not a problem when your

Oh okay. The tips looked very angular.

I haven't

Literally shave your head dude. Yes, you could cut it, but I don’t trust you to. Shave it, literally anything will look better than that.

I do agree though, I also just started taking biotin and applying minoxidil for hair and believe it's making the tips of my eyebrows grow in a bit, also does not help I'm squint frauding a bit for the gay pic

You look manly as fuck dude holy shit
You look like one of my drawings

nah its not, im not calling you 10/10, but you still look good imo