Veganism and Clarence Kennedy

How is he so big if he eats a vegan diet? Is he taking some crazy supplementation and steroids to make up for his lack of nutrition from not eating any meat or dairy?

He became convinced of veganism after watching a video by Vegan Atheist, who is another antisocial weirdo vegan along with Vegan Gainz, who wants to kill all meat-eaters, and who stated that he was happy that one of his close family members died because he was a meat-eater. Clarence actually made a video with Vegan Gainz to promote him. It seems that Clarence has the same mental problems that all other vegans have and more, regardless of how strong he is.

These are examples of the effects of malnourishment as consequences of the vegan diet.

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He's on a shit ton of roids. And he got too big and now he's trying to cut weight IIRC

>people enjoying life, minding their business eating a diet that's economical, sustainable for the planet and still making huge gainz

>He's on a shit ton of roids.
His lifts would actually be possible naturally, but not at such a low body-fat-percentage, and considering how he doesn't eat meat or dairy, where is he getting all of the nutrition needed to produce anabolic hormones?

in a lab

>His lifts would actually be possible naturally
No. They literally are no. He has world class, Olympian-tier numbers but he doesn't compete for reasons. His lifts are absolutely not obtainable natty.

>where is he getting all of the nutrition needed to produce anabolic hormones?
Steroids are fucking magical m8

>a juiced to the gills sperg eats a leaf of spinach

Ofc they are possible natty. Maybe not at his bodyweight. I'm getting close to a 250kgx5 squat natty.

Who gives a fuck about his squat. Let's see you fucking snatch 188kg.

>No. They literally are no.
Doug Hepburn and Reg Park benched 500 pounds back in the early 50s, and Bob Peoples deadlifted 725 pounds in 1949. Clarence weighs 220 and can deadlift 750, and Bob weighed 181 when he deadlifted 725. All of these records were done naturally before steroids were used as PEDs, granted all of those men had incredible genetics.

I still doubt that he's natural, mainly because he's vegan, and even after that, he'd still have to have incredible genetics that are very rare. Also, the fact that he can lift so much while remaining so lean makes me think he's not natural, because steroids help you stay lean when you're bulking, and because a lot of the heaviest records set in 1950s powerlifting were set by fat men.

You're delusional if you really believe Test wasn't around in the 50s. Do your research, kid. Next you'll be telling people Paul Anderson was natural.

Attached: paul.jpg (354x512, 52.7K)

The first steroid that was used in the late 1950s was dianabol, and the doses they used back then were very small. Steroid use was intruduced to powerlifting and bodybuilding in the West by Russians, who used it to enhance their performance. Doug Hepburn benched 500 in 1953, and Bob Peoples deadlifted 725 in 1949. People didn't even know about the anabolic properties of testosterone, and it was only used to treat male depression back then, and it still is today.

Okay and at the 1952 Olympics, the 90kg+ snatch medal was won with 137.5kg. Clarance has surpassed that number by like 50kg.

Yeah bro you can totally snatch almost 200kg natty.

>He has world class, Olympian-tier numbers but he doesn't compete for reasons.
What might these reasons be?

Synthetic testosterone was invented in the mid 1930s, but keep lying to yourself.

IIRC it has something to do with anti-doping and drug testing. The IWF is unbelievably fucking corrupt with their drug testing. So I can only assume he gets fucked because Ireland isn't a big enough country or has an important enough weightlifting fed to game the system like the big nations

he went vegan after he got big and strong.

You're correct, but it's anabolic properties were not know back then. It was used to treat depression. The Russians were the first to use it as a performance-enhancing-drug in the mid to late 1950s for their Olympic athletes.

I heard that he actually made some considerable strength gains after going vegan.

I thought that if he was serious enough about competing in the Olympics; he could apply for another country's citizenship and compete for them. Don't many countries expedite the nationalization process for promising athletes?

Sure, he likely could. I think there are some restrictions around it though (the Olympic qualifying system is really confusing).

His reasoning absolutely could be a cope, but as far as I can remember, that's the best answer he's given on the topic

>as far as I can remember, that's the best answer he's given on the topic.
So he said it himself? Isn't that effectively the same as admitting he's doping? What with the talk about needing a strong enough Fed to help him bypass the drug testing.

Clarence has juiced for sure, the reason he gives for not competing is that many governments will cover for their athletes drug use and this makes for an unfair playing field. But this doesn't make any sense if he's natty with his stats - he would likely take silver/gold at the olympics and btfo all those other athletes anyway (funny how the one 'natty' guy has no problem surpassing all these known juicers, eh?) . The truth of it is he is/was on peds as well and the Irish government won't cover for him, if he was to come off to compete his lifts would fall too much.
Clarence is a beast and would btfo 99.9% of lifters anyway but he's as dirty as the rest of them, make no mistake.
Also veganism has no correlation to your ability to lift weights at all provided you are very careful with your diet.

