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Did you?

Why does Jim Profit ban you?

If you just stop ejaculating, you don't need status, gf, or money.

The job thing sucks ass. Around here I can only find jobs that want you there at like 5-6 am or they're overnight shifts. No car and the busses only start at 6. been looking for work in walking distance but can't find shit. Now with this virus its going to be even harder. Really contemplating just getting on the dole until I can afford a car.


get a fucking job


Im a nigga! fuck yall!



step one didn't work

good job op keep the normies out off Yas Forums


might as well not bother with it then

I've been here since 2006.

Every good decision I've made in that time is influenced by what I've read here and every mistake is easily traced to when I acted without consulting you guys. Maybe some of you would be better off leaving but I'd be broke and fat without Yas Forums.

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>getting a gf
why is that on this list
I don't fucking want a gf, why would I need another gains gobin

get a gf that's about getting her gains and yours too.

women don't deserve us king

Anything in moderation, this site isn't necessarily bad. I still come back to this place after all this time because it's the only place on the internet where I actually like the people. No other place feels the same.

>get some good friendships. if you've followed the instructions on how to leave Yas Forums this should be easy

stopped reading right there

I came to Yas Forums in the first place because I was a sperg who was a social pariah in every single period of my life. leaving this place won't make me suddenly normal

>leave Yas Forums
ok, you first bro

I'm not following any plan that requires me to make a fedbook account

>good jobs
>available just like that in basically any shithole of a town

your memes based on boomer experiences suck, I hope you get corona'd

What is this love for "fish oil"? What are the benefits of it?

fuck jannies

If I never catch Corona I'm unironically leaving this shit hole, and there is a case up the street from my house.


>Leave Yas Forums
Go ahead and do it again.

LMAO at the expectation of getting a steady 9-5 from positions that openly post about hiring. At least for retail and service jobs you're looking at needing to have absolute availability for open hours just to get 28 hours a week of wonky, unpredictable midshift or closing hours.

jim profit

>buying a woman something before you even know her name

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my man squadW

>dude it's so easy you just have to do it
yeah, no. fuck you and your normie tier advice.

Hahahaha newfag

Get me out of this godforsaken place




I already have a gf though

Lazy nigger
Most partys have free drinks. What the OP's talking about is taking shots together or mixing a drink for her. You obviously have never been to a party.

Fuck this website. It's been helpful but at this point I'm not going to improve any more if I keep coming here. I have an extra week of spring break (thanks corona-chan!) and I don't intend to spend it browsing Yas Forums.

Could you give some examples of both?

God these are all such Highschool plebbit tier points of advice... Some of it is good but turning your life and yourself into something better is very fucking hard if you do it correctly.



80% of the people here have issues with their self worth, direction, drive, purpose, emotional stability, willpower, and in other words, INTERNAL shit. If you try to build your life on all that superficial shit like I NEED TO IMPRESS OTHERS AND DO THIS AND THAT FOR THE SAKE OF STATUS EVERYTHING IS VANITY, you'll fail miserably at everything cause you didn't address the root of the problem. It's not "oh shit I've been too stupid about interacting with the outside world lets just be smart now", it's mainly "oh shit my brain is highly underdeveloped in some major internal capacities that effect everything about myself and my existence and I need to work on them long and hard to truly improve.

Plenty of anons are fine on the outside it's the insides that are fucked up.

Read Discourses of Epictetus

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Got a gf, alpha, and getting a degree while working. Still use Yas Forums. However, I did leave when I started trying to get a gf. You can always come back after you know how things really are and you can separate life from memes.

>switched major from history to chemistry
>ditched girl who was clearly toxic
>hung out more with granddad before he passed
>started lifting
>fixed diet
>read better books


>simped after oneitis
>leased expensive car instead of just buying practical one
>ran my mouth to job interviewers
>lost a couple good friends for no reason

Yas Forums and /tg/ have had my back for over a decade.

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He’s an asshole

This desu. This place is alright small doses, just don't spend your entire day here.
>Tfw I've spent my entire day here for the past week and feel fucking horrible
The truth is that spending too much time on any community on the internet is absolute cancer, and Yas Forums is no worse than anywhere else given you spend your time here mdoerately.

Wish me luck bros

If you want to get banned, you're better off making a post on some other board pretending to be underage


I already work online. Anyone know any jobs that have a lot of downtime or are easily automatable?

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Admin here, I'm going to ban you all including myself!!!!FACT!!!!!!


>Admin here

>go around looking for a job, no matter what it is
Shit advice made for normie drones. Don't put yourself in that situation of wageslaving forever. Yet again most people have no choice because their mindless parents kick them out the moment they turn 18 instead of helping them transition into adults.

>finish high school
>wageslave for 1 year, saving up enough for uni and a car if you don't like public transport
>study in a field you love, therefore excel
>buy a car if you didn't already
>get a job you love because you excelled
>meet someone along the way
>save up enough to buy a house together in a quiet, white neighborhood
>finally move out
>find ways of getting passive income
>start saving money away
>start stockpiling resources in case of emergencies
>start a family while you're still young
>let your wife stay home to care for the kids and house while you handle the incomes
>raise your kids and become a fulfilled man
>help your kids transition into adulthood
>retire and live off passive income and savings for your remaining 30-40 years
>look forward to grandchildren

Debt is for losers

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>leave Yas Forums
>but use Facebook
I get where you're coming from OP but your shit is all stupid
Not a good advice because not all parents pay for your shit
On what does your car run? Fucking air? What do you eat? Fucking air?
>wageslave for 1 year is enough to buy a car and fully pay uni and live off while you excel in said uni
Fuck off with your utopian bullcrap, you're assuming an instance where parents carry your ass throughout early adulthood. Most people I know had to get a full time job on the black by the time they were 15 and 16. I worked in a carpentry shop polishing planks for furniture all day long since I was in high school.

Yes, what you said is the ideal outcome, but everybody got a plan until life punches them in the face.

Already moved out, got a job, lift, have a gf
Still don't feel like I've made it and probably never will

Night shifts are based
Higher pay, less human interaction, if you go to a 24hr gym you can have the whole place to yourself