Imagine unironically lifting weights but not slow cooking your food once a week

Imagine unironically lifting weights but not slow cooking your food once a week

pic related cost $3, entire "batch" cost $20 and will make over 10 meals.

macros are
Fat: 14 grams
Carbs: 30 grams
Protein: 24 grams
342 calories

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Do you use bone broth?

nice, I use chicken and canned veggies and beans for 14 15 dollars and get 14 meals. Macros are almost the same but less calories

beef stock
>Macros are almost the same but less calories

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Yea that’s what I said, more protein n carbs less calories

>more carbs than protein
fat fuck

Today, OP was not a fag.
$20 seems about $5 too steep for my region though. You counting seasonings or just buying a yuge roast?
You got celery and onions in there?

How dumb are you?

yeah the chuck roast was pretty big. 5.99 per pound and the total price was $15.25. 2 potatoes, one onion, bag of baby carrots, and beef stock

>10 meals
>24 protein


10 meals with 2 potatoes?

>paper plates
>pathetic macros for cost
>he thinks he is doing shit worth bragging about
You paid $3 to essentially eat a McDouble which costs half as much.

Also, what the fuck math are you doing?
>$20 for 10+ meals
>single meal costs $3

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holy shit, imagine not making money gains so that you can eat rich. Stay poor user.

I swear penny-pinchers are destined to stay fucking poor lmao. To the penny-pinchers out there, enjoy your retirement at 80, fucking lol

>pic related cost $3


enjoy your McDonalds tho

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post a single picture that proves you have an ounce of wealth, I'll go first

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looks very healthy but needs more potato

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Are you genuinely lacking in basic math and reading comprehension, or are acting retarded for the sake of it?

You are not rich. You are just poor at spending.
Also God hates you for being a wasteful glutton.

or get more meat since you're a bodybuilder. This is very lacking to be called a meal. Why is it so small? Do you eat all day long?

>Implying McDonald's is the same quality.
Kekking at your existence, kid.

>Eat rich
>OP literally posted beef and veg


>still cant comprehend that pic related was 1.3 meals for photo op
look at you.... so miserable irl that you're looking for any excuse to argue online as any kind of human interaction is better than no interaction. people like you would be better off not existing at all

you guts need to rest you know? A salad would've complimented that plate and you could've baked the potatoes instead.

My TDEE is 3300 calories. That isn’t even a fucking snack

>Slow cooking the potatoes like a retard
You're basically eating like a grandma at this point. Trying not to hurt your little frail teeth granny?

What quality? You cooked out the water soluble nutrients of the veg and had to slow cook the texture of the meat away to make it not take 4 hours to chew. You made a peasant tier bunch of meals acting like it was some accomplishment. Your meal is McDonald's tier while being more expensive

>op starts a thread with a call to argue
>someone argues back, but they're the pathetic ones
Basically your solution is nuke everyone on this goddamn site

2 oysters have more nutriton than this entire meal

>Calorie counting
Very well, this looks like a very based meal. Double the amount and you're good.

Why slow cook when preassure cooking is fast, tastier and more nutritious

>342 Calories a meal
>10 meals
So you made like 2 meals for $10 each is what you're telling me OP?

>342 calories

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t. fatass who eats two 1,500 calorie meals

I'm sure that McDonald's has better micros, right?
Are you some fag that doesn't drink the broth?
>Oh nooo, slow cooking is baaaaad!
I bet you don't bitch when it is pricey hipster BBQ using the same concept.

>They haven't started cutting

Because you can just throw it in before you leave for work and come home to a delicious smell and a ready meal?

Cool. You drinking the broth means you've just increased the macro content beyond what you've calculated, retard. Or did you think that the melted fat that isn't skimmable just disappears?

>compares slow cooking in a crock pot to smoking meat
Lord Jesus, please rescue this faggot from his own bullshit

I'm literally an idiot and have basically 0 cooking knowledge. Please tell me exactly what to buy and put into my slow cooker and for how long. I'm cutting at 245lbs.

>3000 cals/day is a lot
what are you, a midget woman?

Something not adding up.
>Meal = $3
>Batch = $20
>1 Batch makes >10 meals

>Potatoes and carrots make you fat

remember that these are the people giving out advice on here
>saving money means you will stay poor

yeah, but you buy shitty conventional gmo-corn-fed and antibiotic-ridden beef. "urghgh i don't care if it's unhealthy for me and that my grandkids won't have a planet, IT'S CHEAP!!!!". fucking boomer, just die already.

>not peeling to potatoes

>peeling the potatoes

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enjoy your toxins

Because the fat rises to the surface, it's pretty easy to ladle out. Or let it cool and remove it once it's solidified. Also, stop being another fucking retarded 90's muh macro calculations boomer. Get cultured and learn to cook. Cook well, eat well, and stop fucking overanalyzing food.

There's toxins in the skin? (Not counting the potential green shit that you cut away)

That's apples retard

There are toxins in the air. Stop breathing.

Not all the fat rises to the top, dipshit. Not all of it is skimmable, so it goes into the liquid, which you have to drink if you're actually caring about micro content. And the macro count is important because OP fucking bothered to mention it in the first place.

>get cultured and learn to cook
>lel just throw shit in a crockpot
This is my biggest problems with you faggots. I love to cook. I love food. If I was to drop out of uni, I would be at culinary school. That said, call a fucking spade a spade. There's nothing wrong with making budget meals. There's nothing wrong with meal prep. But when you go out of your way to brag about pouring a carton of broth over raw meat and turning a switch as some accomplishment, that proves you're a stupid faggot that needs some humility

3,000 kcal is alot unless you're 6'6" and up

any average guy (6ft) needs a max of 2,400 kcals/day when lifting.

you personally dont count calories, youre a fat fuck.

six 300kcal meals = 1,800 calories + 4 scoops of protein = 2,250 kcals which leaves 150kcal to "cheat" on aka milk in your coffee, a snack, etc

none of this matters tho because youre just another fat retard on Yas Forums

What do you even eat then? Rice and beans? Fuck off retard.

Six meals a day bro? You on that hummingbird shit? I'm on 2 a day myself, but I aspire to be a "one-and-done" Chad some day.

A lot of money for not a lot of calories
So if you eat 3k calories a day, it will cost you around 30 dollars a day, that is almost $11k a year just on homemade food. You need to add rice and more potatoes to get more calories.

>eating 3,000 calories a day
post body

Tried to use ir once and didn't go well. How long do you have to wait for it to get cooked?

>300kcal 'meal'

I have no idea what significance that picture holds but I respect the work it must have required. Good on you, user.

By it I obviously mean chicken breast.

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Straight up, Op is top level rat status.
Why is saving money on food so brag-worthy? You investing your dough in buttcoin? Ya fuckin saving for a girlfriend? Budget your income and time so that your food is diverse, healthy and well made.
Honestly, people like you make me sick. I had salmon, chicken thighs, brauts, and a diverse spread of other dumb veggies and carbs this past week. Still savin money each month and investing deep.
this dude knows what's up. Spend some fucking humanbrain points and learn to take care in the fundamentals of humanity. You ape. You absolute street rat peasant OP.

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>excess body fat

As much as I would have preferred this significant numerological get to be applied to something with more weight like the pandemic or stock market turmoil I can't help but feel a little more sane on seeing it instead grace this polite statement.

Over low heat, close to 8 hours, but half that on high. But I wouldn't recommend it because it is almost always disappointing for both flavor and texture.

For chicken breasts, you would be better off poaching it or brining and roasting it