Does lifting make you look younger, pic related, 31-year-old man

Does lifting make you look younger, pic related, 31-year-old man.

Attached: 31yearold.jpg (512x512, 41.24K)

Maybe, but any physical exertion ages you.


have the young looking genes

nah you just need top 0.1% genetics, not that lifting, proper skin care, nutrition etc doesn't help.

no unless you have poor sleep poor nutrition and you overtrain, im 23 and 90% of my peers aged poorly because of stress and sedentarism i look younger and have a better skin than when i was 19-20

If you're a skinny dude in his teens or twenties, it will probably make you look older. If you're a fat dude in his 40s or 50s, it will probably make you look younger.

>any physical exertion without proper recovery ages you.
Fixed for you

Couldn't fool the neural net

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You are really in the prime of your youth as a male. Aging at 23 isn’t even that bad even drinking like a fish and doing no exercise

Just take good care of your face. Use moisturizers and shit.

Reminder that attractive men peak in looks in their 30s

Maybe the worst bait I’ve seen. Also digits and Booger dies of corona tonight

That guy has just won the genetic lottery

Pretty sure pietro wasn’t 31 at the time of taking this picture. Probably more like mid to late 20s. This is a more recent picture

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No but I still have that twink face but with a muscular body.

Attached: 0s0.jpg (1080x896, 93.07K)

I don't know, it worked for me, I started lifting casually around 22 and kept at it and I'm 33 and look pretty young.

no, he looks like 31, it is your perception that is distorted by unhealthy young people looking like shit

Sum exposure is the key factor, I work outdoors and look 35 or older instead of 30.

That's how a healthy 31 yeard old man looks u retard. I'm looking same as with 24 except a bit better.

Id say 24

he looks chad

The answer to your question is formulaic, but really I don't have enough understanding to make the distinction.

A number of contributing factors are
Food quality
Rest quality
Genetic coding
Outside stresses
And so on.

I think overall, a general amount of lifting or exercise is good for you, inside and as a byproduct, outwardly as well. Does it make you age well? Well that is a case by case scenario, considering the large sum of other factors that are attributed to aging well.

Yeah, being in good shape keeps you looking young. Most guys get sloppy fat in their 30s and start to look like shit, so if you maintain low bf you'll look 10 years younger. Not getting fat is literally the main thing you need to do if you want to stay looking young

Also when you lift you're likely to have a good diet, which also makes you age well

These white bois look so not threatening, jesus.
It doesn't even matter how much they lift, with those twink faces they will never ever look imposing. In prison they'd bend over in the first week.

I know this is difficult for blacks to comprehend, but its very easy to stay out of prison your whole life and then scenarios like this just never come up.

all of these lads look extremely attractive

>Does lifting make you look younger

>physical exertion ages you.

For lifters, there are tell-tale early wrinkles around the eyes from squeezing upon exertion a lot.

>These white bois look so not threatening, jesus.
Actually, the bigger upper body (fat/muscle) of whites makes them look more threatening, statistically. Keep in mind white fashion is designed to make you look more fresh and less threatening as much as possible.

He looks young because he shows no signs of balding, which is the main determinant in loss of attractiveness for a man as he ages.

>He looks young because he shows no signs of balding
So much cope. Unreal.

Lifting weights eventually lead you to more healthy habits as in cardio, drinking water, fasting etc.

That pretty much slows down skin aging.

I'd say all exercise makes you look younger especially if those active people drink a lot of water. Aging well is 100% genetics though.


Prove me wrong.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 91.75K)

>everyone is a jew
haha funny joke bro, kys.

in the second picture his skin is shopped to make it smoother you fucking idiot

how is this an oval face, this NN is shit

Its 100% hair. Lack of balding keep you looking young forever.
Bald/balding is insta aging x10 years.

Attached: mm.png (513x549, 129.71K)

what's this hairstyle called?

Okay, I shifted right side's face over to the left side, and you can really see his youth start to pop out despite the balding.

Attached: untitled.jpg (1280x720, 208.84K)

you are supposed to compare a bald guy to the right

if you're already heavily balding you will most definitely look infinitely better if you go full bald and not keep that pathetic weak patchy bird nest on your head.

Attached: 35 yo boomer to healthy big dick Chad.jpg (1920x1080, 121.38K)

You will look infinitely better, but you will not like a young chad slayer like
What you have shown is deceptive through lighting and angle, which makes his head seem bigger and adds yellow to his skin tone.

What this fails to showcase is the post-shave outline of grey on white men's heads. Despite the shaven head, this grey stubble will continue to give the illusion of age and disrupt the proportionality of the face. This is why SMP is often suggested.

Attached: studio-profile-portrait-of-mid-adult-man-with-shaved-hair-and-overgrown-beard-X7DY8X.jpg (866x1390, 153.67K)

I’m 35, can confirm. Have a family friend asking me to marry her 9/10 twenty year old daughter.

someone like pic related mogs literally anyone posted itt

Attached: statham Chad slayer.jpg (4000x2702, 922.08K)

It's literally always just Jason Statham and The Rock that are posted.
1. He doesn't
2. He's 57. Because attractiveness is largely based on how little somebody deviates from the average, balding at that age is much less of an issue than balding in your teens or twenties.

Why do men want to look younger?
Literally every girl my age thrist over some man in his mid 30s.

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lol no, he looks good for a bald person but he'd look way better with hair

Why would you want to look younger as a man ?

In terms of effect on your attractiveness having a full head of hear is a fashion accessory.
Women are instinctively aware that balding is a sign of maturity and high testosterone in men (both of which they don't mind), so their reptilian brain won't hold it against you in terms of their subconscious desire to fuck you.
Well, as long as you look like a mature man with high testosterone. It's just unfashionable to be bald, so the same woman who won't fuck you because you're balding won't fuck you because you're not wearing the kind of pants that her pop idol wears.

No. I see many young looking chad bald guys (By young i mean 20s not teen young), It's the skin tone, smoothness and glowing full lips.

Anyway being very young looking isn't ideal for a guy, It's very rare to find iconic sex symbol below 25, the obsession with looking like teenager twink is unironically faggots desire.

He still look young? What do you consider young?

Also he barely if any lost attractiveness points, but maybe it's the garbage haircut on the right.

Yas Forums is a gay board and twinks are bottoms peak look

Actually no, I've seen many photoshops of him with hair and he unironically look worse somehow, a rare case.

>Full head of hear is a fashion accessory

This. Male attractiveness is 98% in the bones and eyes, Hair on a guy literally exist only to entertain pseudo-deep art hoes, sub 18 girls and narcissistic women who obsessed with their own hair (probably because their face is nothing spectacular). This might be the most inaccurate meme ever came from Yas Forums, Ugly guys with hair remain ugly and the opposite for attractive guys, being bald just emphasis your ugly face thus you become "more ugly", It's very well agreed that the more attractive your face is the shorter the hair need to be, or at least the better you "get away with it".

i think its called the "twink power bottom"

It's literally all about the face and skull Shape.
No sane women will think this man isn't attractive because he doesn't have hair.
If you have an attractive face, that's it you are attractive. No beard, no hairstyle or lack of hair will ever change that.

Attached: shaved-head-hair-style-34.jpg (564x822, 61.8K)

>It's very rare to find iconic sex symbol below 25

Attractive twinks under 25 are a sex symbol to teenagers and girls in their late teens and early twentys tho.

Now this is cope


so much this