A gun

I'm sorry Yas Forums but this basically btfos all of you.
There's no point in lifting and practicing martial arts when all of that is worthless against a gun.

I mean no disrespect, but that's how things work.

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Or I could do all three and still kick your ass

At a distance of 21 feet or more you're right, but apparently closer than that and the gunner doesn't have much chance at shooting an assailant with a knife, even an untrained one

You can't shoot people with knives you dumb nigger.

I hope you realize there are actual profesionals who are both trained in combat and guns

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Poast Fazeek

I know it's you Siege you fat fucking retard.
Fuck off back to /k/ or actually go to the gym and stop being such a disgusting fatass.

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what if I need to help me starving web comic artist "friend" move his shit out of jus apartment after he gets evicted? Should I just bring a gun a kill him because I'm too weak to help him move his desk?

You completely misunderstand the '21 feet rule'.

well guns are not allowed in Europe, so you gotta get buff/train MMA if you dont want your ass kicked by local thugs (if there any)

Except there IS a point to lifting and martial arts, you retard. once you’re super strong you can carry a gun and if someone needs to die you have the luxury to choose if you kill them with your bare hands or with the gun. Either way that motherfucker is dead. And society treats you MUCH better when you’re fit, so in the end you’ll be a huge, jacked, Chad with the halo effect AND a gun. Unstoppable.

How about mastering both armed and unarmed combat?
>what is weapon retention?
> what happens if there is more than one assailant that got the drop on you and you had the chance to only shoot one?
>what happens if some one tries to take your weapon from behind?
>or what if some one attacked you from behind and you still had your weapon concealed
Etc etc etc

at that distance a gun would be no advantage, as a police officer i am going to be blunt, drawing and aiming a gun takes time, a lot more time than punching someone in the face

Yes you can. Have you literally never used a knife before idiot? Just aim and shoot. fuck

A gun is useless compared to my tax-paying technique which protects me with an organized and well-funded police force and military.

When every second counts the police are just minutes away

I was in the military and got rid of some of my bad decisions with a detail in the commanders office and a paper shredder, but yeah, it's usually kinda organized.

cringe and redditpilled

But strong man strong enough for bigger gun.

Based uif/pif shredder

it's called living in a civilized and law-governed country-pilled. I feel bad for some of you that feel like you need to be worried about someone pulling a gun or knife on you at any moment.

How is a gun going to help me pick up boxes for my mom?

Based FALbro

What if the buff guy also gets a gun?

99% of people here never get in a fight and have a gun drawn on them. Most of us lift for fun, to feel good, to look good, and be healthy. Bonus points for personal goal setting and competing.

Only dumb niggers get in any real fights. Shits not worth it, man.

>Be OP
>Get into a conflict
>Guy starts talking sweet acting aggressively
>Maybe he starts doing something physical like pushing or puffing chest
>Pull out a gun and shoot him
>Everyone thinks you're a spaz and a pussy
>Ended a life over stupid bullshit
>Will probably be dealing with the legal system for years.
>Thousands in legal fees if you're lucky
>Shit will haunt you for life
>If you were drunk that's basically a guaranteed jail sentence
Yeah I'm thinking it's better just to learn how to fight.

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I would pick them up for you if you pointed it at me.

fitness isnt a synonym for bodybuilding
theres a reason swat teams and spec ops guys still work out, and its not so they can do mma on the weekends

Lifting is only for aesthetics. Anyone claiming otherwise is coping.

None of them do MMA and shit. They have guns you fucking retard. What kind of navy seal punches someone?


The Army taught me to choke a guy out with his own collar, but okay.

no guns in prison

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youre arguing my point for me. military dont work out to fight hand to hand, they work out to be better marksmen. its all about muscular endurance, muscle memory for speed reloading drills, movement between cover, efficiently pie-ing windows and doorways, carrying lots of ammo, dragging wounded buddies, etc

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Maybe they don't practice CQC every week but it's something they have trained and need to be capable in.

There are countless videos of spaghetti armed and donut shaped cops getting btfo by some crackhead while having a gun.
Mist people with a ccw can’t hit the broad side of a barn.

More importantly only a minority carry arms at all. Keep coping.

99/100 it's not even about fighting, just a visual show to other guys. Like a deer with big antlers.

hur dur bootlicker

you realize cqc is with firearms? basic infantry practice it at least once a week. specops will be doing that shit almost every day

*depending on the type of specops. army rangers will do cqc less than some antiterrorism team specializing in hostage rescue

Just watch a damn John Wick movie if you cant figure out how shooting and fitness go hand in hand

But being stronger helps you shoot guns better

>well guns are not allowed in Europe
Your test results are back, you are confirmed to be a normie NPC.

Yeah but listen cunt
some guy slaps your girls ass what do you do?
do you shoot him?
pretty based if you do but myself i just punch him
he slaps yours?
what do you do op? shoot him?
no you punch him.
but let's say some guy rolls up on you with his posse and they have nives
do you punch them?
no, you shoot them!
That's why it's good to be able to punch but also have a gun.

your advice is outdated
these days you punch someone, you go to jail
better to leave no witnesses

Depends on the context in a club you will just get kicked out

>people go to the gym because they want to kill people
Liberals are right you gun nuts are have wacky violent fantasies it's no surprise people want to ban them when you wackos are the ones buying them.
>I'm going to the gym because I wanna get big an aesthetic
>but MUH GUNZ I'm just gonna shoot you bro
>umm ok sweetie

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>hiding behind a gun


>in a club
yeah, we dont do that round here

Cool have fun shooting people
this isn't a sarcastic post i do think its cool
dont shoot me though

All I learned for CQC in the infantry was that you can hit people with a gun and if they grab it then all you have to do is take a step back and it's now pointed at their chest. On the record, anyway.
Off the record we beat the shit out of each other with our hands.

Says you

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Only the American ones are like that fren. The rest of us are alright.

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The 21 foot rule is retarded because it only applies if the guy with the gun stands perfectly still. It's a measure, not a practical experiment. In real life (a) you would be backing the fuck up from some guy charging at you with a knife, thus extending the distance and (b) just because he reaches you doesn't mean it's game over, that's when the fight starts.
Anyway it's academic because most knife attacks are like this:
>you don't know the guy has a knife until he's stabbing you with it
>you don't know he's even there because he approached you from behind
>he stabbed you multiple times before your adrenaline kicked in and you started to act
>you didn't realise he was actually stabbing you until all the blood soaks through your shirt, it felt like he was just punching you
Gun isn't terribly helpful here either, without the physical skills to stop the guy from continuing to stab you (remember, he starts it, you won't be able to stop him from starting, only continuing once he has started) control him and make space to draw (retention draws are all well and good except then you're using your one offhand to stop him stabbing you with both hands, I doubt it's really possible).

I didn't know they made Gorkas that big.

Yes, because I lift so that I can get into fights. Its not like being strong has any application other than hurting other people, yeah?

What is your country of origin fren? Do you need a licence to buy silverware?

this artstyle is so shit

How about we all get along and dont fight at all and then there's no need for guns or martial arts?