/sig/ - self improvement general

This thread endorses both physical and mental fitness in order to promote healthy living for everyone.

/sig/ Basics:
>YOU are 100% responsible for the way you experience life. Not your parents, not your surroundings, not your ex, not your bully, not your future spouse. YOU. Complete, sincere acceptance of this is the most fundamental step to bettering yourself, and it is by far the hardest thing you'll ever do.
>Work your way to becoming the best YOU you can be - one step at a time.
>Set realistic Goals and have a Plan. Use short-term Goals to keep yourself going.
>Learn helpful and effective daily/weekly/etc. routines, including mundane ones.
>Have a steady sleeping rhythm - one that works for you, so long as you keep to it. Get 6-11 hours of sleep. More Info: pastebin.com/h4CDDtKu
>Learn Mindfulnes Meditation. More Info: pastebin.com/0NMDEUNh
>Learn to be Brutally Honest with yourself. Stop being a slave to your Ego.
>Focus on the essentials. If you try to do everything at once, you’ll burnout.
>The best exercise regime is entirely up to what your goals are - Explain your goals and ask!

DISCORD: discord.gg/Aq6dH8b Everyone is welcome

>newarcitea.neocities.org/ - Overall Guide
>thework.com/ - "Simple" Mental Health self-help resource. You get out what you put in.

>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=22578279902195591270 - Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren - How to Read a Book
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=01374239493824328035 - Sam Harris - Waking Up
>seinfeld.co/library/meditations.pdf Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
>misc.equanimity.info/downloads/mindfulness_in_plain_english.pdf - Henepola Gunaratana - Mindfulness in Plain English
>s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=93057425205857796418 - Dale Carnegie - How to Win Friends and Influence People

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Other urls found in this thread:


not a true SIG thread. fuck off and post the old OP

The Discord has been around for a year from these /sig/ threads. Suck a dick, newfag.

Not sure if /sig/ related, but whatever.
I'm getting concerned that I may be suffering from depersonalization/derealization, but I'm terrified of having it checked and coming across to family and loved ones as some crazed lunatic. Lately I've had some episodes where it felt like I was looking at my own movements and conversations like I was floating above it all, and that I had no control over my own movements or speech. Besides that, I also tick basically all or nearly all of the boxes for warning signs online.
What should I do? Ignore it all or see a doctor?

suck off a tranny DYEL

I would see a doctor for that. Sounds spooky. A proper shrink should be able to tell you what to really worry about.

Go see a doctor. Self-diagnosing is only going to make it worse and a bunch of dweebs here can't help you.

When you do get an episode like that, ground yourself by for example, handing ice or holding your hands under running water that's cold. Focus on the sensation. Or if a smell or a taste works better for you, use those.

when it's happening, I have no control over myself. I remember one time when I said some stupid things to a colleague, while looking at the situation from 'above'. While I was speaking, I wondered why I was saying these things and why I couldn't stop myself from saying them.
It usually lasts less than 10 seconds or so, and when it's over I just sit down and try to gather my thoughts and organize my mind again.

it was pretty creepy the first time, but you kinda get used to it. Doctor is a good option though.

thanks familia

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>remove one negative aspect from your life





It's called quit fucking Yas Forums, you idiot.
All of the effects you mentioned come exactly from this shithole. The choice is yours.

Any philosophy book recommendations on individualism?

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you tried meditating?
i feel like vipassana meditation helps a little with my own disassociation issues.

Well I'm both poor and untalented as fuck but I really enjoyed it. here have two mike waz's

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Do any of you here work from home? How the fuck do you get anything done out of the comfort of your home? I have ALL the distractions next to me.

Boys, today's the day. I'm moving out of my parents' house.
I won't have internet for a while which is a problem because I have to work from home due to Corona, but other than that all is well.
I'm getting a moving truck in 20 mins or so. I can't believe it's finally happening. I'm FINALLY a self-sufficient adult.

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oh boiii did you already plan what to cook for your first meal?

rolling without reading first


Hit a 12.5 sec 100m at my first ever competition this week. 4/8th place in the heat.
Feels good making sprint gains, dropped almost 2.5 seconds since September.
Anyone know any good leg routines for running? Wanna hit 11 as fast as possible.
Also have a date with a decently qt grill later today so hopefully that goes well.

Just drink booze whenever it happens. Works for me.

Sounds like youre seeing the non dual nature of consciousness, congrats you’ve completed dzogchen! Don’t worry about it.

My local dance school has temporarily shut because of the virus. Its probably not going ot open for 6 months as things arent going to get better any time soon.

Im not sure what to do with myself. Being out and being social was so important for me as im such a shut in introvert.

Any ideas what I can do? I imagine most social type activities will be getting cut back in the coming months.

I want to learn about the stock market. Can anyone recommend anywhere to start? books? online courses? preferably stuff that doesnt cost a small fortune.


