Give me THE most intense program you know. I don’t care about pussy shit anymore...

Give me THE most intense program you know. I don’t care about pussy shit anymore, I want to leave absolutely no gains on the table. I want it all.

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DC training. Read it this, actually do the weighted stretches.

DC is intense but low volume thus leaving gains on the table.
Do workout variation #2. You'll either make mad gains or head to snap city

Maximal snatches for 1 hour
20 minute break
Maximal clean and jerks 1 hour
20 minute break
Maximal front squats 1 hour
20 minute break
Do that all again for an 8 hour workout

kraut volume training

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full body everyday, regular fasting...etc. Watch:

This is the hardest program I've ever done. On day 1 I thought I wouldn't be able to continue.

>chins - 100 total reps
WHAT?! Aren't Wendlerfags bloatlords? This would have to be assisted as fuck

Powerlifters are strong, dude. Most do the chin-ups with weight. I prefer using one arm instead, but I think the end results are the same.

531 monolith is very very hard

You can do them between squats etc and the amount you do per set is up to you. Could do them in sets of 5 between other exercises or whatever

Either German Volume Training or Building the Monolith.

>Could do them in sets of 5 between other exercises or whatever
yeah this would have to be the way. I used to do my 3x10-12 between squat warmups when I was ~100kg

Full 13w Smolov squats doing real percentages of 1RM following the program completely and going below parallel on every rep haha gl

oh god that looks practically impossible unless you do absolutely nothing but eat, sleep, and lift

Doing nsuns 5/3/1 right now and even thats kinda rough. Making great gains though, putting 5 lbs on all my lifts every week

Based, Abadjiev would be proud

I did this for two months, 20rep squat went from 75kg to 95, got bigger but not really stronger. You need rest days sooner or later (i would go with every 8th-9th day) and shitload of food.

cant wait to run it again

Unironically SS towards the end and TM are both extremely difficult. If you don't think hitting a max effort 5RM squat and then adding 5 lbs and doing again next time is hard then you're just a weak fuck.

anything with squats

this, nothing else itt even compares to smolov, most people want to kill themselves after base mesocycle itself. the last 10x3 day will make you question reality itself

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>Aren't Wendlerfags bloatlords
Confirmed for never reading wendler.

He constantly prescribes conditioning and cardio in his programs, along with dynamic warmups with jumps/throws.

I eat OMAD, train full body 3-5x a week, train heavy (3-5 RM, hit heavy singles at 90-95% at least once or twice a week) train 1 hr most days 2-2.5 hrs once a week
food is mostly brown rice, 1lb veggies and fish/meat/eggs for my 1 meal

Just be black bro it's the hardest shit you can endure.

swim 100x100's two times a day to start
Any stroke. You won't complete 20, w*ightlifter.

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He asked for the hardest, not the gayest


I have 18" arms and I train my upper body once a week, all this "HARDCORE HIGH VOLUME HIGH FREQUENCY FORCED REPS XXX CHAMPION" bullshit workouts are never done by champions or anyone that matters for any significant amount of time, at best people used these retarded methods of training like arnold did on his 6x a week 2x a day splits only during a competition prep as they upped the dose lmao, that's literally how it works.

>omg it's sooo hard
oh no, 5 hard sets of squats on one day? nooooo, that is just sooo difficult
fucking lmao youfags don't even train
100 total chinups is easy as shit to even complete beginners who aren't genetic deadends just do 10 sets of 10 reps each with 30 second rest, there you go
what a retarded recommendation lmao, total reps is an absolutely shit structure of exercise

Get THIS my dude. You'll be Doomguy in a few weeks.

Run heavy cardio. Lift heavy, 5-6 reps. Keep up with stretching.
And get this, here's the absolute secret. This is how you win my dude.
Rest for two days between sessions.

Thanks novice lifter!

You have fatceps until proven otherwise.

I'm sorry did you think there was some tome of knowledge shit involved with lifting things up and putting them down again? Some ancient secret hidden inside a tomb you haven't read and everyone else has, and that's why your gains are shit and stalled?

