/fph/ - Fat People Hate

>no fph

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fat people deserve to die to corona-chan

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i love these comics

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Imagine requiring a team of men and a reinforced ramp just to leave the house. You may as well just fucking die at that point.

i swear when you get fat to the point you can't even walk out of the house you're basically imprisoned and at the mercy of other people.
when people stop being so charitable you're fucked at that point.

it's not an fph without based people poster

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i can't stand the insurance jew, they're vampires but this is based as fuck if real

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>”there’s nothing wrong with me”

Sauce? Got anymore?


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saw them on /fph/
i have a couple

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Lookin for some names to call these fatties. Anyone got any good ones?

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Based, thanks these are great

the absolute madlad

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Her ass is backwards

Name of the artist?

Reminder that Marlon Brando turned to the dark side

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Reminder, what you see is not the belly of the creature.

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>I need I scooter because I run a 5k this morning
Does she seriously think she's gooling anyone or they jusy spew this obvious lies because they are so deattached of the concept of excercise and athleticism that they think that's kind of a standard that anyone with legs can achieve?

I can't believe how the family does everything for them imagine a 600 pound person telling you to bring them food in bed or get them dressed id tell them to fuckoff and move out

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They probably use some kind of step counter and it's counting every jiggle as a step.
The gym treadmills lie too. My fat-ass sister used to constantly brag about her distance on the tread- she couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded.

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Is there a story? Why the fuck is she going after the camera man when there's clearly a fight going on right in front of her??? I don't get it.

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Do zoomers actually get off to images like this? It's just a nonsensical combination of random things without a base joke.

did you even read the posts

Yes. What does the cat, the hat, the gun, and the background have to do with the original joke?

it's funny? fucking retard lmao

>Im looking killer af that's why I have to tuck my entire torso into these jeans

How do you people function in the real world?

>because of your build
She shouldn’t have specced into tank and gone for DPS

Not him and I dont find the image funny but you sound like an unfun cunt. Give it a rest eh? Some people like absurdist humor. Simple as

>tfw 5.9foot 8%bodyfat bmi20
>fat ass white girl 5.7 says i need to grow inches
fuck white women bro

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we should build bridges with that denim

L-Lower back? Dear god...

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>eats Crunch bar
>calls it granola
Holy shit there’s a hamplanet at my work that does literally the same goddamn thing

Literally the definition of ass-backwards in almost every way

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I love how she HAD to point out that the girls going "aww" were THIN and EVIL.

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I'm 6'0" 350lbs and I bench 425

I'd love to see one of you fucking sticclets even TRY to disrespect me in public

Fat guys are naturally the best fighters because we have extra weight to throw around

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Attached: Landwhale mating ritual.webm (320x240, 1.52M)

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Taco Time is actually a restaurant in the PNW and it's god-tier

I'd say whatever the fuck I wanted to your face

All I'd have to do is slowly back away from you until you pass-out from exhaustion/hunger

You literally wouldn’t be able to touch me.

It's probably because when you get to a certain level of fatness nobody cant actually tell what gender you are.

Stick and move like AJ and Ruiz 2 manlet king.

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It's fucking tragic to see the comparison.