Buy the dip
Sell high
Always do the opposite of what Yas Forums says, lest you desire to join the pink.

thanks i completely understand it all now

Read as much as humanly possible, pick up some form of visual art, listen to music, etc. The pandemic scare is the perfect time to cultivate creative interests

No lol, I don't have any food. I'm going shopping tomorrow for food and stuff so here's to hoping my local supermarket isn't completely sold out. Guess I'll just get delivery tonight

Hey bros,

I feel pretty shitty. I've been on keto for the past month or so. I started at 232 at 6'0 and was down to 206.6 yesterday morning. I've been lifting as well and eating a lot of protein in the hopes to maintain muscle during this transition.

I fucked up, boys. I smoked weed last night and ate a whole bunch of sugar and shit. The god damned gains goblin got me. I hopped on the scale this morning and I am at 210.4. Almost 4 fucking pound gain overnight.

If you guys are thinking about slipping up or taking a day off, don't. I feel shitty for about my mistake and I am going to repent for it. Gonna go on a long ass walk and fast for the rest of the day until dinner tonight. Pray for me boys. We're going to make it, but not by doing what I did last night.

pic related.

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That's what happens every-time you break ketosis though. Unless you were planning on staying in keto forever than it was inevitable that you would get a weight spike when you broke it.


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I've had derealization since I can remember. It really doesn't affect you that much, maybe just a bit more anti-social.

It's caused by anxiety, so figure out what you have been stressing about.

I don't plan on not gaining any weight back, I just want to lose a lot of fat-weight quickly so I can replace it with muscle due to lifting. I certainly won't be using keto as a lifestyle.

The Yas Forumssticky post and just about everywhere else I see mentions that gaining muscle and losing weight is pretty much impossible.

Plus, the self discipline has really helped me with what I need to eat. I've been doing OMAD quite a bit also and that helps me tremendously. It's also helped me learn what an actual meal-size consists of.

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This is my first time in a /sig/ thread.
Can anyone tell me how I can pay more attention in class? Usually a million things go through my mind when I'm in class and I simply can't pay attention or write everything down.


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Take up meditating. See OP.

Only advice I can really give you regarding that is to try and force yourself into a position where you must pay attention. For example, sitting at the front of the room so the teacher can see what you’re doing, turning off your phone, etc.

Been embracing the routine for three months. Some results:
>was in first ever internship in my own field. got great reviews. now looking for first ever job.
>chatted up with strangers at pub. they liked me and wanted to see me there again
>had sex first time in 1,5 years
>had multiple women fall for me and asking for a relationship first time ever

I felt that I really lived up to my potential these three months. I was pretty much minmaxing sleep, food, exercise and relaxation. Was minmaxing mental and social gains. Was minmaxing self reflection and mediation.

Now that the internship is basically over and I got my first two weeks off, I've noticed it's gotten harder. My mind is bouncing off everywhere and controlling myself to do the assigned tasks for the day is harder. I sort of go to bed in the night and notice the things I should've done. On the other hand I'm much more loose and easygoing, doing small things easily like chatting up strangers or sending messages asking around for apartments without really having to think about it. I keep taking ashwagandha and killing cortisol, everything is really enjoyable although time keeps rolling past very fast.


Why is it that after a productive day I just feel depressed? Like I have more stuff I could/should do but all I want to do is short term gratification stuff.

Is it just a sign of being overworked or should I try to power through it? I've tried powering through it but no matter what I give in and stop being productive.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this and how they deal with it.

What are some martial arts/fighting excercises I can do at home?
>I can do pic related with a belt
I thought of neck bridge,rope jumping and coin catching

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It’s important to find things that are fun AND productive to sprinkle throughout your day. If you just work on productive, yet tedious things, you’ll burn out.

Everyone has experienced it, naturally. Do you mean after your day, you still have a few hours before bed?

I approach it with planning. I plan the week on Sundays and then modify it during the week. Spread out difficult tasks to different days, your focus and energy is limited. It also help if you chop them into smaller tasks; I personally like to use 15 minutes a day on a certain task, then if I have to continue, I do the same the following day.

I include time to relax. If I haven't done most I wanted to do that day by 6pm, it means I've planned poorly.

What I'm trying to say is: if you merely follow your plan and routines and stick to it, then you don't have to experience guilt for not doing enough on the spot. Just adjust the plan for the next day, like increase effort or reduce it depending on your feel.

Good morning and fuck jannies

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Roll for the morning

Reroll I’m not able to

cant do 5 but roll

The only productive things I do right now is college/gym. So yeah I have a lot of free time.

I feel like I'm doing a bad job at explaining it but I'll try, Gym/Cardio in the morning then a few hours of studying before class and then after class is when I start feeling depressed. But it really doesn't feel like that much work and it is only like 6-8 hours.

If I skip the gym and don't study I never feel the depressed thing. I only feel regret for not doing the stuff.

But after the "Productive day" I only can get rid of the depressed feeling by doing something unproductive like watching a TV show or playing a video game. But it is never as satisfying and ends up making me just feel worse than if I had just done nothing. That's why I'm calling it depression but maybe that's not it.

tantrafag pls go

No ^^

Who /brahmacharya/ here?


Holy shit is Sun and Steel been a good read so far. Also what are some good autobiographies of real men?


This webm makes me angry that I live in Florida. Fuck this.


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look up athlete-x on youtube