/fast/ - Stop Fucking Eating Edition

What is fasting?
>A period of time where you don't consume ANY calories
What is the shortest time I can fast?
>16:8. A 16 hour fast and 8 hour eating window per day
What is the longest time I can fast?
>You can fast as long as you have more than 8% body fat and supplement correctly
How do I supplement correctly?
>Get enough minerals. Mainly sodium and potassium
Where do I get sodium and potassium?
>Sodium Chloride is table salt or pink salt. Potassium Chloride is salt substitute, found by the salt in grocery stores
Can I just take sodium without potassium?
>No. This is how you fuck your shit up. Potassium is non-negotiable
How much sodium and potassium?
>2500 mg / 1 teaspoon of each is a good start
Can I take all the salt at once?
>No. You will shit yourself and flush electrolytes. Mix the salts with 1-2 L of water and sip throughout the day. Mixture is called snake juice
Can I just drink water without salts?
>For shorter fasts, yes. But for long ones, you'll deplete your electrolytes and feel like shit
How long can I go on just water?
>Til you feel like shit
Any other minerals I need?
>Some add magnesium to their routine as well
What about multivitamins?
>Not really necessary
Anything else I can add to my routine?
>If your gut is fucked, you can add cayenne pepper
>Some do 1 tsp of baking soda and 0.5 tsp sodium cl for kidney health
>Some take ACV and lemon juice. Acids fuck your teeth, so don't mix with snake juice. Take separately
Coffee, tea, sweeteners?
>Can raise cortisol and insulin, reducing effects of fasting. Otherwise okay
Why not just do CICO?
>CICO fucks with both your TDE and your insulin levels in ways that fasting does not. Also, fasting has other health benefits
What are the other benefits of fasting?
>Autophagy, reduced inflammation, HGH boost, immune system recovery, increased insulin sensitivity, more muscle sparing

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hey thanks buddy is that u in ur pic

Currently been fasting for 35 hours, got a date with a hot redhead after she gets off work in another 4 hours. Will probably break my fast with meat, eggs, and greens. Also been using EC stack to help with fat loss. A little worried about my sexual performance after a long fast like this, but I’m thinking I should take Citrulline Malate before the date for dat dere blood flow.

36 hours isn't that long for explosive diarrhea but just know for future reference break the fast b4 hand by u will have explosive dirrhea

I didn’t plan to eat until our date which will put me at 40 hours. I’ve done 24-28 hours before without diarrhea but this is my first 40. What should I eat to mitigate potential diarrhea? I just want to replenish protein and vitamins so the HGH boost can take use of it.

Anyone completely lose their desire to fap or have sex when they fast. Fasting makes nofap so easy.

Im switching from 16:18 and a month 36 hour fast to OMAD

only hiccup I have is my fibre content, is it worth me chugging psyllium husks with my daily meal?

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>been on OMAD for a lil over a week
>Checked my weight today
>lost 9lbs


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Fasting makes me want to fap, im a fucking 18yr coomer in his prime

That guy had a much better face while fat

its the facial hair

Been fasting for about 2 days now. Plan to break it either tonight or Monday. Should I do keto, and would that still put me in ketosis? Though I prefer to have carbs so it will fuel my workouts, my gym is closed :-(

Fuck keto, get OMAD-pilled

his eye area changed for the worse wtf

Medfag here, and every single bit of medical science in this entire world, all throughout human history, affirms that a robust diet is essential for a powerful active body and a strong encompassing immunity system.
I enjoy fasting and I see the benefits of it. I've done it a few times, for as much as 90+ hours, but I just can't take any chances with this gay coronavirus floating around, and me STILL having to go to work.
If the quarantine goes total, I will then confine in my own home and fast throughout the ordeal. But as long as I still have to leave my home and deal with people, I can't risk fasting.

Also gym is closed.

Man, fuck coronavirus, it completely ruined an already shitty dead period of the year.

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Nice larp faggot

What nation produces such retarded doctors? Asking, because I am an actual A&E specialist. If you are weak mentally and physically you will literally find any excuse to forgo your diet. Please educate yourself and learn a little about what insulin does.

I'm not fasting now, but just yesterday I broke the longest fast I've ever done. Right around 50 hours. I didn't even feel like I had to eat... was totally fine and felt great. Another benefit of a carnivorous diet. One thing I've found recently is that eating liver is incredibly satiating. if you want some help fasting longer eat some liver beforehand. It's absolutely loaded with bio-available nutrients and will keep you satiated for a long time.

Cope. It is the eyes

Just finished a course on biochemistry and having a robust diet is LITERALLY the best thing you can do to boost your metabolism and prevent your body from weakening under any circumstance. Even fucking tuberculosis.

And how is being an A&E specialist relevant? I'm quite literally studying clinical laboratory sciences, and observe the biological processes of the human body daily.

Doesn't coronavirus kill, in one way, by flooding the heart with anti-disease thingies?


What about fasting for 14 days with only snake juice to illicit as much autophagy as possible

And then

Introducing whey/gelatin so I have a pure protein diet of maybe like 400 Cals to prevent as much muscle/organ/collagen catabolism?

Actually, gelatin and egg white since my whey has a little too much carb/fat.

Cytokine storm. Iirc this is why younger people are vulnerable to the flu; a better immune system means a stronger immune response which means worse symptoms

there is no way they are the same person.