>So he said it himself?
Yeah on one of his QAs. You can find it on his YouTube

>What with the talk about needing a strong enough Fed to help him bypass the drug testing.
That's my speculation because of how incredibly corrupt the IWF is.

Here is the (not quick) rundown on the situation. It's a long read but it will explain why I speculate he's not part of a big enough fed to play the game.

I see. Thank you for your time user.

veganism let him stay that way


Post body OP I really hope you look better than me a 5 year vegan

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got big before he switched to retardation

You don't need a lot of those androgen building nutrients when your body doesn't need to make its own endogenous androgens (because you are injecting them). This is also why bodybuilders get away with cutting saturated fat and cholesterol from their diets

>(funny how the one 'natty' guy has no problem surpassing all these known juicers, eh?)
If Clarence weren't so lean, it wouldn't be hard to imagine that that someone like him could lift so much. A 750 pounds deadlift would've beaten Bob Peoples's record by 25 pounds, but he only weighed 181 when he hit that weight in 1949. Clarence can bench 440 at 220 pounds, which is very achievable naturally. Doug Hepburn hit 500 pounds back in 1953.

If it weren't for modern supplementation, you'd be a malnourished shrimp right now.

>vegan diet
>sustainable for the planet
you clearly are mentally deficient

Generation Iron is not a credible source, and you're braindead if you think it is

I'm not that same guy, and I actually believe a 500lb bench is possible naturally, but it's not feasible to maintain a high level of leanness while doing so. All i'm saying is generation iron is not a credible source for anything, let alone on testosterone use in early bodybuilding.

There are lots of men who can bench 455 naturally. Why would it be impossible to achieve a 500 pound bench press naturally? There have to be some men out there with the genetics, even if only one in a thousand men have the genetics needed to achieve a 500 pound bench press.

keep coping
I'm vegetarian though, so some cheese (infrequently).
But still, haven't had any issues putting on weight or strength

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I got to a 315lb bench press at 210lbs. It's not hard to imagine a few more years of natty lifting I could be pushing 200kg

I'm also a veggiefag and can binch 3pl8 natty.
Anyone who thinks you need some sort of modern supplementation to maintain health as a vegetarian knows literally nothing about proper nutrition/nutrient content in plant foods. Unfortunately, you're arguing against a retard who believes so blindly in what he thinks he knows he doesn't even have the courage to research the other side of the argument. You're effectively bashing your head against a brick wall, you can't make a retard not a retard.

You look like shit, please stop.

There's a huge difference between being a vegan and a vegetarian. You can get all of the saturated fat and cholesterol you need from dairy, and dairy has a much higher concentration of amino acids than any plant food.

Why do people care about this?

Pretty sure it was German paratroopers during WW2


obviously eating meat from a nutritional standpoint is easier and likely has lots of benefits but most people who eat vegan arent doing so because of nutritional reasons, but for environmental/ethical reasons that are external to the health benefits. the question isnt so much 'are there health costs to veganism' because there are the question is 'are those health costs worth it to some people because of their ethical commitments'

i think he arguing against veganism, not vegetarianism

Tell your mother to run past and I'll snatch her good



Maybe that's a fair comment, but you never hear that from the vegans. All we get is 24/7 "meat will kill you!" "The vegan diet is proven by science to be healthier!" Movies like the Gamechangers one after another....

(Not that I care, because only disgusting leftists go vegan and they deserve their fate)

I agree. The man is a legend...

>Not posting height and weight
What's the point?

vegetarianism isn't bad for gains though, eggs and milk are based

Who would be this guys polar opposite?

He lies about his steroid usage what makes you think he is honest about his diet? Half these vegan fitness youtubers eat eggs like Jon Venus, and they are all on steroids.

stop comparing Clarence's auxiliary lifts with people famous for single lifts. Sure Bob People pulled 725, but he was uniquely built for it with arms down to his fucking knees, literally, and he sure as fuck didn't come anywhere close to snatching 420 which is the lift Clarence actually focuses on. Doug Hepburn was 300lb when he benched 500, completely invalid comparison.

Maybe gojiman?
But every vegan (except Venus) is the total opposite of Sv3rige.

Sv3rige- Calm, healthy, natural, balanced.
Vegans- Screaming, angry, aggressive, dishonest, unhealthy, eat artificial foods.

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This shit again? Y’know Clarence is a weight lifter not a dedicated power lifter. His Oly lifts are world class, nobody gives a shit about powerlifting numbers. Powerlifters to Olympic lifters are like those guys who do driving range competitions because they suck at golf.

vegan != vegetarian you brain dead retards, maybe you shouldn't have stopped eating meat after all

That cunt is so fucking ugly that I rather turn gay than touch that with my dick if she was the last female on this planet. If I see her in real life I'll punch that smug grin right out of her malnutrition-ed visage.

He gets all the protein he needs from beans and shit. I get all of my protein from animal sources but I don't get this autistic hatred of vegans desu