Who else /shittygenes/ here? Seriously man, stretch marks are so fucking demotivating and disgusting...

Who else /shittygenes/ here? Seriously man, stretch marks are so fucking demotivating and disgusting. What do you lads use to get rid of them

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I exit bitch mode

same. No later than month after I decided to get off the couch and following a regular routine i started getting them. There's also nothing you can do about them. Just have to accept it.

Be proud of your tiger stripes. It means you were stronger than even your body could handle once.

I think they are hot
im a girl btw


Or try palmers cocoa butter. It's worked for me with lightening stretch marks, they are still there, just less apparent.

You have a penis

>Who else /shittygenes/ here?
My hands are the exact same size as my 5'4 mother's, even though I'm 6'0. I literally cannot do hook grip because my fingers and thumb aren't long enough to do that around a bar.

>shitty genes
Nigga it's just because you made mad gainz in an incredibly short period of time. Sometimes goblins to slow your growth down can be a good thing.

be glad you have enough gains to get stretch marks, geneboy

Stretch marks from lifting will all but disappear after time. Just stay hydrated and use bio oil on them for now. Wear them with pride.

Get yer rat out fer the lads slag

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>worrying about stretch marks
>adult man
Pick one
Nobody cares about stretch marks. I'm personally proud every time I see them because it means I'm making GAINS

What do I do with my scars from when I used to self harm? My upper body is littered with them and my quads too

anyone have stretchmarks around their abdomen area from weight gain?

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I was a fat fuck and have stretch marks from that so I don’t even care. If anything I can play it off like they came from lifting.

Me. They fade, build upon it like a warrior

they arent too bad

Are you a homosexual? Scars and signs of struggle are chick magnets. I fucking love my stretch marks
But yeah there are oils which can double as lube you faggot

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I am the king of lanklets. 6'1, hands and feet are big, but my joints and wrists match those of a 5'4 girl. If I wanted to, I could easily feel comfortable around 140lbs. Great genes for endurance, not so much for strength (except deadlift)

Streth marks are caused by shitty diets you fucking idiot.

then why is it when I was a 200lb chubby couch potato I didn't get stretch marks but started getting them on my biceps couple months after going to gym?

You didnct specify what you ate before and after.

>on it like a warrior
is your bf low enough for abs to start peaking through?

damn im usually not on this board to motivate insecure faggots, but breh, a vissual representation that your muscles grew so much your skin ripped....

dude im not even gay but thats hot as fuck

Is it shitty genes or did you just never get good sleep or nutrition?

everyone whos this big has stretchmarks, they fade quickly but most recommended to treat it to prevent it from becoming glowy red lines that looks disgusting with something like vitamin E oil and moisturize after showers and before bed

they're really not that bad man

glowy redlines depends on your genetics/skintone. I'm pale as fuck. Always have been so if I get stretchmarks they just look like the glowly red lines no matter what. But the vitamin E oil and moisturize thing is a myth. Doesn't do anything

Could be worse

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How much did you weigh before and now?

I have miniscule feet.
I'm a hair over 6 feet tall and I wear size 7 men's shoes.

no, it doesnt.. mine used to glow bright red but they dont any longer.
i literally cant get a tan no matter what, theyre not red, they might look like that if you keep growing too fast for your skin to keep up just like fatties gets stretchmarks too.

itll fade in time and appear less glowy if you take care of your skin

hilarious if true

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just keep training and consider surgery once youve lost more fat and preferably put on some more muscle mass before any plans of surgery, ive seen way worse men whos taken care of loose skin completely

That’s really not that bad honestly. Congrats on your weight loss my dude

its cool that your muscles grew so fast that your skin couldn't keep up.
I would be cool with having some on my thighs from doing squats. It's validating.

belly stretchmarks from being a fatass is gross. shoulder, back, and chest stretchies are cool

my skretch marks are on the sides of my glutes, lower back and on my biceps, lil bit on chest. They look cool, I dont care, the red ones do look shitty but im getting huge so who cares, its like im a wounded warrior or some shit. Cringe I know but im 20 so whatever

>sides of my glutes

Highest about 300lb 136kg. Went from about 240lbs 109kg to 165lb 75kg. Fasting. Took me about 2 months realistically.
I'm 165lb that's enough weight loss I was never all that weak. Just fat.

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humble brag

I dont mind my stretch marks but i am mad about my bacne scars since everyone probably assumes I roided but i'm way to scared of losing my hair to get on gear.

If you lose your hair on gear, you were going to lose it anyway.

yes, but not as early as you would juicing
it's not really much consolation that even though roids made you bald you'd have gone bald at 41 anyway

Stretch mark is nothing and easy to get rid of. No girls would be disgusted by it.
Unlike the keloid scars I have which is fucking hard as hell to get rid of and even harder to fade the pink color and it protrudes through shirts.

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Sorry bro, maybe see a dermatologist

try to grow out your chest hair more to cover it?

intermittent fasting?

This is such fempowerment coping bullshit lmao

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Literally 100% of girls I've dated have fucking loved my stretch marks and would always trace them while we were cuddling. I promise you this is not a thing. Same with scars. Hell, I've even met girls who claim to love acne scars. Girls are weird. You're all good, bros. Just own your imperfections.

so... that's a side effect of bad roid acne?

>"my feet aren't small, she just has ogre feet"
Unironically though I used to fuck a girl with massive feet, almost as big as mine. Shit was disturbing. I couldn't look at them because it killed my pipi. I'm not a footfag, but I like girls with cute, small (proportionate) pretty feet.

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Nah just unlucky in life

I know this feel

There are special stretch mark creams you can buy at stores like Walmart. Pregnant women buy them for their pregnancy stretch marks

Bio oil is pretty god tier for this stuff, but it's not cheap.

Genes so bad for bodybuilding that I can't get hypertrophy.
Been lifting for over a year. Literally have never gotten DOMS.
Squat over 400lbs. Ppl still ask if I skip leg day and give me beginner deadlifting tips...

The curse of being crazy tall. Once you go past 6'3'' you start getting nasty stretch marks all over.

I've been using bio oil to prevent stretch marks in the first place. Basically the second you start noticing stretch marks you can start using it and it prevents them really nicely.
Also moisturizer is ur fren.

Na that's for pussies. Days and weeks.

Unironically skin care is a pretty based life hack. I wish I took better care of myself when I was younger, but I grew up in a time period where men were meant to be dirty, have callouses on their hands from hard work, and deal with pretty much every injury by ignoring it. I'm ranting now, but if you think about it, it's never been socially acceptable for men to take care of themselves.

Or once out bulked your body. I have gut ones from being a peice of shit for several years.

Finally fixing myself but I'll never lose these marks reminding me how much I fucked myself over.

Any advice for loose skin?

can I sniff??

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