Vaccination and Early Clamping of the Umbilical Cord

Huxley's Brave New World was published in 1932. In it, they described depriving fetuses of oxygen in utero to create workers for menial tasks. At the time of course it was not technically or socially feasible, but nonetheless, they started trying immediately. By the late 1940's doctors had been trained to clamp the umbilical cord immediately after delivery, "immediate/early cord clamping", instead of allowing the proper completion of placental transfusion. This causes hypoxic brain damage in the infant, developmental stunting, and various other effects.

The claim about preventing neonatal jaundice is an excuse. The primary citation I've found is a study that found an incidence of 2% vs 5%, other confounders were poorly reported and not take into consideration, a recent cochrane review also found no real substantiation. Incidence was never high and never has been, the type of vitamin K they used at the time they were trying to bring this in occasionally caused jaundice, many things cause neonatal jaundice, and ultimately it's trivially treatable with photothereapy. I was reading the proceedings of a symposium from the late 50's where they were discussing phototherapy.

Failure to allow placental transfusion to complete in its own natural course causes measureable brain damage (lower myelination at 4 months, feritin remains low for 2-4 months), IQ reduction, and developmental stunting. Also due to the reduced ferritin levels it probably potentiates fenton reaction H2O2-> 2 OH, which is catalyzed further by exposure to ELF fields and myriad other environmental and endogenous stressors. Peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radical in particular will cause a lot of damage, and feritin is required to sequester free iron (which causes the fenton reaction). Feritin is important for other aspects of development in the perinatal period especially, as well.

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Other urls found in this thread:
Just look up literature on early clamping for more This paper especially.

It also should be noted directly that the endless inane discussion and framing in terms of "timing" can only rationally be a form of mass psychosis, cowardice in facing one's own actions, or to facilitate public damage control. You don't need to "time" anything, there is no professional finesse, and there is no "timing" and expertise on the part of a physician involved. In most cases it's very simple. The cord is there, it is doing something. You leave it alone until it's done doing what it's doing, ie, until all pulsations have ceased, it is lying flat, and has turned white. In certain cases it may be necessary to hold the infant lower so there's a gravity feed, or to manually "milk" the cord.

Of course since we aren't important as individuals and it's gotten to a point where we're only really here to be used, the idea of anyone in the medical profession having proper training and the will to go to this trouble for your one birth (and perhaps one life), intuitively feels relatively far fetched. In the modern world, large scale societies and their organizational stability are predicated on a burdened, incompetent, and highly interdependent population. Once you've reached a certain threshold and systems are up and running, and there's still a sort of brain drain available elsewhere (where they don't do these things to their children), a healthy and intelligent population is a steadily increasing liability.

So, this went on, and this still goes on in many places. It probably was done to most of us here. Consider this when you're evaluating modern medicine and its claims, particularly vaccination. And what's that other thing they do? Oh right, they strap the neonate, the human being that is, into a specially manufactured "circumstraint", and amputate part of their penis. Yes, this is what's done. Ask yourself, if they do all of this, if they've lied about all of these other things, what else are they lying about? What else have they been trained, coerced, and brainwashed into doing?

Why would vaccines be any different? The following post will have information on vaccines. This is heavy stuff. Despite what many here probably think, perhaps unfortunately I am actually quite sane and aware of the weight of this. Due to certain factors, or perhaps just life in its natural course, as I become more fatigued I've also become far less detached. And honestly for the first time in a very long time, after telling someone about this (yet again) and drawing into mind the Brave New World parallel I actually felt nauseated.

How long are we going to let these clowns and this shit just go on at every level like any of this is normal? What is it going to take? I don't know the answer, but this is not the time to say "oh well, they clamped and I got clamped" and cower down or expect life to just go on as normal. This is the time to identify ways and means of spreading this information and getting this shit solved, not just clamping, but the whole constellation of medical quackery, fraud, and insanity.

Let's kill every single jew

Mercury and aluminum injected into children repeatedly ain't too grand, but there's also an immunogenic damage component as well as immune mediated alteration in function. Look up microglial priming by Blaylock in particular. There are a number of mechanisms.

Nonlinear dose response of aluminum.



Hepatitis B vaccine induced brain dysfunction.

