Crater Acne Scars

How to get rid of indented crater acne scars guys I was so close to being a chad but my face is a pockmarked mess.

Please has anybody managed to achieve smooth skin after getting these fucking craters?

I seriously wanna kms.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Please help me

Hop on roids

Would like to know too.

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How would roids help this

Help please

would Yas Forums accept a girl with acne scars

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Is there no cure

Anybody tried dermarolling or microneedling?

I should kill myself.

help me

Nobody managed to fix it???

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Assuming these are samefriends you should really consider dermarolling with a collagen supplement.

Acne scars aren't a deal breaker.

have you tried it yourself
has it worked


why are you being like this

I can't take it anymore!!

All a girl has to do to win my heart is cuddle and do constant Asmr while handling my Rod

stem cells

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no but I was a landcow and I've seen incredible results with stretch marks and reducing loose skin. Acne scarring looks easier to heal than stretch marks and loose skin

If you already want to an hero over this you stand nothing to lose with a $20 collagen supplement and dermatologist visit. You can also just roll yourself.

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honestly wouldnt matter when im balls deep

I don’t think there will be any issue

Can you delete this haha
I try to be a decent human being
I treat others with kindness
It's not my fault my face is disfigured by acne and I feel like a subhuman from it haha

How often do you roll yourself and what length needles

I don't and my answer wouldn't be applicable anyway.

Look it up from people who have walked the path you're trying to look. I'm sure Google will yield fruit. If you aren't willing to do this then your scarring isn't affecting you that much.

Microinjury To heal surface level skin and fix collagen binding is pretty logical though. I've seen some irl friends who had fucked up faces do it to great effect.

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Search for "procicar nf"

Fuck that person bro. They probably have acne and are just shitty to other people with acne because they hate themselves

Go to professional dermatologist, which probably write prescription to:
- 10% benzoyl peroxide [care, it bleaches clothing heavily]
- 13-cis-retinoic acid (isotretinoin)

Don't forget to:
- drink at least 2-3l of water per day
- eat little processed food (lowest glycemic index)
- change pillowcase after night
- use micellar gel to clean your face (less skin irritation)

Doesn't really look like you've completely healed from your last flare up. The discoloration should be one of the first things to go.
See a dermatologist

this user is showing proper non-fresh scars.
Derma needling, time, and retin-A creme are your friends

>woman doesn't realize she's on no-clip mode and proceeds to fish for compliments
a tale as old as time

>lowest glycemic index
Meaningless measurement retard

Pic related

Also, buy a decent dermaroller.

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care to explain professor?

What dis

go to a dermatologist you whorediot why are you asking Yas Forums?

Grow a beard

Nigga bp is for treating acne not it's scarring

Yes this girl looks cute and I am very handsome please e date me.
Go see a dermatologist and get their opinion. Don’t be afraid to hop on some meds and save up some cash for scar removal. It’s about 1.5k so it’s not too bad and it’s completely worth it.

There was a thread about this earlier. For scars there is no off-the-shelf solutions, you need scar revision surgery.

Rolling scars - Subcision / HA Filler.
Icepick - TCA Cross.
Box scars - Infini RF.

50%+ improvement is possible (after many sessions of each, with the right specialist)

Attached: Scars.png (927x450, 316.23K)

Tea tree oil on existing and future pimples. It dries the oil on your face and kills the pimple. For the craters use moisturizer, but I think they’re permanent.
But don’t worry they’re not noticable once you get rid of the acne, and you’ll serve as a warning to people with heavy acne to NOT POP PIMPLES

Collagen supplements are a complete meme. It’s just protein. Your body doesn’t absorb whole collagen and just put it where it needs collagen. It breaks it down into amino acids and then does whatever it wants with them. It could end up in your muscles, or be converted to glucose, Etc.
For healthy skin you want mild sun exposure(basically between sunrise-11am and 3pm-sunset), lots of high quality saturated animal fats(eggs, fish, pasture raised beef), and a low stress lifestyle.

I’ve always popped pimples and never gotten a scar from it. Try not being a GDE next time

looking at OP pic, he has clearly acne issue too

redditor 1 year using 0.5mm dermaroller

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Will dermarolling work this lady did nothing but dermarolling

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Sun exposure is literally the worst thing for your skin. To stay youthful you need to avoid the sun and apply sunscreen daily.

Mine wasn't as bad as yours but I followed the plebbit SCA advice and adopted a routine that works for me:

Morning: Cleanse (any cleanser will do), apply salicylic acid (I used stridex pads, red box), wait 5 mins to dry, then apply a moisturizer (I use cerave lotion).

Evening: Same thing but before applying the moisturizer I apply a retinol. Anything with actual retinoids would do, but I use The Ordinary 1% retinol in squalene.

About a year of that and taking care of my diet and my skin is great. I'm 31 and people consistently mistake me for being in my early 20s.

Mate you've barely got any, stop worrying and focus on other things.

do u still have indented acne scars

Redditor 3 months progress with 0.75mm dermarolling done at home.

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How has no one said Fraxel laser? Expensive but works.

Attached: fraxel-acne-scar-treatment-ny.jpg (960x720, 58.37K)

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I'm skeptical of these images. Many are taken in different lights, which changes the appearance of scars. For most people with moderate or severe scarring dermarolling can only do so much (but it doesn't hurt to try).

No scaring at all. I occasionally get breakouts now and then. I have very oily skin (hence the bad acne in my teens).

buy the following
use this twice a day
this twice a day

definitely looks better, how often do you do it?

fuck u then idiot this thread is about indented acne scarring

Read what I was replying to smoothbrain.
"Do you still have scars"
"No scaring at all" ie anymore. Jesus you people can be thick.

dont lie topical stuff can't cure indented acne scarring

DEOS IT WOOORK????????????

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>No scaring at all ie anymore
"No scaring at all" in that context implies you have never had scaring, not that you used to have it but don't now