Is smoking based or cringe?

Is smoking based or cringe?

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Extremely cringe. Safer and more powerful forms of nicotine exist if you absolutely MUST consume this poison, by smoking you are admitting that you compromise your health for no other reason than “muh cool”. Not to mention you smell like dog shit.

fuck off cunts i get one thing and life and its these fucking death sticks stop putting stress on it that is the real problem

my fucking grandma smoked till 90 and u have these chinese cunts smoking till 1000

FUCKING stress will kill u

Smoking takes on average 13 years off your life. So for every person like your grandma there's someone who died 25+ years prematurely of heart issues or cancer.

Maybe you'll get lucky. Maybe you'll have a heart attack at 30. Lol

I smoke a pack every fortnight and I have better cardiovascular health, skin, hair, lower bf and I’m more productive than most people at work and at uni. You can enjoy everything in life as long as you moderate yourself..

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>Maybe you'll have a heart attack at 30
Hopefully sooner, and it's fatal

Leonardo Di Caprio looks very based when he smokes

smoking is not based because if you probe them enough you find out every smoker got into it because their friends did it and they weren't confident enough to refuse to partake or find better friends.

I started smoking cause I took a drag off my grandpa's cig when I was nine

Kind of cringe. Quit over 2 months ago and feel much better for it

Based. Read @BPD_GOD on twitter.

at best it's a mild downer
mostly it's just a loss in all aspects, mental, physical, financial

everything you enjoy is cringe

Maximum cringe and my digits will confirm

wrong board, /fa/g

I stole my parents' cigarettes when they were asleep, walked to a park in the middle of the night, inhaled deeply, coughed hard as fuck, inhaled a little more gently, watched the smoke catch the light of the moon, felt a stimulating calm creep through my body, and understood in that moment why people smoke. I'm sure most people do this because friends, but there's a more peaceful aspect to it that appeals to those who haven't had the easiest of lives. Why do you think everyone in LE and medical smoke? We have to see shit that just isn't nice, and we know how bad things can get. A moment of peace at the expense of the mortality we're already more aware of than you is a fair price to pay.

you sound truly pathetic

the only thing your digits confirmed is that you're a faggot

>he didn't have his cigarette offered by friends when he was like 13

ok foomer


Its cringe if youre a tryhard trying to look cool.

Its not based. But tbe closest you can get is not giving a fuck. But if you try to not give a fuck, youre already giving a fuck.

It's infinitely more based to smoke because of herd mentality than not to smoke because you want to be a hipster that is 'different'.

Smoke 'em if you got 'em.

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>than not to smoke because you want to be a hipster that is 'different'.
You need a reason to do things, you don't need a reason to not do things with no benefit. And if you did, that'd probably be pretty low on the list of reason not to smoke.

What the fuck does that even mean, retard?
You hoomer poomer loomer nigger, get to hanging.

ok foomer

absolutely retarded. smells like shit for nonsmokers.
tho I find it attractive. still gotta quit soon

at least smoke weed then. imagine tarring up your lungs just so you can consume nicotine. what a retard.

Imagine my shock when the hang all niggers poster can't figure out wordplay.

It’s cool until you’re addicted. Then you’re just another subhuman with a drug addiction.

Feels really good when you combine with alcohol, don't smoke sober.

Especially don't smoke while Corona-chan is about.

Lil boys are scared of smoking it's defo based. Nothing feels as relaxing as smoking a cig with the bros during a lunch break or post workout and shoot the shit.
Inb4 zyzz died of smoking

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literal cope

Well technically he did, but not from cigarettes. Meth and heroin not even once...baka

>Whole world taxing the shit out of Cigs and saying "is bad bro its b-bad bro"

Meanwhile Based Bosnia out here 2 euros for a pack and every Cafe is smokers only.
Its a way of life here.
Get Fucked.

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Plus it's a great way to get rid of annoying neighbors if you're an apartmentfag. I already had 3 neighbors move away kek.

Based is one of the most based activities you can partake in on earth. Not as based as lifting or beating roasties, but it is damn close.

Smoking is one of the most based activities*

how? they dont know if ur smoking

>based is one of the most based
your brain on cigarettes folks

Smoke moves through tiny openings around the door and inside the stairwell and even into other apartments. Smoke is EXTREMELY stinky if you smoke inside. Remember back to childhood, everyone had that 1 friend with chainsmoking parents. Remember how grossed out you were.

sounds like a crappy appartment

I'm a SMOOKer, but I'm not gonna cope and act like it's a good thing

>ugh i don't wanna smoke, i wanna live till 95! Truly the best years of my life!

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It's based. Notice how the most powerful of men smoke, particularly, cigars. Additionally, notice how most powerful men smoke cigars AND drink coffee.

There's a lesson here.

The older you get the more you cling to life. As you accumulate knowledge, experience, money etc.. life gains value exponentially.

Lmao I know this guy. He is an american twink programmer larping as a girl on twitter for some ego-death autistic reasons. Psychedelics really fucked up his mind. Met him in a rave in Glasgow, he used to travel alot, probably is a trustfund baby.

absolutely fucking based. If you didn't die a violent, gruesome death, did you really live?

I quit smoking in January, honestly if they didn't kill you cigs would be fucking fantastic, nothing quite like them can give you 2 mins of rest from all the shit going on.

Wrong. The older you get, the more you accumulate knowledge, experience, and money the more you wish to expand and dominate. Those who wish to retire and live a peaceful life, unfortunately, have timid genes. It's a good thing that epigenetics is real, so you can rewire your genes and psyche just a little bit.

So he isn't half japanese?

Nope, he was living in Taiwan for some years but he is a nerdy white dude.

Based Bosnians puffing like crazy and still healthier and slimmer than Americans
Once this coronashit is over I really want to visit

Are you braindead? All I said is that you value your time and money more, I didn't say a god damn thing about retiring.

Life is a sad spectacle. You are a dumb fuck for the majority of your life and right when you begin to understand and value what life is truly about you are already old as fuck.

Imagine not dying in your 40s plastered against a brick wall in your Porsche drunk as fuck with your 20 year old girlfriend

>ou are a dumb fuck for the majority of your life and right when you begin to understand and value what life is truly about you are already old as fuck.

That’s why you should start reading philosophy and theology early in life so you don’t go through trial and error and learn from thousands of lives before you and their experiences and outlooks

Imagine leaving your friends because they smoke

Bro you're literally inhaling smoke.

You cant be fucking enjoying that. I tried it so many times but I just dont get it. Its fucking shit.

Smoking is universally enjoyable and you're an outlier.

Cigars and pipe tobacco are based

if there are outliers, it isn't universal

> how do words work?¿?