Why are manlets like this

>be me at gym today
>2 guys start playing music from their phones
>just stare at them the whole time
> eventually manlet comes closer and i am still staring at him
>asks what my problem is
>tell him in a normal voice if he could stop playing music from his phone
>completley loses his shit and starts insulting me , tells me i am ugly and so on
>i ask him : so you wont turn down the music from your phone?
> says no, infact he will be turning it louder
>say ok, turn around and continue my bar hangs
>shouts from the other side of the room if i plan to move or just hang there
>suddenly he starts throwing paper at me
>begin to laugh while doing my exercise
>starts imitating my laugh
>eventually leave and tell him to have a good good workout
>calls me a son of a whore
>tell him its always the same with manlets
>completly loses his shit and screams all kinds of swear words at me while i am leaving

i am 18(188cm) btw and he was probably 26(175cm)

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superiority complex. same with dudes that have massive lifted trucks or tons of tricked out guns. they gotta seem tough somehow

nice larp
you mean inferiority complex

This didn’t happen

yeah i get that but some point its a mental illness, how can you get that worked up about this

i wish bro

jej that's not a manlet.
We only accept 150-169


>tfw 170

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Why did not you do something about it?

>superiority complex
google it next time

Anything under 180 is a manlet. 180-187cm is average. Tall starts from 188

169.5 here

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i think small dudes have to compensate their height with aggression. i once had a situation where a guy thought i cut in line before him. he was as tall as his daugther. he stated swearing and shouted at me when we where outside of the store. what a retard.

>>be me
Stopped reading right there. You newfags should unironically be gassed.

manlets need to be exterminated

uh no sweaty.
Average can't be a 7cm range.
150-169 Manlet, might go a bit below 150 for some women , we already got enough representation with this range.

I guess it's the same reason why small dogs like chihuahuas are insanely aggresive; it's a way of protecting themselves since everyone towers over them and they process the height difference as a potential threat

I dunno, I guess it can go both ways. Either you get hangups over "challenges" from people taller than you (which is most people if you're short), or you just learn to live with it. I've been surrounded by taller people all my life so it doesn't really bug me anymore. I have plenty of friends that are 6'+ and I never get caught up over taking pictures around them, or being around girls with them, like people seem terrified of doing on this shitty scuba diving forum.
However comma both OP and the dude in his post are tools. OP: for mean-mugging somebody for minutes straight expecting them to read his mind, and also for being this triggered by some music played out of piddly little phone speakers; and the other guy: for not turning his music down when asked semi-politely. People bring fucking bluetooth speakers and dewalt boom-boxes into our gym all the time because people will usually take anything other than the gym's music, but if somebody asks for them to turn it down or off people will oblige and switch over to headphones (the gym plays a local radio station which is like ~80% commercials).

So a manlet kicked you out of the gym, called you a bitch, made you his bitch and yet, somehow, you won?

Whatever happened to bagelcel?

nice to see you here coping mr manlet

How is that a cope? 5 secs in and this thread became a lanklet dyel circlecope.
This board is to discuss fitness, not for group therapy.

its not my fault you are short

Ok OP you can get outta your own thread the same way you tucked tail from the gym.

Based manlet, I'm 173cm and just like him, I dont take shit from nobody. Back in HS, these lanky fucks tried to fuck around and thought it was wise to pick on me. Got my gang of manlet Afghans and we broke their car, robbed them of $200 and absolutely humiliatied them. Manlets need to be aggressive

why cant your little manlet brain comprehend that you dont always have to insult the person who is being a dick to you, i dont have to prove myself to manlets
if a child insults do you feel the need to say something back or do you just ignore it ?

why are manlets so insecure

You're the one who took the time to make the thread. If that ain't bothered, then I don't know what is


good bait

Didn’t you just make a thread with a giant ass green text to talk shit about the dude who got on your nerves at the gym?

