Walk into gym

>walk into gym
>see pic related

What do?

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Give him deenz

AHAHHAH HE SO SMALL AHHHHHH . Shut the fuck up you crab

Offer to spot him, have some friendly laughs and small talk, ask him if he's vegan. When he says yes, just laugh and say "i could tell" and then leave him there mid set without a spotter.

>log on to 4channel.com/r/fitness
>see this

What do?

Attached: 1583976452795.jpg (3024x4032, 1.47M)

Are you using a pi as your rig? Mirin dat resolution.

Post deez

why would anyone do this

you need to do some reverse barbell curls and farmer-carries

they won't fix your scrawny wrists but they will make your forearms look better

That's mint retard

Einer entkam aus den arbeitslagern!

Go to the vending machine and buy him 10 protein shakes

Has to be some disease nobody can be that small

Keep autisticly looking forward while maintaning my 'not' running pace to the empty powercage before it gets taken.

>uses linux mint on a 4:3 monitor
good god

it's doesnt change the fact that its not gay

it is*
fuck im going to bed

nah mint isn't that bad

its not xfce

Hey that's Jared Wells! Body Alive Utica! He has cystic fibrosis. Big Bob Donnelly saved his life!

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That kid has a disease that causes his deformity. It's not even funny to make fun of.

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Help him out, give him other exercises to try. Spot him and help him grow. Motivate him to push himself and to never give up.

you guys are just jealous that you can't strongbulk for years and still not be fat.

Mirin dat definition. Also, wat the fuck is he trying to do there?

openbox best wm


Be nice to Jared

Attached: Young-Man-With-Cystic-Fibrosis-Transforms-Body-And-Places-Fourth-In-First-Bodybuilding-Competition_7.jpg (640x960, 51.48K)

How about eating more than 1500 kcals a day? What's your height and weight?

encourage him and tell him to drink a gallon of whole milk for maximum gains just like I did

Rape his ass to motivate him to get strong in order to prevent further rape. Making fun of his weak attempts to fight me off by calling him a faggott and make him hit himself while pumping my dick in his ass, balls deep. After I'm done and he's laying there still pinned down, I'll give him tips about nutrition and tell him that SS is a decent way to get strong enough to avoid getting raped like a bitch. Continue to rape him to keep him motivated to finish LP in 3 months.

I was this skinny once, fucking hell I never want to go back.

Arguably, smaller wrists will only make your forearms look more jacked in comparison.

Dude is probably recovering from some health issue (or maybe an eating disorder). Kudos to him though because he's already had the ultimate cut so it's time to get jacked.

Is that even possible?

Train with him his entire workout. Help him with his form. Ask him about his diet. Commend him for improving himself. Slap him hard on the back after every set.

Chuckle to myself and continue with my day

Marry him afterwards?


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I'm guessing malnutrition but I'm probably wrong

>walk into gym
>see these dubs
>turn 360 degrees and walk out

Give skellybro a thumbs up and if he smiles tell him to remember to eat his shakes, while taking a huge sip on my brotein bottle.

steal his gains

Autistically grind out my workout while avoiding eye contact with anyone.


This is all of us in a month when the gyms reopen

Any fellow CF bros out there scared of Corona

nice bait

thank you hungry skellington

Please tell me this is shopped

Memes aside though I'd give him real advice - a lot of normies are completely uneducated when it comes to fitness and believe in pre set body types, believing that some people are just naturally thin while others are naturally fat or naturally muscular. And fatties are convinced that they need to workout to lose weight, while skellies think they need to workout to gain weight

Diet is what most normies completely neglect, there are fatties out there who jog every day with the aim of weight loss while doing nothing to improve their diet: which is ultimately the thing that made them fat to begin with.

So I would inform this skelly about the importance of diet and nutrition, and tell him that his training is all for nothing if his diet sucks.

WTF.....poor kiddo.


He has cystic fibrosis

Work out

is there any progress pictures from someone who used to look like OP's image around?
i wanna see what a guy like that could become

Be supportive of him for being in the gym and bettering himself.

Oh is that not the answer you wanted?

Pic related is me from 16-19
also 195cm (6,5) so took extra effort
Haven't made it yet by any means but still trying

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give him props for taking the first step to better himself and tell him if he needs any help i got him. if people are trying to get better, help them and don't be a faggot. you were probably him once.

Based on that first image you have strong trap genes.

6,5 trap?

Fair point. I was just looking at the frame and not the height.

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When I went to the YMCA there was an anorexic chick who would run on the treadmill for like 2hrs at a time, her arms were even worse than that pic. I complained until they kicker her out.

hm, i'd say my frame has improved significantly
heres another pic

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