Friday night

>friday night
Why are you here?

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I got permabanned and have friends to go out with but I have self diagnosed avoidant personality disorder. I just wanna be alone but not really

I only browse Yas Forums for porn threads.

Because I’ve burnt all my bridges & burpees are better company

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I'm still at work

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I have no one.

Got wasted on wednesday. Classes begin in monday 100 miles away so I'm moving tomorrow.

I'm killing some time before I meet this girl who texted me asking if it's bad to break up with someone because they dont want to go to college

i met her in class a week ago

Everything's closed down, this country's fucked because of the virus. Not that I'd be outside if it weren't for the virus, but yeye

Whole country is in quarantine

Haven't socialized in like 6 months.

My self hate has pushed me further into social isolation. The only thing I do is study, eat, lift, play vidya and sleep.

I just wish I was a normal looking person and not an ugly borderline deformed freak.

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I have literally 0 friends and will probably die like this. I feel like it is my fate to die alone. It used to make me sad but now I'm kind of ok with it. It only makes me feel bad for my parents because their son turned out to be a loner.

>tfw forgot it was friday
>everyday is the same
>wake up, gym, eat, sleep

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>Haven't socialized in like 6 months.
>My self hate has pushed me further into social isolation. The only thing I do is study, eat, lift, play vidya and sleep.
>I just wish I was a normal looking person and not an ugly borderline deformed freak.

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I want to say coronavirus, but I can follow the recommendations to lock myself indoors without really altering my usual routine.

I work straight weekends but get 4 days off so I'm not complaining. Most of my friends work weekends also so we get together during the week.

Literally me, user

Work, went out yesterday though


studied for 10 hours today, watched a movie and ate dinner with two friends so now im just vibin in the sofa bout to go sleep next to my gf

My friends would rather smoke weed and talk about wom*n rather than lifting and the benefits of fascism

I literally can't leave the house like everyone in the country, and you guys should avoid interacting with other people as much as possible as well.

get a job

I don't bother with thots anymore

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I have a sponsorship/apprentice ship just on a break for 2 month.
It's shit knowing how little i have outside it

Shes gonna dump her simp for you.


Anyone else feel horribly alone and depressed after getting back from a trip abroad?

Mi dispiace. Io vivo nello UK e sto evitando di uscire la sera, qui purtroppo non hanno capito un cazzo x quanto riguarda il virus..

Yeh i just got back from a few months and made friends but no way to keep contact,
Coming back to noone after is the worst.

good for her i guess?
Still tho if she'll do it with you, she'll do it to you. Can't/won't get attached to her

In tonight but have a date tomorrow night. Would you guys pay for dinner on the second date?

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They cancelled all the local concerts

bella merda, tieni duro se ne accorgeranno anche li a breve, i giovani non corrono molti rischi alla fine

speriamo bene

i have coronavirus

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fuck off normie

I’m married and we created a gains goblin.

damn i didn't even realize it was friday lol

Funposting at work. You?

in my parents basement

I've been here over 100 consecutive Friday nights

Just come back from the pub with friends. Had a pot noodle and I am now on my phone.

Fuck no. I didn't pay for dinner on the first date. But I did offer.

Suppose it depends where you are from. If you are American I'm sure you pay for both meals then tip the waitress and your date for the pleasure.

Cause I like it here

same desu

How do you study for 10 hours?

I referee youth soccer and our spring league was really getting into full swing this weekend. Was gonna have 5 games this weekend, 7 the following weekend, then 6 the last weekend in March. Due to the coronavirus, all the leagues have cancelled their games through at least the end of March

It's really disappointing for me, obviously from a money standpoint (I was gonna make nearly $1,000 thru the end of March), but really what hurts is that I'm basically a loser shut-in and soccer refereeing is the only thing I do on the weekend. So now I'm just gonna shut in my room the rest of the month at least.

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I went 5 years without friends after college, I didn't mind it at first but looking back at it now it was pretty depressing playing video games and drinking alone in my room every weekend. I made some real friends 2 years ago and have a lot of good memories to look back on now. It feels nice when I get a text/call from them instead of my mobile carrier asking me if I want to upgrade my cellphone. You'll find your tribe one day.

I kissed a girl that i’m in love with last weekend. Haven’t had a chance to hang out with her since and virus hysteria isn’t helping. I’m on day 16 of nofap Lent, i really want to nut and being quarantined has suddenly turned it into hard mode. My balls are so big rn. I did this last year and had wet dreams on day 8 and 16, but god hasn’t made me cum yet this year :(

I got no place else to go

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I guess it depends on your style/money situation but i like paying and get kind of offended when she doesn’t let me. The good ones will make it up to you... buy you a drink or pay for an uber etc. its a nice gesture and if you like her then do it. On the other hand if you’re not feeling it split it.

me too or at least i havent been this sick in years

Gym at 5am tomorrow

went for a walk tonight with a cig, mulled some stuff over in my head, was gonna go to a bookstore i saw yestrday but decided against
found a cool pond
just got back and finishing off salmon and mashed tatos

Watching Goodfellas. Next to Casino and The Godfather it’s the ultimate motivation.

Had to drive 7hrs to pick up sister from uni. Now I’m stuck in a shithole rural town.

i have no friends and the only woman who ever noticed my existence broke things off, also i have bicep doms and dont want to even look at weights right now.

im in a lonely place right now fellas

I'm lifting and self quarantined