You have the well reported alteration of antigen presentation in the gut, massive inflammation. That's against a background of other environmental factors which destroy proper gut flora.

Section 13 of every vaccine insert, as its sole content, contains a variant of the following:
"[Vaccine] has not been tested for mutagenic potential, carcinogenic potential, or impairment of fertility."
Look up immunocastration. A variant of this was tested on girls in Kenya.

Inserts are here:

Purported vaccine content is here:

Flu shot has been shown to be largely ineffective, completely ineffective over 65.

Vaccine manufacturers have blanket legal immunity for the last 30 years. Liability free product. To sue you go up against DOJ lawyers in a special court.

Other resources:
Look up Suzanne Humphries, MD. Her book "Dissolving Illusions" as well.
"Murder by Injection" by Eustace Mullins. For those who like to complain about "conspiracy", he's simply compiling the contents of documents found in the Library of Congress.

Quite a lot of information

Vaccination is a primary component of a house of cards.

An excerpt from a post by another user:
There are plenty of evidence vaccines are not to be trusted without a case-by-case analysis and personal opportunity-cost analysis.
Further, I strongly believe that negative effects are severely underreported because of the shunning effect that the population has decided on and the cult-like adherence to the idea that vaccines are perfect. Moreover, even if an event is believed to be caused to a vaccine, what are the parents (or worse, kid - who doesn't understand these things or why that would matter) going to do? They'll nurse the kid to health or go to the hospital and that's it. No record of the link between vaccine and event will ever be made.


schizophrenia at its worst

It's 2020. Unclamp.

>t. Kike

So this is why I am such a small manlet basedboy?

It may have contributed.

so that's why Americans are stupid

Jews, Zionists? Technocrats? Or something above anything we can give a name to?

UK clamps. iirc, India clamps. They tried to get everyone to clamp, no golem, no raw material, would be left unmolested. He would be prepared. He would be shaped, molded, refined, he would be organized. It is like building a car, you don't do so by taking a bunch of scrap metal and throwing it ina heap. No. You need to transform, manufacture, organize it into the right arrangement, and put it in a structure to hold it stable and in place. So too of man.

Please don't talk. You are not a doctor. You are not a HC professional. These things will continue to happen no matter whether someone pouts on an online board or not.

They know what's best, you don't. Deal with it.

Between this, circumcision and open heart heart surgery on infants without anesthetic I mean what the fuck why are doctors so retarded about babies. It's so against natural intuition or sense, ask a random guy on the street and he'd tell you it sounds like a bad idea.


Hmm..... Molech, Chemosh (Shamash), Ba'al....

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I'm started reading it a couple of days ago (pic related). I seriously recommend it.

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Circumcision has no downsides, and vaccines prevent death. You're the same type of schizo that peddles stories on how the elite wants to reduce the human population, yet you are fighting against vaccines, which prevent population culls.

So which one is it, schizo? I'm in a GP program by the way, and I was clamped, so apparently I would have been some Tesla genius if I wasn't.

>vaccinated, clamped, and circumcised making its way to Yas Forums
fucking based.

This is what happens when not enough is invested into the penal system and autists are allowed to post their ramblings on an image board.

>Hans get the flamer
>The big one

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>I was clamped
yeah I can tell

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babies can't sue you so you get to hurt them for fun

>Circumcision has no downsides
The whole point of doing it is because it has the downside of removing your foreskin.

>Circumcision has no downsides,
Circumcision serves to diminish self expression, connect, and sensual experience. It is of an attenuating character.

>and vaccines prevent death.
Nutrition and sanitation prevent death. Among those living in squalor, the vaccinated die at a far greater rate from other disease, than those who are left alone. This is well documented all the way back to the early 1800's. Vaccines are a net detriment, they're poison, they are of a scrambling and diminishing character. They are systemic circumcision, and certainly, circumcision for the mind.

>I'm in a GP program
Good. This thread exposed someone to the research they can and should be doing.

>and I was clamped, so apparently I would have been some Tesla genius if I wasn't.
Yes, you would have been more intelligent had you not been clamped.

You can argue that it does psychological damage all you want. People still want to belong.

If I wasn't circumcised as an infant, I would consider that an immeasurable damage.


