These are the namefag dyels giving advice to you threads

These are the namefag dyels giving advice to you threads.

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Sometimes I think I'm small then see others and see that they are small. Do I have body dysmorphia?

damn right, son. stick around, you might learn something

No you’re just small.

id like to take this opportunity to recommend the books Convict Conditioning and Convict Conditioning 2. doing pull ups & rows with gymnastics rings has taken my grip strength to the point where i was able to visibly intimidate several opponents at my 1st BJJ practice despite having no technique. at all. i just grabbed them, and when they realized they couldnt break my grip, i saw the fear in their eyes.

This is evidence for why you should actually go to the gym rather than playing flying stripper on rings at home.


too bad they couldn't clap because trying to get off ya grip

post body, with a time stamp

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>and when they realized they couldnt break my grip, i saw the fear in their eyes.
Do pull-ups on a door frame on your fingertips. Then you will know unbreakable grip strength.

i know there are many autistic people on the site, but its truly disappointing how meaningless most of the posts here are

Always a good thing to keep in mind.

most recently, ive been doing uneven towel hangs

>lifting for this
I'd fucking kill myself.

i wouldnt wanna be you anyway

He doesn’t even lift, and says so himself

>ive been doing uneven towel hangs
Don't know what they are.

You wouldn't want to be me?

A guy with a house, two awesome dogs, and a woman right next to me. Who unironically doesn't work, lifts for three hours a day, and plays keyboard whenever he wants.

Sure LARP fag.

Lmao his hips are as wide as his shoulders. Legit 12yo girl mode. The way he posts screams insecure virgin, "Guys I'm totally alpha and have sex!!!1!1!"

here comes the incels with their lookism bs

i dont think having that stuff is anything but average. sounds cool though

who is this?

what a faggot.

a larping pua pretender

>Being a genetic dead end

Yeah we're real jealous king.


Nice 2,5 pack bro

ottermode is based tho

why do so many faggots come on this board and boast about their life in person? have you not been on Yas Forums before? no one gives a fuck. come to Yas Forums, share some good advice, post some motivationals, ask how to improve yourself, and laugh at people who larp. just stop. uneven towel hangs are easy shit. you impress no one. esspecially if OP posted a picture of your body. its also not looksism. its laughing at someone's ego. come her humbled. get good faggot.

>and laugh at people who larp.
How can we laugh at people who larp if faggots don't come on this board and boast about their life? Are you stupid?

>its laughing at someone's ego.
Yas Forums fuels my ego. You chumps don't even believe what I can and have achieved is possible. Does inflate your ego when people tell you it's not physically possible when you have already achieved it.

I find myself feeling bad about how skinny my arms are at only 16”. Then I see pics like OP and feel better about myself. I would never take my shirt off, let alone take pictures, if I was that scrawny.

My 14” arms look big because I’m not fat, like you probably are.

ok, so you are joking. this is a troll. no one thinks 14" arms are good looking.

>My 14” arms look big
Don't kid yourself, they look skinny as fark

Nice cope.

99.99% of Yas Forums doesn't have it as good as I have it.

LOL, my biceps are about 13 inches flexed (gigadyel) and look twice as big as yours. Yours must be like 10 inches or so. Eat more you stupid twink

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Fucking kek

another impersonator. you crabs are insufferable. probably why youve gathered here together in this bucket. you shold realize that youll never be able to pull me back in though, because i was never there

>body dysmorphia?
I am the opposite of a hypochondriac but I thought I might have something like what you describe. I'm 6' with broad shoulders and an athletic build. When I'm around shorter people, I don't feel that much bigger than them, they seem pretty similar to me in size. But when someone 6' 2" or above comes along, I feel like those memes comparing 5' 11" to 6'. I feel short and small as shit. If I could see outside myself I don't think I would feel that way.

You see people taller than you as much taller than you and people the same height as taller. Dont worry so much, man. I'd kill to be 2 inches taller

That's what I had been thinking because obviously our eyes aren't on the top of our heads, but it's still reassuring that it's not just me. Also I used to slouch so bad I lost a few inches.

why compare arm size when arm wrestling is all about the rotator cup? idk bro, lets go full retard. lets compare dick size, or other things like acres owned

You look like someone I would fuck in the ass. nothing close to a daddy, boy.

>Natty daddy
Does he really think he needs to exclusively state this?

>rotator cup
Jesus, haven’t been at this fitness thing for long, huh?

being a faggot is nothing to be proud of

what are you, a grammar nazi? thats all you have to say?

You’re trying to speak like an authority on a subject but you can’t even get the most basic of details correct

post body. how many acres you got bro. can you pop a snake in the head with a 22 from 50 yards?

That's Auschwitz mode

buncha city slickers in here. worried bout spelling n shit. i got a full ride to well known university off of an academic scholarship and i still cant be asked worry bout spelling shit. too many acres out here

>this is a dyel to Yas Forums
It's over

There’s no reason to post body when my post had nothing to do with offering fitness our nutrition advice. Also, this isn’t /k/ or /realestate/, no one cares about your possessions here. That’s why we love lifting. It’s a great equalizer. You may be rich and have lots of possessions, but the 500 lbs deadlift weighs the same for you as it does for anyone else.

you dont care because if you did it would make you feel inferior. is this your lil safe space? lil snowflake? thought this was Yas Forums

Yall are dumb
This is literally just otter mode

University of my dick dyel

good one bro

I think you look good, Natty. I just started calisthenics and am very DYEL. Any tips or suggestions?

Rings are nice for overall upper body strength and plus if you want a nice otter physique that's good too! But for a nice chest I would say do dumbell or barbell with proper technique! People dont get hurt if they know their limits and know how to do it right

some of you act like females on twitter. musta never had a dad at home, how feminine yall ended up. not to mention, this place is completely ridden with faggots. theyre like roaches, everywhere. Rife with faggotry. disgusting. i could show you how to get some pussy, thats all i know

you wanna get big, do dips

when i say big i mean filled out properly. proper dimensions. pushups for the middle chest, dips for lower, pull up variation for upper chest. you wanna look like a roided faggot do roids and bench. who cares about shoulder impingement anyway

Yea! And if your retarded with shit technique your rotator cuff can get injured! Just like the bench! Its not the tools in your shead that makes a shit garden it's how you apply in specific scenarios and what you have to work with

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can you imagine the look on Jeffs face if he was reading this shit. i went and did my facepulls in the snow and sleet in my backyard one night in december cause thats the only place i have a post for my bands. i really do this shit. maybe my workout isnt for you though. depends on your specific goal. you wanna be unathletic and bloated go for it. when i see dudes that are oversized, im not impressed because i know how quickly theyd be out of breath, how unflexible they are. an easy target in a fight

faggots and their benches, baka

>when i see dudes that are oversized, im not impressed because i know how quickly theyd be out of breath, how unflexible they are. an easy target in a fight

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