He’s fucking bitches now

You stared to show you're a tough guy but then you pussied out when he confronted you and he realized he can bully you.
All there is to it.

i guess so

>tell him its always the same with manlets
Lmao based response

Youre such a faggot holy shit

Jesus fucking cope

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manlet got mogged hard by op safe to say they will categorically never learn what do we do bros

they are not, in fact it's the opposite. the thing is every time a manlet is an asshole to you the first thing your mind jumps to is little man syndrome, whereas if a tall person acts the same way you don't give much thought to it.


Manlets in perpetual attack mode are drags to be around.

So in the end he didn't turn down his music, and got to keep working out at the gym while you left?
wow what a fucking beta you are man, kill yourself at your earliest convenience please


There are actual bullies out there that fuck with short guys for being short because they think they can get away with it, but that doesn't give short guys an excuse to be chihuahuas to everyone. I knew a 5'6" guy in highschool who took everything personal and any insult or anything he perceived to be an insult was always returned tenfold. Lighten up man, its all in your head. Guys give each other shit, learn the difference between assholes and bro talk.

spends five minutes working up the courage to ask someone to lower their music
has to stare like a retard until they come to him instead of taking an attitude
gets kicked out of the gym and laughed at
makes a thread on Yas Forums

"m-manlets am i r-right haha so insecure"

>manlet publicly calls you a son of whore and you didn’t do shit

You are just a beta fuck. Imagine if your gf/wife was there and saw you getting called a son of whore and not doing anything. Her pussy would be drier than the Sahara and she would drop your ass the next day.

>Guys give each other shit, learn the difference between assholes and bro talk.

It’s another thing when a stranger insults and another when a friend does that. I won’t take shit from a stranger even if it’s the lightest insult ever. If I am not your friend and I don’t know you just don’t even talk to me or acknowledge me

The manlet might be a nigger but you are definitely beta

>be me at gym today
>about to it some real ass PRs
>gym is basically empty so me and my gympal blast our PR music
>some lanky kid drops his 10 lb DBs in the middle of a curl set
>I think he has the autismo, he's wearing a CalArt t-shirt
>he starts staring at one of the building's corner with blank face; I think he's about to have a meltdown
> I'm concerned so I approach him, I've seen meltdown compilations on YT
>asks what his problem is
>tells me with a breaking voice "phone hurting me ears!"
>completley loses his shit and starts insulting me , tells me i am ugly and so on
>i ask him: did you forget your headphones today?
> starts calling me names while also throwing random keywords like "seethe" "chad" "manlet" "sneed"
>say ok, turn around and continue my heavy singles
>shouts from the other side of the room "sonofawhoresonofawhoresonofawhoresonofawhore"
>suddenly he starts throwing dried snots at me
>begin to laugh while resting
>starts imitating my laugh
>he eventually leaves, head fuming, while smashing the door of his mom's van
>tell him see ya tomorrah bud, it's been a rough day for him
>he screams without actually opening his mouth, first time I've ever seen it
>Damn, that Bryson kid needs help

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lols that fucking cuck, why manlets even try is beyond me

He was some sort of muslim, right?

Never happened, and if something like this were to happen, it would be because your dumbass was staring down people in a gym playing music. Move away or wear head phones dummy .

>all these people calling cope
He's right though, there's no reason to entertain manlets. If they just sit around running their mouths you ignore them, if they touch you just shoot a double-leg and put their fucking face through the floor. The ones calling cope are copers.

God you manlets are pathetic

You sound insecure.

So you got scared and pussied out of a fight ? Lmao noodle armed booooi

it's and anonymous board user. Don't mind the shorties (Of which there are plenty here) and keep doing what you do.

Beta as fuck

lol op tried to be cool and is now seething out of his mind

Cope. Manlet are the bottom 25%.
>Sub 5'
>Sub 5'5
Turbo manlet
>Sub 5'7
King of manlets
Average white male
Very tall
Too tall.

>Imagine being so insecure that you have to get in a pointless fight with an insecure faggot when he tells some bullshit to you

>condescending to other people
>why are x people mean
You get what you fucking deserve, lanklet.

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>someone did something I didn't like
>stare at them the whole time seething like a woman about it

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