Fruits and veg come with enough fibre if eaten whole, you shouldn't need to supplement, just eat more veg if you want more fibre

Cytokine storm nigger

Post body

Im eating half an onion a whole bell pepper a tomato half an avo and a cup of spinach each meal and i sit at like 11g of fibre, im meant to be over 20g

>im meant to be over 20g
Based on what? If it's for digestion you don't need a set amount of grams, you need it in proportion to the total size of your meal

Timeframe for dropping 10kg with fasting? 5'6, 60kg, male age 28. Doing OMAD currently. Went from 70kg to 62kg. Ever since I hit 62 it feels like it's going insanely slow. It was so fast in the beginning ugh.

Is it normal to sweat and have shaky hands while hungry or do I have diabeetus?

>How do I supplement correctly?
>>Get enough minerals. Mainly sodium and potassium
>Where do I get sodium and potassium?
>>Sodium Chloride is table salt or pink salt. Potassium Chloride is salt substitute, found by the salt in grocery stores
>Can I just take sodium without potassium?
>>No. This is how you fuck your shit up. Potassium is non-negotiable
imagine being such a fcking raging retard kek.

What can I make with gelatin and egg white?

So I've done a 48hr fast before with no knowledge but im considering doing this weekly, so I have some questions
First of, is doing 48hr fast weekly ok?
Is snake juice needed for 48hr fasts? (I didnt for my first one and felt fine)

why the fuck do you wanna weigh less than 60kg

Also would OMAD be optimal for the 5 non-fasting days?

Because I want to be a cute sissy trap

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>started stronglifts 5x5 workout today
>smashed the squat and bench press 20kg
>tried the barbell row, 30kgs is what the app says
>load up 3 5 kg plates either side
>could barely lift for 1 rep
>took off a 5kg plate either side and did 5x5
>just now remember reading if you can't lift it deload 10% of the weight and try that

Fuck I fucked up

Immolate yourself

I just got a dx of COVID-19. Will fasting cure me?

Yes, depending on your goals
>Is snake juice needed for 48hr fasts? (I didnt for my first one and felt fine)
Not really, I don't start feeling the effects of electrolyte deficiency until around day 3
OMAD is fasting, you just don't fully get into a fasted state where your body has fully switched over to the most efficient fat burning via ketosis, but low blood sugar throughout the day on OMAD will still give you some of the benefits, primarily that for most of the day outside your meal and 2 or 3 hours after it you are burning fat for energy rather than sugars from food

Day 1 of 14.

Feel fine.

Hour 2 of 336.

Feel fine.

Can you incorporate a dry fast into a water fast? say 4 days water fast, 1 day dry, continue with water fast? Or should it only be done between refeeds?

Will I get the hgh boost even if I am fasting with whilst drinking water or does it have to be dry fasting?


So I guess this is the culmination of all of Cole's experiments up to this point?
You all think this should be in the OP?

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thanks user


From listening to Dr. Fung he seems to say that you should either do IF/OMAD/ADF or fasting over three days, the 48s and 72s are the least useful except for working your way up and getting your body used to fasting because that's the most difficult period of the fast, why drop after 3 when that's when your hunger drops and metabolism begins to go up?

Any good transformation pics ....

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Because I'm not overweight, I lift and 4/3 is simple and convenient
You don't even have to do it every week, only when you're getting too fluffy
And of course it doesn't exclude IF/OMAD (Cole says it's freestyle eating on feeding days but whatever, I'd imagine there would be more benefits that way)

I was commenting on his recommending 8 72's a month for fatties, I trust him a lot more on recommendations for maintaining or building muscle because he's in that situation and obviously he wants to find the way that works best for him, I lean towards trusting Fung on overweight people because that's who he works directly with all the time

I'm 22 y/o male 6'2" 168kg male. I did a 72 hour fast found it fucking unbearable on the last day. I drank 1.5l of snake juice 2nd and 3rd day. I broke my fast on moderate meal of steak, mineral water, almonds and then some orange. But now almost 12 hours after eating I feel completely dilapidated and lacking energy every fiber of my body is telling me not to do another 72 but if I quit now I know all my motivation will be gone. What should I do /fastbros/?

Oh yeah, then sure, I think Cole said this protocol was made like this so people would actually stick to their fasts and to minimize yoyo fasting

>tfw never realized this general existed
>asked fasting questions on /fat/ and got laughed at
>decided to go in blind
>currently drinking only two pharmacy-bought strawberry/banana shakes that are advertised as "meal replacers"
Can't wait to fucking die desu

Drink more snake juice, as much as you can without shitting yourself, and add coffee
Or just man up and deal with the lack of energy.

> I drank 1.5l of snake juice 2nd and 3rd day
altogether or 1.5L on each day?
> I broke my fast on moderate meal of steak, mineral water, almonds and then some orange
Did you eat to satiety or count calories?
>my body is telling me not to do another 72 but if I quit now I know all my motivation will be gone
The first one will be the hardest, did you work your way up with a 24>48>72 first or try to jump in the deep end?

>meal replacers
This is real meme shit, you could eat actual food, feel a lot fuller and probably consume less calories. Your not thinking your fasting drinking that shit right?


Drink that amount each. I just ate enough to not be stuffed and I don't count calories but I'm sure it would be around 2k. Just jumped right into it after going on a night bender where I ate 8 original glazed, 4 big macs and large sundae. The last time I tried fasting I did a water fast for 19 days but that was 2 years ago.