Thanks fit

I just want to thank you guys
pic related will be fucked by yours truly tonight and thats all thanks to your fitness advice and high test threads

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I-is this....making it.....

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should be a good shag, have fun user. Not a great face but the body is perfect rip and dip material


This has nothing to do with fitness. FUCK OFF

Being proud of being so desperate as to even consider that whale?


why would a fitizen supersoldier mate with a fatass cunt like that?
it's dysgenics
you'll be doing a disfavor to your future children

just dont shag her you fucking nonce, step outside of your coomer brain for one second and LOOK at that thing. fuck me i like bbws but christ almighty, her gut extends past her tits, and her tits are fucking huge. she'll stink like a can of john west, her arse'll have hair on it, i bet she can't even wipe properly.
just crack one out and stand her up. one you fuck her, you can't unfuck her. your record is permanently scarred by that mcwhale. what would your future wife think?

must be great between those watermelon tits

post nose and last name

>likes bbw's
>wouldnt shag this
why would you pretend to be into fat women lmao?

alright maybe i'm not into bbws. i like girls with a gut, and maybe if she didn't have a face like a dinner lady i'd be more inclined, but she just looks like a fat bint that rolls out of greggs every morning, has shit teeth, bad breath, lives in a council house and has 3 kids to 3 different men. probably has a name like "patience" and has every episode of jeremy kyle on record.
if you're going to fuck a whale, at least go for one that ATTEMPTS to be pretty.

yeah i agree with that, im into actual bbw's and even ssbbws but face is still very important, desu id still shag op's pic if i was really horny

Lmao at the gut her shirt can't contain. I've fucked my share of fatties and I'm disgusted by myself every fuckin time. She's got a stinky pussy for ya though, I guess that's what counts.

based and analpilled
anal with fatties is the most kino type of sex

grats bro

Her ass probably smells so fuckin bad, bring a clothes pin for your nose. I refuse to fuck a fat bitch from behind anymore lest I lose my wood from the smell, though sometimes liquor gets involved and the rule is broken.

Tits are okay but that ass is nasty. Don't do it I almost plowed a 7/10 30 something last night but I got high there and made my thinking different.

Is there even a hole in that?

if she was a 7 why did you decide not to shag?

lmao ask me how I know you've never fucked a fat girl (and if you did she was probably literal trailer trash)
any fattie worth porking has enough self-respect to shower regularly. guys like you who say fat girls smell bad are either liars or 3/10s who can only pull trash.

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Divide the number he said by two to get the truth.

Hope you are not fit so she doesn't get an overinflated ego because you have no standards and decided to fuck a whale.

this, people who have actually fucked good fatties know they dont have this "smell" that so many virgins talk about.

>the fatties I fuck are better than the fatties you fuck
At least I admit how low I've stooped, you go on and keep lying to yourself to cope, bitch.

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why would he lie about how hot she was if he didnt fuck her, nothing to be ashamed of

saying hes coping while youre literally on a cope life line kek, just cuz the fatties youve fucked are low tier smelly cunts doesnt mean that they all are, if youre going to fuck a fatty at least find a facially attractive one with access to a shower.

To big himself up on the internet. Seems to be a few pathetic 'men' doing that in this thread.

You don't know what cope means obviously. Again, keep lying to yourself and others pretending you're pulling the primo fat bitches lmao. Sad.

Can't imagine being as desperate as you mate


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lmao keep lying to yourself that there are no fat girls out there who smell good
you just can't attract them because you're probably trash yourself

I'm good, got a non fat non stinky cunny coming over tonight. Enjoy lifting gunt, do it for reps and you'll get some gains out of it.

>non fat non stinky cunny coming over tonight
ask me how I know you're a dyel virgin lmao

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And no doubt you're one of the Yas Forumsizens who makes 6 figures blah blah blah. You debase yourself and are so worthless you can't even recognize it. I know where I stand and don't need to lie about it, copelord.

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Ask me how I know your mom is even fatter and stinkier than the beasts you still fuck.

>strawmanning this hard because you can't cope

I nailed a girl this size and she smelled just fine. It was kinda fun smashing down into those big soft titties.


the projection and cope is so hard, just cuz you cant pull good fatties doesnt mean other people cant, just accept that youre low tier subhuman genetic trash and move on.

>thinks a shower will take away the awful smell emanating from their putrid body
Who's a virgin? You know women don't put soap inside their cunt right? You do now.

Liquor is the rule with fattie fucking

time to go back to Yas Forums buddy

Pick a roll, bro.
I thought to find the truth you employ subtraction

>he thinks the inside of the vagina is where smells come from
Please continue to show this whole board how much of a virgin you are lmao

>thinks all fat women have a natural smell coming from their cunt that cant be dealt with
t. has never been in contact with any woman

No way man

Parting those lumps is going to release an odor so foul it could knock a horse down

You just don't get it, you must be willfully obtuse lest your ego shatter and you kys. There are no good fatties. Just saying those words makes you lose the argument. I was having fun before but this is getting depressing, the fuckin state of some losers yikes.

this post was typed by filthy incel hands

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Feedee or just Fat?

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Good is relative mong, a good fatty is one with good fat distribution and a pretty face, just because you cant bag said good fatties and youve only banged ones who look like 80 year old trailer park cows

I fucked a fat bitch last Saturday after downing a 26er of forty creek. The difference is that I have enough sense and self esteem to be ashamed of it. You guys are really sad. So much so that you need to attack someone who simply admits that fat girls fuckin stink.

Why would i lie mate? the fat girls ive fucked dont stink end of and you cant tell me that they do, im not denying the ones youve shagged stink but thats your problem not mine, go for a cleaner one next time

Yeah I guess if I were you I'd call any chance to have sex good.

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You've clearly deluded yourself. Enjoy the fatties, it's nought to me but I'll defend the truth all I like. Fatties stink, not because of hygiene but because they eat copious amounts of trash and have fucked hormones. Can't hose that off in the backyard, can ya?

>forty creek
Ah so I'm gonna guess you're Alberta trash then. That would certainly explain why you only fuck stinky trash.

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youve just exposed your shitposting as someone arguing these points wouldnt have photos of catidee saved

i cant believe how relentlessly retarded you are
>i'll defend the truth
>does the complete opposite
The fattys ive fucked didnt stink and thats a fact cuz i was there and you werent you incel

I'm active in /fph/ but keep reaching.

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the photo you just posted is one that would come from and be useful in an fph thread, the one of catidee would not as its just from one of her sets, nice try retard. Dont be ashamed of your fat fetish user.

You didn't reply to the key points in that post. Your own delusions which are obviously necessary to carry on with atrocious pigs, and the real reason they stink. It can't be denied that fat women are disgusting inside and out, but you go on and keep trying. Lets see your premium fatties lol

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You knew her name, I didn't.

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based jpeg

your key points arent backed up by anything so why would i reply to them? also youre saying this as if youve forgotten you admitted to fucking fat women, but at least the ones i fuck dont stink and have good faces kekeke. And as i said a top tier fatty just means good fat distribution and good face.