>Circumcision has no downsides
Except causing mental trauma, having an extremely high rate of complications and reducing sensitivity massively. But it's all worth it to cure masturbation.

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Your claims are useless here, there's no evidence to back it up and you are arguing against the status quo. It is your duty to provide evidence.

I as an American will continue to circumcise my children and your weak arguments will not change that.

It is unlikely the you shall have children.

Circumcision was invented by illiterate middle-eastern goatherders who did not know where the sun went at night.

You are participating in culturally perpetuated genital mutilation.
Unable to face what was done to you, you have to insist that circumcision is something good, because if it's not, that means your parents and the medical community have wronged you at your most vulnerable age.
Face up to this truth or prepare to suffer your sons resentment for also mutilating them.

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Defenders of the suggestion that circumcision is somehow barbaric have also had no problems with admitting that they view Jews as inferior.

It's not protecting children, it's oppressing them. White civilized Europeans vs brown savages. Protecting children against their barbaric parents/religion.

>not mutilating your helpless newborn sons genitals is oppressing them

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Uncut with Jew heritage here. Circumcision is barbaric, plain and simple.

Or. The mark of slavery, to Enlil.

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What the hell is wrong with burgers canadians and australians?

Nice scientific article you got there dickwad. We already know you're a racist, now you can be honest and admit it or keep lying.

Commonwealth. Chattel.

Can you tell me what the most sensitive part of the penis is?

Kids don't have bodily autonomy. Parents make decisions for them all the time.

Be anti-circumcision if you like, but the idea that a 5 year old (or an 8 day old) is going to make their own medical decisions (or any decisions of relative import) is bonkers.


We know you're out of arguments now boss. Try coming more prepared next time boss.
Kids cannot make their own medical decisions.


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Oh, okay. I will then go ahead and cut off my daughters labia, for I am the the decision maker.

It is not a medical decision if the procedure is done on a healthy body part. Can you name any other healthy body parts that get routinely chopped off of newborn kids?

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>changing the argument
your paranoia about antisemitism has nothing to do with how child mutilation is bad

>irrelevant points
obviously parents make the decisions for their children, the point is that those decisions should not be harmful, which circumcision is.

Does your penis stiffen a bit when you imagine your child's circumcised phallus? Knowing he cannot hide his glans, it is permanently exposed, as it may be exposed during the sexual act? Or do you lock down and feel yourself "disappear" inside.

A circumciser is a psychologically damaged subhuman.

Again, you're trying to undermine the authority of well-meaning parents, many of whom have been doing just fine in raising their children for generations.

That raises the question, why do you fixate over such a minor issue?

> Can you name any other healthy body parts that get routinely chopped off of newborn kids?

Bait I am not taking :)

imagine being this retarded
do you believe in santa claus too? fucking lmao

That's irrelevant. He probably is but he's still right about how cutting your kids dick off is batshit.

come on, this has to be bait. There aren't actually high jews on Yas Forums

maybe you could have become a real doctor if you weren't clamped

fucking lol

>if I lose the argument, then it's b8 and I don't have to respond
the absolute state of kikes

fucking dabbed on

>Circumcision has no downsides
t. sandpaper dick in denial

So you admit that it is an issue now? Well-meaning doesn't count for anything dipshit. Parents can be ignorant of how their decisions harm their child, but they are still responsible for those decisions regardless.

Except that said decisions are approved by the CDC, a source more credible than any rambling schizo on Yas Forums.

CDC is clamped.

CDC is vaccinated.

The CDC is a US agency and suffers from the same cultural conditioning as you do. They are unable to see the fault in what they are doing.
Other countries medical associations around the world condemn the procedure.

If you ignore what they say, you are clearly guilty of confirmation bias.

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CDC is circumcised.

And many other countries (80% of the world actually) have medical agencies that recommend against it.

You're arguing against a medical authoritative body, which is de facto insane.

I'll bite though, to have some fun: if circumcision is so evil, how come it's not banned in judenrein Europe?

I live in Canada. You're arguing against medical authority. YOU are insane.

You're arguing from your ivory tower delusions, which is not unlike a child demanding that Santa Claus exists. I was always told he exists,he just has to!