This is allowed to exist in america and is not shamed

>this is allowed to exist in america and is not shamed

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That thing on its head is vile. Otherwise I would stick pork the body.

Why does the whole thing look shopped. Am I high or is that a cg version of a fat chick

Not surprising

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It's not a shop. Her fat is just somehow stored in her thighs and tits so much that her waist looks small

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Rent free

Thank the far left and feminist.

30 years ago it would be socially acceptable to make fun of obese hamplanets. Now they are "stunning and brave"

She's wearing a corset, Retard

whats sad is that she would be giga qt if she was skinny (probably)

You can’t even see her face it’s covered in sloppy makeup

The only problem with this is it's not on my dick

what’s her endgane

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>Fucking virgins that do not know what waist trainers and corsets are.

would bang

What violently facefuck/10

>american women
oh no no no



Push that whale back into the ocean

Fat people is proof it's all about the face

getting up from that squat probably

Would aggressively butt fuck until she cried

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idc i would smash so fucking hard

She looks like a character you would create in Spore while you're figuring out how the spine works

She would actually look really hot if she were lean. Look at her face.

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A shit ton of makeup.

I would fuck almost any non ugly female (so just with good makeup) if no one found out about it.

Sign in the back is in swedish, top left word gives it away.


at first, I thought it was centaur cosplay

She's got really nice looking eyes, user. You can tell they'd still look quite a bit better than the average woman's eyes even without makeup. They look a bit like Belle Delphine's but I think the dalmatian girl's eyes would actually look a bit better.

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imagine falling for a womans trickery

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That's not her on the left. That's some random middle-school boy.

sure buddy cope harder

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imagine not knowing what angels are. If she took the same pic just no makeup/wig it wouldn't be that drastic.


This reminds me of my younger days of wanting to fuck fish.

>live in fucked up village
>dad is fisherman
>usually brings home big carps catfishes pikes and sanders
>I liked carps best, like golden giants, very pretty
>years ago
>fapping at home
>suddenly father with friends arrives
>quickly shut off porn and turn on skyrim
>father and friends walk in
>greet them and see big big 9kg carp in fathers hands
>shared with him his triumph
>father left carp at home in wet blanket
>went to bar to celebrate
>I stay at home to inspect carp
>still alive, giant mouth moving
>my dick suddenly erect
>you know what happens next
>I fucke carps mouth and came inside. enjoyed it.
>forget about carp sex
>dad sold carp at market with semen filled stomach
>dad usually brings home small carpes 1-2kgs
>I start fucking them too
>all year fucking carpes and only want more and more
>small carpes better because dick fits into tiny mouth better
>best to fuck when theyre alive and moving lips up and down on dick
>in 6 mos I fucked over 40 carps
>sometimes I cum in their anuses and sometimes even use frozen carpes
>try fucking bream but mouth is too small
>carpes are the best
>When dad asks what to catch tomorrow i always answer carpes since "their meat is tasty"
>father has trouble catching carpes for a week
>I really need to fuck a fish
>like im in a fog
>dad only catched small pike, not enough
>he suspects my fondness of carpes as it is mania
>I just realy like the taste I tell him
>dad catches catfish
>his mouth looks good
>it has teeth but I think they will only do a little becaues they are little teeth
>I stick my dick in as its still alive and i start using it
>fish teeth scratch penis really hard
>I pull dick out and kick the catfish into its bowl
>I bleed and banagae dick
>cock swelled but then went normal, used banadages
>think of having sex with fat girls like this until carpes return

What a cute trap

I fucking hate Americans so goddamn much bros

She doesn't have a benis.

Attached: Belle Delphine Sexy Ass Bed.jpg (1000x1765, 162.75K)

lel gg

>no benis
Well that's a dissapointment


I look forward to the day some enraged orbiter murders this whore.


Those prices on the board, 33$ for a latte? Seems a bit steep for usd. You sure this is America?

Even if that is her, she still has a sexy body. She's so small and skinny. I would feel incredible having sex with her.

Attached: 20191225 Belle Delphine 1.jpg (675x746, 50.85K)

This can't be real

Sweden, the OP mentioning USA was misleading

>That thing on its head is vile
You mean blond hair?

never change Yas Forums

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based and carppilled

>Black dudes and pretty-faced mansluts will fuck anything because when you're horny wet dick is wet dick
>This means nothing to the dudes, but the boring, bitchy ham&slams perceive it as validation that they are on the same level as those guys
>Dull, cunty steak&shakes go on to make those kinds of guys their relationship standards
>It takes them getting stranded with some hamspawn, no longer wearing sexy clothes or makeup, and for all that attention from "hot guys" to dry up, for them to finally notice that those guys seemed to only be interested in having sex
>Too late to fix it, another number added to the list of "aging single-mother slampigs"
>Young&fresh fatties who are next in line won't listen to a word of ugly old ladies because now they're the ones who think they get any hot guy they want and those ugly old cows are just jealous
>Even women who are just 6/10 with some actual personality traits (your girl-next-door relationship-material types) notice this dynamic, see the dumb angry fatties with the kinds of guys they attract, and immediately qualify themselves as being way above those guys' level, due to being even slightly more put-together than your average "slampig"

Women naturally do whatever is popular and care about whatever is popular. If we make it unpopular for attractive successful guys to fuck fatties, then we'll start seeing a LOT less fatties around.


You’re such a fucking loser. Come back when you’re 18.

>small carps better because my dick fits into their mouth better


eat a salad fattie

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No the face


what country, esl-kun?