You will leave all your gains once you get injured retard

Super Squats
Enjoy dying under the bar

Squats and Milk

Attached: 20repsquats.jpg (2547x3177, 1.92M)

I'm 275 and I can do chins with a 45 at least on my waist

You can't even do 5 sets of 20 pull up with 30 seconds rest? Lmaoing at your life

>I want to leave absolutely no gains on the table
Do steroids

I was making great progress with DC, until I entered the Snap City limits.

Backed off. Fun, Challenging ride tho

10/10 would destroy my body again!

>Doing nsuns 5/3/1 right now
What do your lifts look like now?

destroy the opposition, deadlift specialist


>just do 10 sets of 10 reps each with 30 second rest, there you go

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Abhorrent diet, fucking garbage. Don't trust a single thing this mong says

Post a video of you doing 10 sets of 10 rep chin ups with 30s rest with good form and no kipping. You won't because you're full of shit


jumping jacks until failure

Aren't the gains diminished returns after a while (due to exhaustion/your body needing to recover)?

Anyone fill me in on this pls I'm basically homegym for 7 weeks with nothing else to do but eat

slow burn

>monday am
2.5-mile run. pace at 6 minutes per mile.
>monday pm
5 sets max pull-ups. 1-minute rest in between sets.
5 sets max push-ups. 1-minue rest in between sets.

>tuesday am
1-mile run. as fast as possible (sub 6-minute).
>tuesday pm
pull-up pyramid until failure (1, rest, 2, rest, 3, rest...) 1-minute rest in between sets.
5 sets max push-ups. 1-minue rest in between sets.

>wednesday am
2.5-mile run. pace at 6 minutes per mile.
>wednesday pm
9 training sets of pull-ups (a training set has the number of reps that you can "comfortably" complete without gassing). alternate grip every set (close, wide, regular). 1-minute rest in between sets.
5 sets max push-ups. 1-minue rest in between sets.

>thursday am
1-mile run. as fast as possible (sub 6-minute).
>thursday pm
do training sets of pull-ups until failure (should be 10+ sets). 1-minute rest in between sets.
5 sets max push-ups. 1-minue rest in between sets.

>friday am
2.5-mile run. as fast as possible (finish strong).
>friday pm
5 sets max pull-ups. 1-minute rest in between sets.
5 sets max push-ups. 1-minue rest in between sets.

>saturday and sunday

Do my routine, but at the highest volume you can reasonably manage while maintaining high intensity. Also, rest whenever you feel like you should. Normally, I rest for 2 days after working arms, but sometimes I'll rest for an extra day in the middle of the schedule.

Chest Day: Bench Press, Incline Bench Press, Decline Bench Press, Cable Chest Flyes, Chest Dips (do weighted if you can), DB Press (Optional, incline level is whatever you feel like needs a bit more work)

Back Day (doubles as Forearm Day, so don't wear wrist straps, and ditch the meme belt): Deadlifts, Pull-ups (weighted if you can), Bent-over Rows (or T-Bar Rows), DB Rows, Cable Rows, Hammer Strength Pull-downs, Cable Wrist Curls

Shoulder Day: Arnold Press, OHP, Shrugs (half of your sets frontal, other half behind the back), Cable Crossovers, Cable Side Laterals, Cable Front Raises

Leg Day (doubles as Core Day): Hack Squats*, Romanian Deadlifts, Hip Ab/Adductions, Leg Curls, Leg Extensions, Leg Press, Hanging Leg Raises, Weighted Crunches, Weighted Side Crunches

*>why not normal squats?
*because I hate doing them, there.

Arm Day: Barbell Curls, Close Grip Bench Press, Cable Curls, Rope Triceps Extensions, Incline Dumbbell Curls, Overhead Triceps Extension, Hammer Curls, Triceps Dips

yeah, is that hard for you to do once a week?
I won't because my whole country is on lockdown faggot.

is that impressive to you?
10 sets of 30 pullups 30 seconds rest is barely intermediate

>barely intermediate
>less than 5% of people can do it

lol why are you lying on here bro

wow you caught me

o i get it you were just joshing

good joke bro

nice digits too

If you natty yes, you can only do so much work before you can’t recover fully. On gear it’s another story but you still need rest

50 pushups
50 sit ups
50 air squats
50 burpees
5 sets no rest in between, good luck start with 10 reps at the time if its too hard

Can confirm, I did smolov over a summer when I was home from college and otherwise a NEET. It is horrible.

Anything for bodyweight?
