Should I fast today?

Should I fast today?
I have heard that fasting occasionally is beneficial for the body. I'm really skinny and do not need to lose any weight, should I still fast?

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Other urls found in this thread: imagenes/preciosa-mina-llamada-coninck_1rqih3 imagenes/preciosa-mina-llamada-coninck_1rqih3/?commentId=1rqjg7


Knowing this shitty r9k board, probably some tranny

Is coffe worth more or less than toilet paper in the post Corona world?

answer my question coomer

Would be good if she didnt have the piercing

15 yr old goes by coninck but she has privated all her pics

If your goal is to gain weight, don't fast. If you're trying to maintain, go ahead but make sure you're still eating at maintenance. Fasting is best for those losing weight.

After looking online I found this:
Human growth hormone: The blood levels of growth hormone may increase as much as 5-fold. Higher levels of this hormone facilitate fat burning and muscle gain, and have numerous other benefits.

Does fasting give gains?

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wow nice!! how big can she take? imagenes/preciosa-mina-llamada-coninck_1rqih3

I want her to spit at me

I'm literally the ONLY guy ITT who could get that girl irl. Most of you social retards couldn't even string together a sentence without stuttering after every word. I'M the alpha male, I'M the one in charge. Come talk to me when I'm talking to her? I'd publicly embarrass you the second you interrupted my conversation. In fact most of you would probably come into our circle and just stand there, taking down "PUA" tips in that notebook you retards carry around with you. If you decided to speak (aka ask "how do you do it bro?") I'd not only shove you back (I'm 6ft 210 btw, you'd fall to the ground) I'd give you a lesson on manners simultaneously displaying alpha behavior to this girl. Boom. 2 birds with one stone. In fact it would probably go better if you did interrupt our conversation.

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Ooo you a cute twink

Skinny boy

Don't fast or coronavirus will kill you. You need daily proteins and minerals to keep your immune system strong. Fasting is retarded anyways, what the fuck do you need more efficient mitochondria for? You don't even eat enough anyway if you are skinny

Rofl ur 175 soaking wet brah.

Not really, it doesnt steal them either

I'd let this bitch fuck me in the ass till I bleed

nice hips and tits you queer

> I'm really skinny and do not need to lose any weight
no, idiot, you answered your own question

who is this?


she's 14 you freak


She’s completely legal in Brazil where she lives

imagine posting "i'm the alpha" on Yas Forums LMAO nigger kys

Fasting is great for quickly reducing fat and giving a clean, youthful skin. GH from fasting prevents muscle wasting. If ur leanish like me, 48h max for fast. Easy, quick way to lose fat and the added benefit of aging nicely

That makes it even better

>you're attracted to this sexy female who's sexualising herself? omg freak!!

you guys are sick and most likely lib democrats. disgusting

>coninck imagenes/preciosa-mina-llamada-coninck_1rqih3/?commentId=1rqjg7

>t. absolutely livid 46-year-old single childless radfem

I'm not a feminist or anywhere near the left. you and your ilk is what is wrong with america

>15 yr old
drink a liter of bleach ya fucking pedo

>>you and your ilk is what is wrong with america
>implying your retarded Israeli bootlicking ass isn't what is wrong with muh 'murka
>I'll go ahead and say you imply that I'm some sort of leftist (meaning slightly left of center, not actual leftism)
neckhangs x failure, retard

what if i'm mentally underage? does that count in court?

conservatives and right-wingers are oppressed by the leftist mainstream. even worse communists and far-left SJW like yourself trying to gain power and normalize pedophilia

called it, semi-literate moron

ewww piercings

>gonna coom to pic
>find out she is younger than previously anticipated
>suddenly claim its pedo to coom to pic
Americans are bizarre
She's very obviously fully developed already, there's nothing pedo about it at all
A pedo wouldnt find that attractive

you're not wrong but i don't wanna get locked up for banging a teenager. inmates treat pedos in jail way worse than murderers and rapists. if you're a pedo regardless you're fucked from the start.

why do you keep making it younger everytime this is posted

Good comeback leftist. As usual you have no argument so you respond with insults

Lmao the amount of guys that fell for this pasta

If she's 14 I'm 14

I fuck 16 yr olds (mature ones) all the time and I'm 26
Get them before uni ruins their purity and turns them into feminist whores

Is coffee good for you ?

Pedos should have glass put in their mouth before having their heads kicked in

Genuinely an ugly person with a feminine-cope body, even for a pasta.

16 is legal age retard

Fasting is great but it does lower your inmune system, so do it if you really know you're gonna be isolated until you system recovers.

16 is legal in most of America

pic related

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This bitch has been capable of complex thought for maybe 5 years and she’s already fucked. Kek.

Actually as long as you're waving a few hundred at most in the whores' face you could get her in bed assuming you're at least a 5/10

1. How are you fucking 16 year olds? Tinder?
2. Fucking them out of wedlock is why they’re whores, and you’re the first step in their actualization of that. Good job, retard.

>Hates feminists
>Does their groundwork work for them by turning out teenage girls

>1. How are you fucking 16 year olds? Tinder?
Tinder, also just meeting them irl
>2. Fucking them out of wedlock is why they’re whores, and you’re the first step in their actualization of that. Good job, retard.
If I didn't someone else would, first in best dressed, retard.

hello? based department? dispatch a strike team immediately

Not him but
>dude fuck responsibility lol it's all womyns' faults for being whores even though men are supposed to lead and protect them
We all know they're overgrown children. You don't manipulate children into sex and expect them to turn out well.