54 Years Old

How is it possible to look this good at 54?

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What sort of lifestyle/routine leads to this body in your mid 50s?

Whomst ?

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On a related note: can a healthy lifestyle keep a woman looking good as she gets older, over their genetics? I know most women gain weight as they get older

Sure. My wife is approaching 30, pregnant with our second and still looks fantastic. Obviously there's a limit but somehow Liz hurley has avoided it.

Elizabeth Hurley

Yes, women are genetically predisposed to carrying a bit more fat than men but that's an excuse that a lot of women use to go hog mode

Adrenochrome and human fetus stem cells.

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pic related is 50+ too

There's a different between between being a young sexy piece of meat being a beautiful woman with a diet

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funfact, 7 of 9 was Miss Illinois 1989

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Give pics of her milkies.....
>merely for educational purposes.

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I don't know who this is but she's not even close to Elizabeth Hurley.

and I almost lasted 7 days.....
>t. older gentleman

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Is this the chick from austin powers?


She has aged very gracefully.

Yes, sir.

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God, I've always loved her

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Oh fuck. Scary trips of truth

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2020 and faggots still doesn't spot shopped pics

Good genes and not getting fat

IV stem cells and HGH. Let us know [spoiler]where you got the money[/spoiler]

I want to lick her tits all over

Can someone actually link the reading on adrenochrome

If adrenochrome omly gets you THAT, then its is definitely not as special as they say. She looks good, but you can very obviously tell that she is aged.
She looks old in the face.

Eat a good, clean diet most days of the week

Stay Yas Forums

Stay away from smoking, drugs. Minimise drinking to once or twice a month.

Good skincare routine WITH daily SPF50+ sunscreen for your face and neck

If you do that and still fail - injections & implants

>She looks old in the face.
Perfection. Fuck. I watched this 23 yr transformation happen. Time flies gents.

Just take care of yourself. Eat healthy, stay Yas Forums, don't get fat.
And never FIX these things. If you are fat or ear like garbage in your 20s it's too late it's over.

Only real answer here. Probably some tit work/botox too.

Fetal skin

Pin test prop 1 to 2 mg ed.

Is she the most attractive 54 year old on the. planet? Does anyone even come close?

Meme diet that's only good for rapid weight loss.

step 1: genetics
step 2: 4 days cardio 2 days resistance training per week
step 3: fast 3-4 days per month. big food tells you to eat 3 meals everyday is garbage
step 4: have relationships that make you get out of the house and smile to release the dope, serotonin, and oxycotin

Salma Hayek is close

also be sure you eat mostly veggies/fruits, then rest is meat & dairy. carbs once a day max


What about this is photoshopped?

>approaching 30
that's still young ya doofus

sunscreen is terrible for your skin

how? can you link a study/or journal mentioning mechanism of action?

>approaching 30
>still looks fantastic

no shit. are you assuming she'll only live to be 50?

im almost 30 and get carded for beer

if you look like shit at 30 you're actively trying

>approaching 30

why did you answer this? she's literally in her 20's you fucking idiot

>Wine ages
>Vodka doesn't

I have a woman at work who's 45 and has a petite, slim body with nice curves. Unfortunately her face looks very old, her skin is granular and on her neck looks wrinkly, and she doesn't die her hair and is clearly graying.

She's single and we have a good connection, and I'm considering asking her to come over for a movie at my house since she's bored and get some sexy time with her, pretty sure she'll be down, but the thought of going down on her and seeing gray pubes really turns me off. Should I go for it?

Money! Lots of money.

she looks great but I still wouldn’t if she was a cheater or coal burner /thread


She's not wrong. Stop being envious and make yourself worthwhile.

>Stop being envious and make yourself worthwhile.

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Don't get your honey where you get your money.

>My sense of self worth comes from the gaze of men who view me as an object of their sexual property, and my manipulation of their intentions is all my life could ever amount to

That’s right bitch. That’s all this picture fucking says.

Just fuck her. Older women will actually know what to do with a dick

I quit in a month. Known her a few years.
Actually I think she's an aging nerd. Hard to read, shy, never talks of men/relationships/sex (at least not in the office), to my knowledge no bf several years. Mystery how a woman gets there, maybe she stopped trying at 35 or something, maybe she used to be married, no idea. Regardless she doesn't seem the type to own fuzzy handcuffs.

>That’s all this picture fucking says.
Yes, I agree it's not the type of worth I want for myself. Nevertheless Elizabeth Hurley has more social worth than you because she's a 54 yo with that body, a movie career, money and connections in holywood. That says this body and lookatmelookatme actually gets you quite a lot.

Don't have a job

she is a fucking hottie

Quite a lot of air in the stomach of window shoppers who pay to envy what’s due to better judgment. That this woman is not nothing is no reason to contemplate her between erections

Literally what I am looking for. A 50+ woman that still has her college body, horny af and can't get pregnant. Milfs are amazing in bed.

Extreme cope, she's mugging special. Only GENES can save you a few years. Do your parents look at least 5y younger than their age? You are good then

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